death train

Chapter 1439

Ye Yue doesn't talk nonsense either. When the zombies gather around, she gives a direct look, and the heads of the zombies explode continuously, turning into headless bodies one by one and falling to the ground.

Yecha sighed once again that super human is convenient. Even if yecha's current strength, it is not easy to solve such a large area of ordinary zombies with conventional means.

First of all, we should be able to deal with group injuries. Secondly, if the so-called group injuries are multi-target injuries rather than area coverage, it is not easy to kill so many zombies at one time.

Finally, even if it's regional coverage, it's not likely that there will be no fish missing the net. For example, the gun of rainstorm is the group damage of regional coverage, but can ye Cha guarantee that every shot will hit the head?

Obviously, we can't. It's like superman. Take a look at it directly, release the brain power, and then

Then there is no then!

Of course, ye Yue did not dare to use this method to hunt ordinary zombies before she had seven dust swords. Brain consumption is always a big problem for super human beings.

But with Qichen sword, it's not a problem. It's not very effective to use Qichen sword to recover brain regions when you face the experts alone. Because Qichen sword is too weak, people won't be stupid to give you the chance to recover continuously.

But when dealing with ordinary zombies, ye Cha thinks that even if there is a tide of zombies, ye Yue can kill them alone. She pays attention to killing them instead of escaping.

The zombie tide is the energy consumption of the dead. With the help of Qichen sword, ye Yue can't be killed. Of course, the zombie tide is mixed with powerful variation zombies, which is another matter.

At the same time, just when ye Cha's thoughts were flying away, ye Yue had solved the zombies outside the lighthouse. Ye Cha came to the lighthouse, but the door was not closed, and ye Cha entered directly.

There are also zombies inside the lighthouse. As soon as ye Cha entered the door, two zombies with their backs to Ye Cha suddenly turned around and rushed towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha stretched out his hand and pressed the head of a zombie. The Alaska whaling fork went out and stabbed the zombie directly through the other side's forehead. Then he turned back and kicked the other zombie away. When the other side came back, the Alaska whaling fork stabbed the other side's head again.

I really want weapons!

For ordinary zombies, Alaskan whaling fork is not easy to use, but it's too short. If a sword falls on Nanjiang, two zombies can be killed with one sword, and no body movement is needed.

As for the ability, it costs more physical strength. For example, Reid also consumes the electric current stored in the core of the mine. It's a waste to use it on ordinary zombies.

Ye Yue said on the other side, "the stairs are here."

Ye Cha nodded and walked towards the stairs.

There is no so-called number of layers in a lighthouse. In other words, a lighthouse with one layer at a time is extremely rare.

Lighthouses are generally on the first floor, that is, the top floor, where the lightkeepers work. Some modern lighthouses can be remotely controlled, but there are also some old-fashioned ones, which have such rooms for staff to rest. Moreover, even if they can be remotely controlled, there will also be such manually operated workshops in case of failure.

As ye Cha and ye Yue went up, they came across three or four zombies sporadically. There was no space inside the lighthouse, so there was only a revolving staircase. It was impossible to accommodate too many armed men, and naturally there were not many zombies.

All the way to the top, ye Cha and ye Yue stand at the door. After looking at each other, ye Cha suddenly pushes the door open.

Ye Yue is ready to activate the brain domain ability to avoid zombies in the room, but after the door is opened, it is dark and quiet, and there is nothing.

Ye Cha said: "where is the lamp?"

Ye Yue said, "this way."

Using perception, ye Yue finds the power switch, moves two steps to the left and turns on the light.

The light soon came on in the square room.

This is a small square room. On the front wall, there are at least 40 or 50 screens. At present, the pictures are still playing, all of which are about the situation on the demon island.

In other words, the cameras used for shooting on the island, as well as the monitoring probe, and the images captured by the implicit probe are all transmitted here.

Of course, the screen is not enough, but it should be able to switch with the remote control.

In front of the screen is a brown sofa with a glass coffee table on the side. Everything on the coffee table falls to the ground.

There was a box of cigars, a bottle of red wine, a wine glass, a lighter, and a stack of paper on which there seemed to be tables and things like that.

Leaf brake Rao to the front of the sofa, and then his face became ugly.

"What's the matter?"

leaves as like as two peas came to the leaf, and the result was exactly the same as ye cha.

On the sofa, there is a corpse paralyzed!

A gray haired man, who seems to be about 50 years old, was strangled to death. There are strangulation marks on his neck. However, from the angle of crooked neck, yecha thinks that it is not normal suffocation death, but the neck bone was directly strangled.

Normal people obviously can't do this, it needs a lot of strength, and it must be rolling strength, or they will die of suffocation long before the neck bone is strangled.Ye Yue said: "is that bastard just now?"

The leaf Cha facial expression ugliness way: "probably is."

Most people can't cut the neck bone directly, but non-human guys can do it. For example, ye Cha can do it, and ye Yue can do it. Besides the two of them, I'm afraid there is only the previous man on this island.

"The apostles are sick when they walk." Ye Yue began to scold: "everything has them, everything has to intervene, that bastard had better pray not to be seen by me again."

Ye Yue has a reason to be angry, because it's sishens who died!

The landlady wants Ye Cha to complete the task. Whether it's to ask for information from seshens, or to take seshens back directly, there is a prerequisite, that is, to find and recognize seshens.

Ye Cha and ye Yue don't even know what seshens looks like. Of course, they can't carry out tasks. Therefore, before starting such tasks, the landlady will send a simple profile of the characters.

Of course, photos are indispensable in character information. The man who died in front of his eyes can match the man in the photo, not only in appearance, but also in figure.

It's useless to go back with the corpse when seshens is dead. Of course, the intelligence can't be obtained, which naturally means that the mission has failed.

"Ye Yue said angrily:" running so far, lying in the broken coffin for so long, and accompanying a group of idiots to play this bullshit fratricidal game, in the end, in vain

"Wait a minute." Ye Cha suddenly said, "what did you say just now?"

Ye Yue said: "in vain?"

"No, no, the first sentence." Ye Cha said: "lying in that broken coffin for so long."

Ye Yue said, "yes, and then what?"

Ye Cha said: "do you think that person just now, like the driver?"

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