death train

Chapter 1662

Yecha soon saw Bynum.

In the direction of the inner city, a group of heterogeneous human beings are coming towards the wall, with more than 50 people. It seems that almost all the core members are out.

The first is a black man. As a heterogeneous human, alienation is very thorough, almost can not see the so-called human like.

The outline of the human form, as well as the skin color, is the only thing Bynum retains as a human being.

The head is elongated, like an alligator. The top of the head is covered with a lot of bone pieces. The hair on the back falls off and is replaced by tentacles one by one.

Bynum's body is covered with sarcomas one by one. Like a toad, his hands and legs are obviously alienated, becoming extremely strong, not like human beings, but like animals standing upright.

Ye Cha squints his eyes. This guy is hard to deal with.

It's very easy to distinguish the strength of different human species. No one who has the characteristics of alienation in his whole body will be too weak. Bynum's alienation is quite thorough. There are few human like parts in the visible parts of his body.

What about the invisible part?

There is no doubt that Bynum is one of the best in the heterogeneous human race.

Bynum is very attentive to Martha's cooperation. His development of power depends almost entirely on Martha's support. Therefore, for Bynum, Martha can never have an accident.

Ye Cha looked down at the other side of the screen and said to the governor, "call out the weapons that can be used and let me have a look."

The consul nodded and quickly manipulated. An orange rectangle appeared on the screen with weapon modules and numbers.

"Oh? And missiles? " Ye Cha said: "the quantity is a little less. It's only two pieces. It hasn't been loaded in a large area. Is it for testing?"

The leaf Cha side murmurs, after hand on the screen point.

The consul immediately began to operate.

Outside the wall, at the top, two missile launchers rose from the top of the wall, quickly turned, aimed, and locked Bynum's position.

The next moment, two missiles suddenly launched, straight to Bynum's location.

"Bynum looked out of the way," he said

People around Bynum scattered one after another, and Bynum took a step forward, without any avoidance, but directly raised his fist and blasted out towards the falling missile.


When Bynum's fists hit the missile, the shell of the missile twisted visibly, and then


Huge flames surged up and kept churning, and then a second missile ran into the flames, followed by a second roar.

A mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and the flames and black smoke were constantly entangled. It pushed away in all directions, extending continuously, covering almost one third of the Chocolate City.

I don't know how long after that, Bynum appeared in the black smoke, and many flesh and blood on his body were blasted. However, countless granulations could be seen growing out of the wounds and wriggling rapidly, and then those wounds healed at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a strong body." Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and said: "moreover, it has reached the level of speeding regeneration."

The consul nodded, then looked at the leaf brake.

Ye Cha said: "don't worry. At present, it's far away. The range of other weapons is not enough. When they get close, they will gather fire."

The consul nodded again.

Ye Cha said: "it's up to you here. If they rush through the construction site and can't stop them, they will switch to the automatic defense mode to attack. You come to me again. Do you understand?"

The consul said dryly, "I understand."

Ye Cha twisted his arm and said, "it's time for me to move, too."

Leave the team's business entirely to Ganlin? Ye Cha is not at ease. Anyway, Martha's woman is still in her own hands.

As for the operation of the weapons in the steel wall, the consul can also do it. It doesn't need the leaf brake to be here all the time.

Came to the window before, the leaf brake probe looked at, under is still a chaos, leaf brake deep breath, then jump out.

As ye Cha falls down quickly, he draws out his sword in the air and falls to Nanjiang. He stabs it towards the wall. The tip of the sword moves on the wall, bringing out golden sparks and helping Ye Cha slow down the momentum.


Soon, the leaf brake fell to the ground, his feet fell to the ground, crushed the ground, and then the leaf brake marched forward.

Ye Cha has seen the motorcade, which is generally composed of armed vehicles in the front and rear, and material vehicles in the middle.

So, where is Martha?

"Or?" Ye Cha looked up and said, "is it on the armed helicopter?"

Yecha quickly denied the last idea that Martha could not be on the armed helicopter.Because, at present, five armed helicopters are attacking, constantly shooting down with machine guns, constantly smashing those skeleton soldiers.

If Martha is on an armed helicopter, she will definitely not choose to take part in the war, but will use her air superiority to leave at the first time.

So, where is it?

The leaf brake continuously goes forward, then fiercely one palm pushes toward the front.



The invisible force pushed forward and hit an armed car. The armed car was thrown away by the invisible force and fell to the ground. The car was sunken. Then


The roar of an explosion suddenly sounded, and the armed vehicle suddenly burst apart.

The leaf brake doesn't stop and continues to go forward.

Gan Lin's voice suddenly rang out: "continue to move forward, in the middle of the position, there is a material vehicle looks not quite right."


Ye Cha squints her eyes. Gan Lin takes the initiative to tell her where Martha is?

Gan Lin said with a smile: "you can choose to believe or not. Anyway, you don't have a goal, do you?"

Ye Cha was silent for a moment, and then said, "if there is anything you want, I will leave it to you."

The leaf brake returned a sentence, then quickly toward the front and go.

Soon, leaf brake saw Ganlin mouth that not quite right material car.

There are two things wrong.

The first point is that the resource vehicle is stronger than expected. The skeleton soldiers are constantly attacking, but they can't break the material vehicle.

The second point is that a large number of armed personnel are obviously gathered around the material vehicle, trying to protect the material vehicle.

These two points show that the material vehicle seems to be different from other material vehicles!

As soon as ye Cha's eyes brightened, he immediately walked towards the material truck.

"Leave!" "Don't get close to here," one armed man yelled at yecha

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