death train

Chapter 1661

Tiger is very honest and ye Cha is very satisfied with it.

If Bynum's men were as tough as the apostles, yecha would feel a headache. Fortunately, there are more people who are afraid of death than those who are not.

"Here, here..." Tiger took Ye Cha to a door and said, "there's the server inside."

Ye Cha looked at the guard door. It was pure white, and it said: forbidden to enter.

Ye Cha said, "where's the key?"

"We don't have a key. The key is in gerarmt's hand. He is in charge of it. Every time we need to use the server to connect to the weapon system for testing, it's up to him..."

Tiger opened his eyes and looked down. The sword had pierced his throat, and the blood was dripping down the sword.

Ye Cha said: "since you don't have the key, tell me, what's the use of keeping you?"


After ye Cha pulled out his sword and brought out a trail of blood, tiger fell to the ground.

Holding the iron door, the leaf brake weakens the speed and spirit attributes, and adjusts to the strength


The leaf brake pulled hard, pulled down the iron door, and then entered the room.

The room is not big. It's surrounded by servers, at least 30 of them, and a computer in the center.

Ye Cha pressed down his ear and said, "I found the server. Where do you plug it?"

Gan Lin said, "do you have a computer?"

Ye Cha said, "yes."

Gan Lin said: "that's good. Just find a server and plug the chip into the interface. Then turn on the computer and a progress bar will appear. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the control system in the chip will replace the weapon control system of the server."

The leaf Cha way: "how long?"

Gan Lin said: "it should take a little time. You can look under the wall first."

Ye Cha quickly turned on the computer, called the consul out from the shadow to be responsible for the operation, and then left the room.

The wall is not completely sealed. In fact, the wall built by Bynum is not so much a wall as a fortress like a wall.

Ye Cha pressed on a wall. With the two steel plates moving to both sides, a small window appeared there. Ye Cha now knows the internal structure of the city wall as well.

Looking down the window, you can see that the motorcade has entered the Chocolate City.

The fleet is quite large, with about 30 cars and five armed helicopters.

On those cars, the CommScope logo is printed. However, a little different is that there is a black thorn winding around the outer ring of the logo. At one end of the black thorn, there is a black rose. Under the rose, there is the abbreviation of Martha's name.

"It's a big scale!"

Ye Cha grinned and watched the motorcade slowly come to the front of the city wall.

And then

At the moment when the motorcade entered the city wall, there was a "rumble" in the sky.

The next moment, a huge red shadow appeared below.

Everyone couldn't help looking up into the air, and then widened his eyes.

A huge fire mass fell from the sky, like a meteorite, toward the ground.


The huge fire hit a car, the car was instantly lifted up, tossed in the air, and then hit the ground, burning up.

The red fire Eagle flew through the air, and then the second fireball fell from the air and continued to fall downward.

At the same time, a huge purple shadow appeared on the ground, covering a large area below.

Above those purple black shadows, a large amount of fog surged forward, and then one by one bone hand, constantly came out from the shadow.

Bones are everywhere.

One by one, the skeleton soldiers kept climbing out of the shadow.

The skeleton soldiers stood up, with rusty iron swords in their right hand and shields made of white bones in their left hand, and flew towards the cars.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, meet!"

Someone yelled.

The door of the material vehicle was opened, and the armed men with full arms took up their guns and fired at the skeletons.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The sound of machine gun fire rang out constantly, smashing the skeletons' bodies.

But the skeletons in the rear immediately came up.

An armed man emptied the bullet, then hit the skull soldier's head with the butt of a gun, smashing the skull soldier's head.

But at this time, the armed man suddenly found that his legs seemed to be caught by something.

Looking down, it was the broken skeleton soldier who was still crawling on the ground. A pair of bone hands seized his ankles.The next moment


The skeleton soldier's sword pierced the armed man's chest and his body.

The scene turned into a mess.

But more chaos is still to come.

In the loudspeaker of the construction site, a mechanical electronic sound suddenly sounded: "what are you waiting for? Do you want to continue to be enslaved? Working like a dog every day? Why don't you run? "

Those who were captured by Bynum were stunned by the sound, and then someone suddenly burst out and rushed towards a monitor, strangling the supervisor's neck with shackles.

The supervisor pulled the shackles around his neck, threw his arm and flew the man out. Then he waved a whip and said, "do you want to die?"

The supervisor tried to scare people. Unfortunately, the herd mentality can bring courage to people. Since there is the first, there is the second and the third

Countless people rushed at the supervisor, smashing each other's head with fists, and even biting like zombies.

Even if the alien human body is strong, it can't stand the attack of dozens of people.

It's a mess. It's a complete mess.

Not only did the skeletons frantically attack the convoy, but chaos broke out in the construction site.

In the loudspeaker, the mechanical electronic sound is still constantly agitating.

Ye Cha knew that this must be Gan Lin's good work. Obviously, she had planned to use these enslaved people to help create chaos.

"Hello." Ye Cha's ear rang Ganlin's voice and said, "Bynum appears. How about your side?"

Ye Cha went back to the room, looked at the screen and said, "it's done. I can use all the weapons embedded in the city wall that can be used."

Gan Lin said with a smile: "it's up to you to fight hard."

Ye Cha didn't say any nonsense. He motioned to the consul and asked the consul to call out the monitoring screen.

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