death train

Chapter 1434

Ye Cha quickened the speed of his sword.

Theoretically, six dragons flying in the sky is not affected by the speed of the hand, because it takes time for the sword light to condense into the shape of a dragon, and this time is constant.

However, if you wield the sword faster, you will feel faster, even if it's just an illusion.

It's the fourth blood dragon!

The guy with helmet is faster and more agile than ye Cha imagined. It's not proportional to his figure. The muscles that hold up his clothes show that his opponent is definitely not small, but not bulky at all.

Ye Cha still sneers at the cold hum. No matter how fast it is, it's useless. The more he dodges, the more powerful the six dragons are. When the six blood dragons come out together, the explosive power is absolutely terrible.

Ye Cha thought so and waved his sword again. Since he wanted to hide, let him hide enough.

Six dragons come out together!

With the end of the remaining two sword wielding, the six blood dragons were condensed and ferociously rushed to each other.

At the same time, ye Cha winked at Ye Yue.

Two dozen at the moment!

Ye Yue didn't say anything. She shot directly.

This time it's not an iron cage, it's


Iron walled cage is easy to use, but it's more targeted. If it's not a small-scale area attack and locks the opponent in the iron walled cage, then this move can only help the opponent defend.

After all, it's a cuboid made of barriers. The barriers are defensive. If you hit the iron cage from the outside, ye Yue is helping the other party to defend.

So, bondage is the best choice.

Bondage can only last for a moment, and the other party seems to have adapted to the feeling of bondage. The effect of brain power impact is somewhat reduced. At first, it can bondage the other party for about one second, but now it can only bondage for half a second.

However, half a second is enough, because the blood dragon is very fast.

Just half a second stiff, six blood dragons rushed to each other at the same time, gnawing at each other.

But in this moment

After the man broke free, he suddenly raised his right hand and took off his glove.

"Magic eye!"

The man hung his head and raised his hand forward.

In that palm, there is an eye pupil, which is long in the palm position, open, even the eye pupil is still constantly shaking.

The next moment, the huge suction suddenly appeared from the eye pupil, the surrounding air quickly gathered in the past, and quickly formed a vortex.

Then the six blood dragons struggled, their bodies twisted and compressed, and they were all sucked in by the pupils.

The leaf Cha is also some silly eyes, even if the leaf Cha again silly, also know that the previous Dodge is the other side intentionally for it.

In fact, the first two characteristics of the six dragons flying into the sky may not be obvious, but when the blood dragons gather more, they will definitely see the clue. The other side still chooses to dodge, obviously with premeditation.

And what surprised Ye Cha even more was still behind. After that eye pupil sucked six blood dragons in, the other side suddenly closed his hand. Then when the hand opened again, the color of that eye pupil suddenly changed.

Originally, the color of the eye pupil was black, but now, the eye pupil suddenly turned into gold.

Golden, seems to be covered with a layer of streamer.

And then

Six dragons flying!

In that eye pupil, a golden blood Dragon flew out, opened a big mouth and rushed towards the leaf cha.


The leaf brake reverses to suck mouth cool air, so shameless ability? How could you use my tricks to deal with me?

However, the leaf Cha turns to think, so shameless ability, oneself seem to also have.

Ye Cha immediately reached out to touch his waist. As a result, he felt empty, and the sword fell to Nanjiang.

The leaf Cha low scolds a, oneself again this matter to forget, then immediately bend to point to a bullet.

The gun of the storm!

Torrential rain gun: release a large number of strings, covering a range of continuous attacks.

String of the ring constantly flying out of thin lines, toward the sky, in the air after the arc, quickly toward the bottom of the thorn.

Those thin lines are not the opponents of the blood dragon at all, but they can kill the blood dragon continuously in the continuous attack. When the first blood dragon comes to yecha, it is full of holes.

Ye Cha immediately waved his sword and smashed the blood dragon.

Then, ye Cha meets the second blood dragon.

Ye Cha uses a lot of weapons for Liulong Feitian. After all, ye Cha's main weapon is sword, from Wang Zhisheng sword to centipede sword, from centipede sword to evil eye sword, from evil eye sword to sword falling in southern Xinjiang, from sword falling in southern Xinjiang to Gemini sawtooth sword.

Although the weapons have been changing, the sword weapons have always been Ye Cha's conventional weapons. Especially after learning the three moves from the evil eye sword, ye Cha completely fixed his main weapon as the sword. After all, the three moves are really not weak, so it's too wasteful to use them.But ye Cha although six dragons fly a sky to use a lot of, but oneself to go up personally, return really is the first time.

After the first blood dragon was broken, ye Cha stepped forward without hesitation, crossed the Blood Sword and chose the hard anti blood dragon.

It's impossible to dodge. Ye Cha's sword move is very clear. The hell place is very open. There is no shelter around to dodge and guide the blood dragon to complete the attack.

But the simple Dodge is useless, only can let the blood dragon gather, becomes more difficult to deal with, might as well come directly hard.


The blood dragon collides with the blood sword in Ye Cha's hand. Ye Cha feels the huge thrust, and the blood dragon's power is enormous.

This should have been the feeling that ye Cha's enemies should experience, but now it's Ye Cha's turn to feel it by himself.

At the same time, ye Cha felt some slight pain in his body, because his body was constantly scratched.

The essence of blood dragon is sword skill. When blood dragon collides with blood sword, the broken parts of its body become pieces of halo.

These halo fragments flying around the body of the leaf brake will cut the body of the leaf brake, leaving scars.

Although they are all skin injuries, they can add up.


Feeling the pain from the body, ye Cha suddenly lowers his head and roars.


It's very difficult to resist the six dragons flying in the sky only by conventional means. You know, this is just the second blood dragon.

On yecha's body, a scale pattern similar to dragon scale appeared quickly, with dragon horns on his forehead.

Next moment, ye Cha raises his head and roars!

Dragon roar!

The air flow around was immediately disturbed. With the sound of the dragon, the blood dragon in front of yecha was torn up in an instant. Then yecha passed through the broken blood dragon and rushed forward.

At the moment of charging forward, ye Cha raised his hand and pressed forward!

Hao Long Yan Po!

The air around the leaf brake became hot, and countless dragon breath fire floated around the leaf brake.

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