death train

Chapter 1438

Yecha is a little worried.

The best result is that the corpse flower is intercepted, does not arrive at the Devil Island, or is injured and runs away, and the worst case, of course, is to be destroyed.

But that possibility is zero, at least for now.

The reason is very simple. If the corpse flower is destroyed, it will be deleted from his personal information by the death train. Moreover, because the corpse flower is part of yecha's strength, if it is deleted, it will also affect yecha's rating.

In other words, the death train's evaluation of Ye Cha's extraordinary level may fall back to king 5, even if ye Cha has completed the task of hunting the extraordinary ancient species and received two tasks: the extraordinary road and the position challenge.

So, at present, if you don't hear the mysterious voice, it means that the corpse flower is still alive. As for whether it's abandoned or alive, it's not sure, but as long as it's alive.

As long as they don't die, they can always be saved. The biggest characteristic of xenobiotics is their strong vitality. No matter how human beings take the medicine of physical fitness, they can't reach that level.

Of course, Feilong's metamorphosis of extreme physical evolution can't be counted, but in fact, human beings with extreme physical evolution can only compare with humanoid xenobiotics. In terms of vitality, they are still inferior to non humanoid xenobiotics.

Of course, corpse flower belongs to a non-human alien species. Basically, as long as the main flower is not destroyed, corpse flower can even be said to be immortal. After all the vines of corpse flower have been cut, there is nothing wrong with it. It's good to grow again. Moreover, after entering the complete body, it has evolved several times, and the growth speed of corpse flower is amazing.

Anyway, ye Cha can only think about the characteristics of these corpse flowers at the moment to comfort himself. If he can't find the trace of corpse flowers, ye Cha has no way at all.

A moment later, ye Cha recovers from the injury and waves his hand to Ye Yue, indicating that he can go.

Ye Yue doesn't talk nonsense either. She reaches out her hand to wipe the void directly. The heads of the remaining seven or eight zombies burst open at the same time. They turn into headless bodies and fall on the ground. The blood is mixed with brains and flows all over the ground.

Ye Cha and ye Yue leave quickly and go to the lighthouse from the ramp on the side of the prison.

On the road, we saw scattered zombies and human beings being chased.

But there are not many people in the direction of the lighthouse, because it is useless to escape here, and it can be said that it is a dead end.

There are two reasons for death. One is that the direction of the lighthouse is the sea cliff, at least forty or fifty meters high, and there are intricate reefs below. Most people jump down, unless they are God's illegitimate son, or they will die.

So, that direction was blocked by zombies, and there was almost no way out.

Second, when going in that direction, the staff of the target game will give a warning. Although they will not stop, they will tell the public that certain areas near the lighthouse are not allowed to move, and there are armed guards.

If you want to go, you can. As long as you enter the area, the other party will definitely shoot directly, regardless of whether there are zombies behind you.

Ye Cha stood at the top of the hillside, watching a middle-aged man being knocked down by a zombie, yelling and shooting with a pistol, smashing the head of the zombie, and then being held down by more zombies.

The man struggled in pain, and his flesh and blood were torn off. Then the corner of his eye just saw Ye Cha and ye Yue at the top of the hillside, and immediately cried out: "help me."

Ye Cha shakes his head, signals to Ye Yue, and then prepares to move on.


At this time, the man suddenly shot in the direction of the leaf brake, and the bullet hit the ground at the foot of the leaf brake, causing a dust.

The man in you is as crazy as he is. He yells hysterically, "save me, or I'll kill you."

The leaf Cha didn't speak, and gradually walked away with the leaf month.

The man madly fired several shots at Ye Cha's back until all the bullets were used up. He was completely engulfed by the zombie, and his throat was bitten off by a zombie, with blood flowing.

People always catch the last straw at the last moment. Unfortunately, it's useless. Even if ye Cha suddenly finds something called conscience and saves the man, is it useful?

It's useless!

As long as the zombie has been bitten, it will be infected with zombie virus. The end of that man has already been doomed.

"Even so..." Ye Cha says to Ye Yue: "occasionally, I still hate myself for being so rational."

"At least it's not a bad thing."

Ye Yue shrugs her shoulders indifferently. The more she sees things like life and death, the more she feels that life in this era is cheap, unable to change and can only adapt.

Ye Yue said: "let's get down to business. Zombies are still around, and human beings are still fleeing. Just now I sensed that there were two people fighting on the other side, one of them died."

Ye Cha pointed to the distance and said, "the staff of target game, the people of seshens."

Ye Yue nodded and said: "this means that the target game is still going on. If Mr. seshens is on the island, it should still be there. But it's strange. Even if Mr. seshens is a fool, he won't think that we are ordinary people and live to say that we are normal participants in the target game.""Yes, but no one is bothering us now. Why doesn't seshens send for us?" Ye Cha frowned and said, "I have a bad premonition. Are you feeling underground?"

Ye Yue said: "I have been perceiving, but I haven't found it."

Ye Cha nods, no longer talking nonsense, but speeds up and goes to the lighthouse.

In front of the lighthouse, there is a long ramp, because this place is originally a sea cliff, and the height is not low. Of course, the ramp was repaired later when the prison was built.

Ye Cha and ye Yue go up the ramp. Before they reach the top, they suddenly look at each other and can see the meaning from each other's eyes.

Something's wrong!

Ye Cha smelled the smell of blood. Although it was not strong, it was obvious. It could be clearly smelled from the air.

As for ye Yue, she not only smelled the smell of blood, but also felt it.

They no longer walk slowly, but run directly.

When we get under the lighthouse

Big zombies!

Ye Cha said: "it's the hands of seshens!"

Those zombies were dressed in uniform camouflage clothes, which could not be the people who participated in the target game. Although Mr. seshens would put in his own wrong people in the target game, there were usually only one or two.

There are dozens of zombies here, more than half of the target game participants.

At the same time, there are bloodstains on the bodies of these zombies, which means that these people should not be dead long, because the zombie virus infection has just become a zombie.

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