death train

Chapter 1435

The fire of Long Xi quickly condenses, turns into the shape of a burning dragon, and flies out towards the front.

Next moment, the two dragons collide!

The blood dragon and the Yan dragon collide with each other, entangle and tear each other, which is extremely fierce.

However, Yanlong was obviously cut up and torn bit by bit, and ye Cha was not surprised. Although it was a move to enter the Dragon state, it was not a big move to press the bottom of the box. Haolong yanpo was not as good as Liulong Feitian.

But it's not surprising. There are still some surprises. Ye Cha didn't expect that the other party had perfectly copied six dragons flying in the sky, not only in shape, but also in power.

In other words, the other party's ability doesn't want to be copied. It's like swallowing the six dragons flying in the sky of yecha, and then releasing them. However, the target becomes yecha.

In his mind, ye Cha puts down his finger, and the fire of dragon breathing emerges again. He flies out towards the front and enters Yan Long's body.

His own move, of course, I know best. If I can't deal with the blood dragon, ye Cha won't release Hao long yanpo.

In fact, there is a big difference between the two.

Blood dragon can't strengthen, a sword is a dragon, but, Haolong Yan broken can!

With the fire of Longxi constantly entering into Yanlong's body, Yanlong's torn body is soon plump up, and then constantly deadlocked, collided, and finally smashed together with the blood dragon.

Stop the third blood dragon, ye Cha strides forward, and then ye Cha sees the fourth blood dragon coming towards him.

The leaf cha in the heart scolds Niang, really fight with own move, the leaf Cha just discovers own move is really not general let a person dislike, simply endless.

But if you think so, you have to fight naturally!

White Dragon King!

Ye Cha instantly entered the state of White Dragon King, and his body changed again. The scales on his body turned into substantial white dragon scales, covering his whole body. At the same time, ye Cha's body became stronger.

Poof, poof!

Behind the leaf brake, two Dragon Wings suddenly stretched out, and then incited, leaf brake toward the sky.

Hot water!

From a high position, ye Cha looked down from the air and watched the blood dragon soar into the sky. Countless bubbles appeared around Ye Cha, and the water in the air was absorbed by Ye cha in an instant.

Then ye Cha raised his hand again, a flame flew out toward the bottom, and the bubbles around burst and turned into water.

The water flow and the flame are shrouded together. They are obviously mutual restraint things, but they have no influence on each other. They just become crazy and irritable, and collide with the fourth blood dragon.

It's true that Haolong yanpo is not the enemy of the blood dragon. However, if you use the White Dragon Queen at the same time, the ability of the two fantasy dragon systems will be different.

The fourth blood dragon was instantly smashed, and even directly rushed to the fifth blood dragon!

At the same time, leaf brake body twist, dive from the air and fall.

The fifth blood dragon collided with hongliubaichuan, but this time, the blood dragon resisted.

On the one hand, Hongliu Baichuan's power has been weakened because of the collision with a blood dragon. On the other hand, the characteristic of six dragons flying in the sky is that a blood dragon is better than a blood dragon.

Hongliu Baichuan was finally smashed. Ye Cha took advantage of the situation, opened his hands left and right, tore the blood dragon at the end of the crossbow, and then continued to charge downward.

The last blood dragon!

It's too late!

The electric current suddenly appeared on the yecha's body. The blue arc was beating constantly, wrapping yecha's body. Then yecha hit the last blood dragon.

Among the six dragons flying in the sky, the last blood dragon is undoubtedly the most destructive.

However, ye Cha is now fully open fire, frantically releasing the current stored in the mine core, enhancing the power of the arc, forcing the impact of the blood dragon.


The sixth blood dragon burst into pieces and turned into countless red lights. It rained on the ground and looked very beautiful.

The momentum of Ye Cha's dive was also blocked by the last blood dragon, but ye Cha's attack did not stop.

The arc around the blade brake is flowing rapidly like water, and then converges into the palm of the blade brake. When the blade brake's arm swings, a blue current cuts through the sky and falls towards the other side.

The other side stood in place, did not dodge the slightest meaning, facing the current, suddenly raised the palm!

The golden eye pupil quickly turned, and strong suction appeared around again. The air flew wildly, and the space around seemed to be distorted in this moment.

When thunder falls into this space, naturally the space becomes distorted and irregular, and then it is sucked in by the pupil.

The next moment, the other side opens and closes the palm, and then a thunder suddenly rings out. An electric current is released from the pupil of the eye, constantly making a harsh "Zila" sound, coming towards the leaf brake in the sky.

Do you want a face!

Ye Cha's heart can't help but paddle over this idea. It's OK to absorb other people's attack. It's OK to use it directly after absorbing it. It's OK to use it. It's OK to swallow Liulong Feitian just now. Now it's OK to swallow electric current? Can it be used continuously without any restrictions?Ye Cha wanted to curse, but he didn't mean to dodge. He let the current split on himself, and then

It's back in the body!

Leihe: after genetic change, it can store electricity in the body and use it when needed.

Thunder core is an evolutionary version of the battery capacity made by lightning. It can absorb and store electric power. Any electric power can be used. It doesn't matter whether the blade brake releases it or not.

Therefore, any attack of thunder and lightning, unless the reserve of the thunder core is full, is invalid to the brake, because it will be absorbed by the thunder core.

Falling back to the ground from the air, ye Cha didn't rush to attack any more. The pupil in the palm of the opponent's hand was a little abnormal. He swallowed what he used. How could he fight?

This ability can be used for defense as well as counterattack. The final one is counterattack or counterattack with the attack of the brake, which is equivalent to containing the attack of the brake.

Ye Cha pondered, do you want to attack again? Can't you use this ability without limit? If there is no time limit, it is likely that there is a limit on the number of uses.

"Spiritual shock!"

Ye Cha is pondering, but at this time, ye Cha's back suddenly comes a light drink, but ye Yue suddenly moves.

Of course, ye Yue just stood there and didn't even lift her arm, but that's what Superman is like. Many of her attacks are invisible and invisible to the naked eye.

How else can we say that Superman is particularly annoying, because in all aspects, Superman does have many abilities to be annoying.

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