death train

Chapter 1660


Ye Cha raised his fist to meet the alien human, and their fists collided with each other.

Then a dull sound, a blood mist suddenly burst open.

The alien human immediately screamed in pain and kept retreating. His right arm, below his shoulder, disappeared directly and was blasted by yecha.

Ye Cha's eyes brightened and he looked at his fist.

This ability

How strong!

In fact, manwang's ability is not very strong, but it's only 50% of his physical fitness. It's not as good as yecha's entering the state of dragon.

In fact, the strength of manwang's ability does not lie in the strengthening of 50% of his physical fitness, but in the free adjustment of his physical attributes!

Just now, ye Cha just gave it a try. He reduced his agility attribute by 80% and only maintained it at the level of 20%. For the extra 80%, ye Cha adjusted all his agility attributes to strength attributes.

Then, the feeling of that fist made Ye Cha feel like he was fighting like a fat dragon. Without much strength, everything in front of him was blasted off.

"So..." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "what about the reverse?"

Ye Cha's toe is a little bit, his body leans forward and makes the movement of running. Then ye Cha's body suddenly disappears. When it appears again, it comes directly to a heterogeneous human.

Even, because of rushing too fast, their faces almost touched each other.

The feeling of ghost step!

Ye Cha is just a simple run, but it's like a ghost step.

The next moment, ye Cha thought again, weakened the agility attribute and adjusted it to power. Then he reached for the head of the alien human.


Ye Cha made a little effort, and the head of the alien human directly burst open. The whole head twisted, and countless cracks appeared. Blood gushed out from the top of the head like a spring.


The alien human didn't even respond to what happened. He didn't even have the chance to resist, so he was crushed.

The rest of the alien species

Three and a half more!

That half is a guy whose arm was broken by the leaf brake.

Goo Doo!

A xenogeneic human agitated the laryngeal segment, and the fighting power of yecha was amazing. A xenogeneic human could not help saying, "who are you in the end?"

"Me?" Yecha said with a smile: "maybe it's a lower race, that is, human?"

Ye Cha's body swings and disappears again.

When yecha appeared again, the alien human looked at his chest in disbelief. A steel bar appeared there and hit his heart through. He didn't even see how yecha attacked.

Ye Cha turned back and said, "now there are two and a half left."


A heterogeneous human suddenly roared, his hands spread out to both sides, and then cracks appeared on his arms. Countless pieces of bone ejected from the heterogeneous human's arms and shot down the leaf brake.


The sound of the impact sounded, and the bones constantly hit the ground, breaking through a piece of the ground, and shaking up pieces of dust at the same time.

"Die for me, die for me!"

The alien roared hysterically, and then there were two huge cracks behind him.

Two bones the thickness of a wrist came out of the crack.

The two bones were unusually soft, not hard, like a whip, constantly swinging, shooting down toward the place where the dust was blowing away.

In a moment, it seemed that the alien human finally calmed down, the attack gradually stopped, and the alien human's chest heaved and puffed.

And then


A sword point suddenly pierced out of the alien's chest. The alien's eyes widened and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Ye Cha turned around and said, "there is one and a half more!"

The rest of the alien human ignored one eye, then at the same time roared, rushed towards the leaf brake.

"Try weakening two attributes this time." Ye Cha whispered: "reduce 70% spirit, adjust in strength, and then reduce 50% physical strength, in agility..."

Seeing that the two apostles were about to rush to yecha, yecha's figure flashed and suddenly passed through the gap between them.

The two alien humans stayed in the same place, only half of their heads were left, and the other half was crushed by Ye cha.

Plop, plop.

Two bodies fell to the ground.

Leaf Cha swept an eye corpse, suddenly see not far away, a figure flurried from the back of a pile of steel bars darted out, running in the opposite direction.

"What a coincidence."The leaf Cha laughed, the figure again flashed, appear directly in front of each other.

"What's your name again?" Ye Cha stopped him and said, "tiger, right? What a coincidence. Are you on duty today as a supervisor? "

Yecha's tone was very friendly, as if he were an old friend. He talked with tiger, but the more so, the colder he felt. Look at the pile of corpses behind him. Yecha is not an old friend.

"Don't kill me." Tiger suddenly knelt down and prayed, "let me go."

Yecha reached out and patted tiger on the shoulder and said, "you are a heterogeneous human. How can you kneel down to a weak human like me? It's really not in your position. "

Tiger pleaded, "I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Please, will you let me go?"

Tiger raised his hand, and those Octopus like tentacles caught Ye Cha's ankle.

All of a sudden, those tentacles cold twist entangled together, into the shape of a sharp cone, toward the leaf brake abdomen suddenly stabbed in the past.

But the next moment

The flame rises at the foot of Ye Cha and crystallizes rapidly, blocking tiger's tentacles.

"Damn it." Tiger opened his eyes and said, "what kind of monster are you?"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "look at your own appearance and your hands. Are you qualified to call me a monster?"

As ye Cha said, he reached out and grabbed tiger's shoulder.


Ye Cha suddenly started to work, and then he sprayed blood. Ye Cha tore tiger's whole arm down.


Tiger howled in pain, rolling on the ground, covering his shoulder and crying bitterly. Tears and snot mixed together and looked very miserable.

Ye Cha raised his foot and stepped on tiger's chest and said, "tell me where the server is, or I'll let you experience the feeling that life is not like death."

"Tell you, tell you." Tiger yelled, "I'll take you there now. Please, let me go. I'm really wrong."

Ye immediately pulled tiger up from the ground and said, "go, lead the way."

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