death train

Chapter 1674

"It's not just that." Gan Lin said: "as far as I know, at that time, CommScope also developed two drugs, which were considered to be impossible at that time. One of them was anti-cancer drugs, and the other was the so-called drugs for manufacturing soldiers, right?"

Martha nodded and said, "yes."

Gan Lin said: "however, according to the time record, it was a long time before the end of the world. The incubation period of zombie virus is not that long. Why don't those who take medicine do anything?"

Martha said with a smile, "because of greed."

Martha laughs a little playfully, her fingers flicking.

Martha said, "do you know how many ingredients are used in those extracts? It's only one in a billion. Only one in a billion is used for every kilogram of medicine. As long as we save a little, in ten years, CommScope will be able to have the wealth of an incomparable country. However, people will always be like this and never know how to be satisfied. "

Yecha said, "that's why Karem died, right?"

Martha said: "yes, Karem is actually a conservative, but he can't stand the pressure of others, and everyone is not satisfied with it. Therefore, the research continues. At that time, there were several very serious experimental accidents, and finally the so-called initial zombie virus drug was developed. Of course, it was certainly not called that name at that time, but Karem dare not continue, He's very clear that there's a huge flaw in it

Martha's tone suddenly became sorry.

"You know, I regret that I should have listened to Karem if I knew the world would be like this, because Karem was right when the end came." Martha said: "if I had listened to him at that time, not only CommScope would have great wealth and progressive research, but also it might have brought great changes and cross era progress to mankind."

Ye Cha said: "well, where is this corpse?"

Martha said with a smile, "it's not in my hands. Maybe it's in the headquarters of CommScope. The super soldier project is still going on. If you want to mass produce that kind of thing, you have to have that corpse. For some people, since the world is so bad, it doesn't matter if it's worse."

Ye Cha said: "what about the initial zombie virus?"

Martha said: "it's not in my hands. The zombie virus was in Karem's hands at the beginning. After he died, it disappeared. I once had one, which I got from his private research institute before Karem died, and later it was given to seshens."

Ye Cha said, "the fourth question."

Martha said, "you shouldn't ask me that question. You should ask him."

Martha points to the body on the ground, the defector of the death train who was killed by yecha.

Martha said, "I found him in a forest, took him away and saved him. But I found that his injuries, even if they were cured, were useless. He screamed bitterly every night, and many more wounds would appear the next day."

Ye Cha frowned and then said, "well, how did you save him?"

Martha said: "strictly speaking, I didn't save him. I don't know what is chasing him. I can't help this kind of invisible thing. But I know a truth that the dead will not be chased."

The leaf Cha way: "dead person?"

Martha said, "well, how does a person judge his value of existence when he lives in the world? Name? What do you look like? Or what achievements has he made and what has he left for future generations? No, no, no, not from a scientific point of view

Martha burst out laughing.

"If we define it by achievements, then no one in the world can be regarded as living except those who have left their names in history." Martha said: "there are many proofs of a person's real life. Cells, brain, genes, and even if you dig out the internal organs of two people, they are totally different. This unique symbol of life is the proof of human existence."

Gan Lin suddenly said: "you have changed his life characteristics."

Martha said: "yes, I implanted artificial cells for him. I rearranged some unimportant genes, and even injected alloy liquid into the bone to reduce or enlarge the organs. Then, if I go to the hospital, I don't look at the appearance, I don't look at the ID card, I just look at the previous physical examination report and the current physical examination report, he is two people And these things, using the technology that CommScope has, are not difficult. "

Ye Cha lowered his head and pondered.

Yecha has gained a lot from this trip.

Many of the answers Ye Cha wants to know have been obtained. At least the most important point is that ye Cha already knows the origin of the initial zombie virus, and naturally he has an idea.

"But..." Ye Cha said, "how can I believe you?"

Martha said: "it's very easy to prove this, because you can't kill me, and you can't threaten me at all. If I don't want to say it, I can't say it. You can't do anything about it."

As she spoke, Martha stood up and grabbed her shoulder.Hiss!

Martha suddenly tore off her whole arm.

No blood.

Ye Cha stares, which is actually a mechanical arm.

The next moment, Martha stretched out her finger and scratched her face. Her nails were so sharp that she cut Martha's face directly.

After that layer of flesh and blood split, it turned out to be mechanical, flowing blood, it turned out to be light blue liquid, with a smell similar to engine oil.

Ye Cha stares big eyes way: "robot?"

Martha said with a smile: "what I inherited from Karem is the research achievements of CommScope in mechanical technology over the years, such as the destroyer cannon, and of course, the so-called robot manufacturing technology."

Martha wiped her face and then she grinned.

"Do you know what war is?" Martha said: "war is a disaster and cruel, but after every war, it can promote the progress of human civilization. Studying the past history of human beings, you will find that human history is a war epic, and every technological change is after the war."

Martha showed her emotional expression. It's hard to imagine that a robot could have such a rich expression, or such a real expression.

"The coming of doomsday is a disaster, but this disaster is also an opportunity for mankind. The world has become mysterious, and many things that could not be done in the past can be done now." Martha said with a smile, "as you can see now, have you ever thought that a robot can completely simulate all human bodies?"

Ye Cha frowned and then said, "well, why do you answer my question?"

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