death train

Chapter 1665

Bynum was originally tall, about two meters, after the body expansion, the height reached two and a half meters.

The muscles on the body are constantly bulging, as if granite is pieced together.

Especially the arms and thighs, become very thick, like elephant legs!

Second stage!

Yechadao is no surprise. The truly powerful human species have the ability of morphological change. In addition to the degree of dissimilation of body parts, the second point to judge the strength of human species is the stage of dissimilation.

Bynum's whole body is alienated, and the degree of alienation is certainly not low. Naturally, there is an advanced form, which is not surprising.

After dissimilation, Bynum took a step forward, then reached for a grab, directly lifted up a overturned material vehicle on the side, and then threw it towards the leaf brake.

Leaf brake negative hand and stand, looking at the flying material car resolutely do not move, wait for the car to leaf brake in front of the moment.

A curtain of rain appeared and pushed out towards the front. As soon as the car was installed, the car was smashed into two pieces and fell to the ground.

At the moment when the car split in half, Bynum suddenly jumped out from behind and slammed the brake.

The rain curtain appeared again, but this time it became a defense.

Bynum's fist blows on the rain curtain, and the ripples circle by circle continuously swing open on the rain curtain. The rain curtain is sunken, but Bynum's fist is always impenetrable.

Ye Cha stretched out his palm and pressed it toward the front, saying: "chop!"

The curtain of rain suddenly collapsed, and the dense rain fell towards Bynum.

Sharp as a knife!

Every piece of rain is a knife. When it falls on Bynum, there are many wounds on Bynum's body, one after another, shocking.

The blood continuously from Bynum's body trickles down, falls on the ground, toward all around scattered.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Bynum roared wildly, waved his arms wildly, and white smoke came out of his body. Then the tears healed at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's really hard to beat."

The leaf Cha is ferocious a smile, once again one punch toward front blast out.


An electric current flew out of yecha's fists, hit Bynum's chest and blew Bynum out.

In front of Bynum, there was a blood hole the size of a fist.

The existence of rain can also increase the power of current and blow Bynum's body through.

But still not fatal!

The human body of the alien species is indeed terrifying. It is totally at the level of the ancient species. Except for the ancient species and the specific mutant zombies, this regenerative ability rarely appears in the human body.

"But..." Yecha went to Bynum and said, "you will still die."

Ye Cha raised his hands to hold, and a rain sword was condensed by Ye Cha again.

The next moment, ye Cha forced the rain sword to fall.

But at that moment, in the blood hole of Bynum's chest, a bone spur suddenly came towards yecha.

With a puff, the rain sword in yecha's hand was broken, and then Bynum opened his mouth and roared. Bynum's tongue, like a scarlet snake, suddenly came out and quickly surrounded yecha's neck.

"Damn it

Yecha scolded, raised his palm into a knife, and cut it down toward the tongue. Meanwhile, Bynum also raised his fist and blasted toward yecha.



Yecha cut off Bynum's tongue with one blow, but Bynum also hit yecha with one blow, which made yecha fly out.

Both sides are not good, and then ye Cha a carp, looking at Bynum.

Yecha's face was not happy, because the blood hole pierced Bynum's chest had healed most of the time. Moreover, Bynum didn't look like he was seriously injured, most of his internal organs had healed.

Ye Cha grinned and had to say that speeding regeneration is really strong, but it's also very difficult to get it. That is to say, alien human beings have a greater chance to have it through alienation.

Not to mention the leaf brake, it seems that the two deputy train directors do not have the ability of speeding regeneration, they are all advanced regeneration.

"Feel the user's desire for power, which is triggered by the character of demigod."

"Half man and half god Lv2: if you want to, you are God!"

"Half man and half god characteristic random acquisition ability: copper skin and iron bone can't be killed."

Copper skin and iron bone can't kill (temporary) (enhanced ability) (physical ability): no attack can do fatal damage to you within 15 minutes. It has the ability of speeding regeneration. Every time you are attacked, 100% of the damage will be returned to the enemy target, but you can't attack. Once you attack, the effect will be invalid.

"That's true!"

Ye Cha's eyes brightened.There is no so-called time limit for a feature, but trigger is the limit. Therefore, in theory, as long as it can be triggered all the time, it can make the feature work forever.

But the leaf brake has already touched the gateway of some trigger characteristics.

For example, ye Cha has to rely on his will to trigger at any time, which is absolutely impossible, because he needs the belief of fighting to the death.

And this point, in the face of ordinary opponents, it is not worth Ye Cha's effort. Even if ye Cha tries to tell himself that it is difficult to have the determination to fight to death, it is difficult to do it. If he is not strong enough, it is difficult to make his faith firm.

But half human and half god are different. As long as they are extremely eager for power, it is not easy to trigger. Even though ye Cha keeps saying that he is eager for power all the time, his characteristics have not been triggered continuously.

This is because in ordinary times, even if there is such an idea, it is not strong enough and firm enough. Only under certain circumstances, when the intensity of belief reaches a certain peak, and it is firm enough, can a kind of belief be triggered.

And the secret Ye Cha got is


If you don't have what others have, you will naturally have the mood you want.

This is also a kind of desire, and it can be controlled by the will of yecha. As long as you find the strength of the other party, you can produce the feeling of envy, and then cooperate with the strong desire. As long as your faith is firm enough, you can trigger half human and half god.

Of course, this is the key that the blade brake found out when it was triggered before. Whether it is easy to use is really unknown, because it's just theory.

At the moment, ye Cha tried suspiciously, but it really worked. Speeding regeneration is really an enviable ability. If it can, ye Cha certainly wants it. It's this kind of desire and the firmness of the idea that half human and half god trigger it again.

However, after seeing the ability of eye trigger, ye Cha was a little bit black.

This ability seems to be a bit of a pit father.

It seems that if you want to use this ability continuously, you can only stand and be beaten?

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