death train

Chapter 1412

The roar of the Dragon ape is constantly ringing. This time, the Dragon ape is completely enraged. The rain, like thousands of knives, stabs the Dragon ape at the same time.

The intense pain made the Dragon ape fall into madness. At the same time, the blood from the body dyed the white hair of the Dragon ape blood red.

"But..." The leaf Cha ponders a way: "not enough!"

Ye Cha held his hands for a while, then the black liquid surged, and quickly condensed into a huge hammer in Ye Cha's palm. Then ye Cha raised his hand and swept the hammer toward the air.

The handle of the hammer stretched continuously, and at the moment when the Dragon ape fell from the air, it hit the Dragon ape fiercely.

The Dragon ape's body fell to the ground like a shell, making a hole in the ground.

The leaf Cha still doesn't do to stop, toward the direction of dragon ape rush.

But at the moment when he came to the Dragon ape, ye Cha suddenly felt something was wrong.

It's a kind of instinctive, indescribable, unclear feeling.

After a long period of fighting, this instinct will be naturally cultivated, which is the perception of danger approaching.

Ye Cha immediately stopped, but

It's late!

The Dragon ape suddenly sat up, and the dragon claw grabbed forward. The speed was much faster than before. He pinched Ye Cha's neck.


Dragon ape roared, saliva flowing down the corner of his mouth, which was very ferocious.

The body of the Dragon ape turned bright red, not because the flowing blood dyed its hair red, but because the body of the Dragon ape was turning red.

Hair, flesh and blood, and even the Dragon horn on the forehead, have become a bright red color, as if the fire is burning.

Yecha can feel that the body of the Dragon ape has changed and become more powerful.



The dragon claw pulled the black liquid, and then the dragon tail swept forward.


The flame appeared in front of Ye Cha's body and crystallized rapidly.

The red flame armor started at the right time, but it couldn't stop the Dragon ape's attack. The crystal flame was smashed. The dragon's tail swept the middle brake's chest and swept the leaf brake out.

At the moment when the leaf brake fell to the ground, the direction of the dragon's tail changed and suddenly fell down towards the leaf brake thorn.

The black liquid immediately surged up and condensed into a ball in front of yecha's body, blocking the dragon tail.


Hiss, hiss

The black liquid is constantly emitting white smoke, which is constantly being evaporated.

High temperature!

Dragon ape's body is like a huge fireball at the moment. There is a high temperature on its surface, which is constantly eroding the black liquid.

Yecha was a little regretful, because he couldn't figure out the situation. He had known that for a long time. When he was on kawasi Island, he should have read the illustrated book carefully. Maybe he could know what was going on and the ability of dragon ape.

It's a pity that ye Cha didn't think that after that, the information in the illustrated books could still be used. He just had a cursory look. Especially for the extraordinary ancient species, ye Cha didn't really care. After all, he didn't want to see them.

This kind of regret only existed in Ye Cha's head for a very short time, because ye Cha didn't have any time to regret these at the moment.

The Dragon ape has come up.


The Dragon ape smashed his fist on the black liquid, smashed a piece of the black liquid, suddenly opened his mouth and bit it down towards Ye Cha's shoulder.

The sharp teeth, pierced the black liquid, and then pierced the blade of the leaf brake, severe pain constantly hit.

Ye Cha is also a ruthless character. He can't push the Dragon ape away with two low drinks, so he doesn't push it.

At present, the control of the body is in the hands of the fatal, but the fatal and the yecha belong to the symbiosis of one heart, and we can feel the will of the yecha.

Yecha's will goes against the fatal way, but

Fatal choice obedience!

The black liquid surging up quickly, those black liquid swing to both sides, and then fiercely wrapped the Dragon ape's body, the Dragon ape tightly grasp.

The next moment, the black liquid that was smashed by the Dragon ape and scattered around suddenly rose from the ground and turned into black spines and stabbed at the Dragon ape.

Poof, poof, poof

Black spines constantly pierce the body of the Dragon ape, dense, and stab the body of the Dragon ape like a hedgehog.

The Dragon ape roared continuously, and then hit Ye Cha's head with his angry fist.

With a bang, ye Cha's head was hit by the Dragon ape, and then he hit the ground again. Ye Cha suddenly saw stars, but he still gritted his teeth and suddenly raised his right hand.

Black liquid surging, quickly into a sharp blade.


The sharp blade pierces the body of the Dragon ape.The Dragon ape's body has changed, the body surface has high temperature, at the same time become fierce, but the defense seems to decline.

"Come on!" Looking at the continuous roar of the Dragon ape, ye Cha also said: "look who will die first!"

Ye Cha was also playing with his life. He gave a chance to revive. After pulling out the blade made of black water, he stabbed the Dragon ape.

Dragon ape roared again, the body became more hot, constantly struggling.

However, the black liquid tightly wrapped the Dragon ape and the leaf brake, and they could not escape from each other's eyes.

The dragon tail behind the Dragon ape once again raised and became more bright red. White steam continuously gushed out from the tail end, and then the dragon tail fell toward the leaf brake thorn.


Dragon's tail pierced the black liquid, and then hit Ye Cha's abdomen.

Ye Cha's body suddenly tilted up, coughing, coughing up blood, but in the next moment, ye Cha clenched his teeth again.

The black liquid surged quickly, and then the Dragon ape's tail was firmly bound.

"Totally I got you... " Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "crazy soldier!"

Berserker: when you enter Berserker state, your physical fitness will increase by 150%. You can't add other physical fitness enhancement abilities. When using heavy weapons, your strength will increase by 50%. You can gain the ability of speeding regeneration, fighting bravely, killing madly and bravery.

There is a conflict between the lethal state and the Dragon state. Both are morphological abilities. Therefore, they cannot be used at the same time. However, you can use the dragon form ability first and then enter the lethal state.

In this way, the ability of time continuity like Bailong Tianwei will continue to be maintained. After all, when this kind of ability is turned on, ye Cha can't even cancel it.

There is no such conflict in Berserker state, because it is pure, the improvement of physical quality, there is no morphological change, so it can be used with the lethal state at the same time.

The next moment, after entering the crazy warrior state, ye Cha obviously felt the strength in his body, which was gradually improving.

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