death train

Chapter 1436

Ye Yue didn't move, neither did the other.

However, ye Cha knew that they were having a fierce fight.

Ye Cha saw the blood!

The man in the helmet spilled blood from the corner of his mouth. It flowed down the corner of his mouth and slid across his neck. It was very clear.

Ye Yue's expression is not good, the small face is very ferocious, at the same time, it is very pale, obviously in the crazy urge brain domain ability.

But that's good news. That pupil doesn't start, which means that pupil doesn't work on brain power.

The leaf Cha heart a joy, then fiercely forward rushed to go out, such a good attack opportunity, if oneself let go of words, that can be really want to suffer a day to punish.

Ye Cha's speed is very fast. Although he doesn't know how to attack the spirit shock and how to resist it, he doesn't move now and doesn't respond to Ye Cha's charge. That's good news.

However, in the leaf brake rushed to the other side in front of the moment.

Ye Yue's double pupil closed quickly, changed back to the normal pupil, covered her chest for several steps, and called to Ye Cha: "be careful!"

At the same time, the man made a response, toward the leaf brake.



If we meet in a narrow road, the brave will win!

Ye Cha made a choice in an instant and clenched his fist.

It's too late!

Ye Cha's fists gushed out electric current, wrapped the whole arm, the blue arc was beating, and then ye Cha's fist was shot forward.

No retreat, no stay.

This is the fist to fist bombardment, only bombardment!


Their fists collided in the air, and a dull sound appeared. A circle of air waves along their fists swung around. Then the other side opened his mouth and spewed out blood. It was obvious that ye Cha won this round.

The leaf Cha doesn't have any pause, since want to fight, want to kill the other side!

Ye Cha's legs bent and his body bounced forward. Just like a hunting cheetah, he ran forward again and raised his fist again.

"Hundred eyes!"

At the bottom of the helmet, some hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and then the other party suddenly grabbed his clothes and tore them to pieces, revealing his strong muscles, and

Dense pupil of the eye!

In each other's chest, waist, arm, even dense full of eyes.

"Six rounds of magic killing!"

Hoarse voice sounded again, and then the other person's eyes shine.

Red, blue, yellow, purple, green

Those eyes exude different brilliance, and those radiance blend together to form an extremely dazzling multicolor streamer. When ye Cha rushes up, ye Cha will be shrouded in it in an instant.

Pain, severe pain!

Those streamer brilliant, as if countless handle knife general, in the leaf brake body constantly pull.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth. Now that he had been wrapped up in streamer splendor, he didn't want to dodge. Instead, he charged forward with all his strength, intending to break through the streamer splendor.

Then ye Cha's chest seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, his throat was sweet, his mouth was fresh, but he pushed forward a meter or two, and came to the edge of brilliant light.

The leaf Cha doesn't hesitate a punch to blow out.

The electric current reappeared, suddenly broke through, streamer splendor, toward each other.

The man was also very surprised, obviously did not expect, in this case, even can not push back the leaf brake, even let the leaf brake almost rushed out, but also launched an attack.

It was just a moment. Although it was a short moment, I wanted to raise my hand and absorb the current released by the leaf brake, it was too late. The current blasted at each other's chest.

Bang, bang!

Almost at the same time, both ye Cha and the other party were shocked out and fell on the ground.

Ye Cha twisted on the ground for a while, stood up in pain and looked at his body. He couldn't help taking a cold breath. No wonder it was so painful. All the wounds were on his body.

Ye Cha's clothes had been completely cut into strips, and then from the clavicle to his waist, there were at least ten wounds, some deep and some shallow, the shallowest one was skin injury, and the deepest one was bone.

"Damn, why didn't the red flame armor start?"

Ye Cha murmured, and then found that he had to blame himself for this, because he didn't use the red flame armor when he participated in the target game, so that he would not be shot suddenly by others, and the flame of the red flame armor would be directly exposed.

It's really terrible to get used to this thing, because this kind of thing is not needed at ordinary times, so that ye Cha forgot or ignored it directly.

Otherwise, with the protection of ChiYan armor, although it may not be able to block the brilliant streamer, at least it will not hurt so much.However, although Ye Cha grinned because of the pain, he was not in a bad mood, and the other side was no better than himself.

In the last hit, the opponent's chest was directly blackened by electricity, his flesh and blood turned out, completely burnt, smoking black smoke, and the injury was really not light.

At the same time, because of Ye Yue's spiritual impact, ye Cha believes that the other party is actually more hurt.

Especially the mental impact, mental level injury, is not so easy to recover.

Physical injury can be treated with medicine. If it has the ability of regeneration or self-healing, it can accelerate the recovery of the body.

It's almost impossible for the landlady of the dining car to recover from the trauma slowly, but there's no medicine in her hand that can only cure the trauma slowly.

Since the other party's injury is more serious than his own

That's killing each other, of course!

The leaf Cha is strong to endure the pain, connect the cell activity medicament all don't need, directly darted forward to go out.

It's too late!

Ye Cha raised his fist again. At the same time, the familiar electric current gushed out from ye Cha's body again, turning into countless jumping arcs, wrapping Ye Cha's arm.

But at this time, the other side is also out of the arm, but the other side is not showing the fist, but the palm.

The pupil in the middle of the palm of the hand swayed left and right again.

"Damn it

The leaf Cha low scolds a, hastens the electric current that twines on the arm to withdraw, but the fist speed does not reduce, continue to toward the other party to hurl.

Ye Cha doesn't believe it. The other party's ability can swallow six dragons flying, swallow electric current. Can he swallow his own arm, then spit it out and blow himself!

But the fact is frightening, that eye pupil is really swallowing the body, but it's not ye Cha's body.

The air around the eye pupil twisted again, the air around was sucked, forming a large eddy, and then the man's body twisted, constantly shaking, suddenly was sucked in by the golden eye pupil.

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