death train

Chapter 1664

Bone spurs hit the crystallization flame, constantly trembling, issued a "click" sound.

Ye Cha turned around and suddenly put out his sword, which fell to Nanjiang and pierced into his opponent's chest.

The alien snorted, quickly stepped back and covered the wound with his hand. The regeneration ability made the wound begin to heal. At the same time, another alien also stood up.

"You step back."

At this time, the voice suddenly rang out, two heterogeneous human Leng Leng, and then toward both sides to retreat.


Bynum came from the direction of the steel wall, ten meters away.

All of a sudden, Bynum waved fiercely, and a large skull on the side was smashed.

It's just a powerful blow!

Bynum looked at yecha and said, "did you do it?"

The leaf Cha doesn't matter of spread a hand way: "you say is, is."

Bynum said: "kid, I don't care where you come from and what you want to do, but if you mess with me, it won't come to a good end."

"I'm looking forward to what will happen to me." Ye Cha pressed down his ear and said, "Bynum has arrived."

Ganlin said, "I see it."

Ye Cha said: "Martha should be in the car. It's time for you to do it. I stop Bynum and you get the people away."

"Good." Ganlin said, "give it to me."

"There are still helpers." Bynum said: "tell the others to suppress everyone, and be alert all around."

Ye Xie talks with Gan Lin, but he doesn't avoid Bynum, because there's no need for other human species to stop Gan Lin.

Especially Ganlin's plan, miscalculation is rare, ye Cha believes Ganlin will have a response.

Click, click!

When Bynum finished, he shook his shoulders and his bones kept making noises.

All of a sudden, behind Bynum's head, those tentacles, like hair, suddenly elongated and shot in the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha did not hesitate to punch out.


The invisible force pushes forward, bumps into the tentacles, and blows them out.

Ye Cha said: "I have no time to entangle with you. In that case, let's be more direct."


Ye Cha took a deep breath, and then clenched his fist. His muscles suddenly expanded, and the fine scales appeared all over Ye Cha's body.

White Dragon King!

Ye Cha drank again, and then the white scales grew out along those scales. At the same time, behind the Ye Cha, two blood mouths were suddenly torn out, and then a pair of white dragon wings grew out.

Finally, the Dragon horn and dragon tail came out from the forehead and waist of yecha.

Bynum raised his eyebrows and said, "are you a human alien? It's a rare type of alienation, and it can hide the state of alienation. "

Yecha grinned and didn't plan to answer Bynum's question.

At this time

An eagle howled from the air suddenly, and then the red fire Eagle wrapped the flame, like a huge fire, fell from the air.


The red fire Eagle hit the roof of the car and dented it. Then it stabbed its claws directly into the roof of the car. Then it flapped its wings and grabbed the material truck. It was about to take off.

Bynum suddenly red eyes, roared: "you dare!"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "do you think I dare?"

Bynum immediately rushed forward, the tentacles behind his head constantly surging, and attacked the red fire eagle.


Leaf Cha low drinks a, immediately jump up.

The torrent is full of wear!

Ye Cha raised his palm to push forward, and the moisture in the air was absorbed by Ye Cha, then twisted into a stream and went in the direction of Bynum.


The impact of the current collided with the tentacles released by Bynum, immediately opened those tentacles one after another, and then yecha jumped up to Bynum.

"Die for me!"

Ye chaquan!


Bynum took a punch in the chest, kept retreating, roared furiously, pushed his legs, and rushed out towards the leaf brake.

How fast!

The flame appeared in front of yecha's body, and then it crystallized rapidly.

However, the moment he was hit by Bynum, the crystallization flame broke up, and then Bynum hit yecha.

Yecha was hit and flew out, and Bynum didn't chase him, but immediately ran forward, chasing the red fire eagle.

Bynum's only means of long-range attack seems to be the tentacles behind his head, so those tentacles are surging forward again, chasing the red fire eagle.But in a flash

It's too late!

When the tentacles were about to catch up with the car and drag it back to the ground, an electric current surged, hit those tentacles and blocked them down.

Bynum yelled angrily at yecha: "why do you want to stop me?"

Ye Cha's figure flashed, stopped Bynum again and said, "I think it's up to me to say that."

Bynum looked up into the air, then hit yecha hard.

The red fire Eagle didn't lift up very fast because of dragging the material truck, but it had already risen to a certain height because of the continuous obstruction of the leaf brake.

At the moment, Bynum's attempt to stop it is obviously out of the question.

Bynum's incomparable anger roared at yecha: "you're dead."

The tentacles behind Bynum's head are constantly attacking the leaf brake. At the same time, the flesh and blood are constantly tearing at the position of his chest, and the prismatic bone pieces are constantly fired out.

In front of Ye Cha's body, a crystallization flame appeared again, intercepting those bone pieces.

The next moment

Ye Cha, open your arms!


There was a sudden thunder in the sky, and the thunder was rolling in the air. A large black cloud appeared out of thin air, covering the top of the head of yecha.

Bailong Tianwei!

In the black clouds, the electric current kept turning, the thunder became more and more intense, and then

The rain began to rain.

The sky began to float from the rain, constantly falling towards the bottom.

Ye Cha spread out his hands, and the surrounding rain continued to gather in Ye Cha's palm.

The next moment, ye Cha stretched out his hand and pushed towards the front, a rain sword suddenly formed and flew out towards the front.

Bynum's eyes were slightly cold, his tentacles behind his head were surging, and he went crazy towards the rain sword.

But, in the moment of contact!

Blood spatter!

Those tentacles were constantly cut off by the rain sword, and then the rain sword hit Bynum's body and pierced Bynum's belly.

Bynum covered the wound and kept retreating. Then he looked up and yelled at yecha: "boy, you're irritating me. I'm going to crush you, crush you!"

With the shouts, Bynum's body suddenly inflated like a balloon.

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