death train

Chapter 1675

"Why answer your question?" Martha said with a smile, "anyway, first of all, I think it should be enough to prove that the answers I gave you are true. I didn't lie."

If the Martha in front of you is disguised by a robot, it means that ye Cha has not succeeded. The real Martha is not here.

Since the real Martha is not here, she is certainly not threatened. If she doesn't want to answer, does yecha have any way to threaten a robot?

Martha is just talking to yecha through this robot. Yecha doesn't know where Martha is.

Martha said, "as for why I answered your question, I think it's because of different positions? Looking at you, those questions seem to be very important to you, but to me, the answers to these questions are actually meaningless. "

There's a 3D image of Martha. It looks like a huge fortress.

"Karem's death? No matter what the truth is, he is dead. The dead are worthless. What is the initial zombie virus? I used to be very interested, but now I have no interest at all. As for the place where you came, I am also very interested. But what can that bring me? Nothing. "

"This is my present dream, a fortress beyond the times." Martha yelled, "my goal is the universe, understand? Countless years ago, with the development of space technology, people were exploring the universe. The more they explore, the more they know their own insignificance. "

"Now, finally, there is a chance. As long as we can discover enough new energy and use the space technology mastered by CommScope, maybe human beings can really go to the universe to survive, leave this damned place, leave this place full of zombies, and end this suffocating era."

Martha is a little crazy, like giving a speech.

"How's it going?" Martha reached out to yecha with a smile and said, "do you want to come with me? I will let you understand what is great."

Ye Cha left his mouth and said to Gan Lin, "let's go. It's time to go home."

Martha looked at Ye Cha's back and said, "do you think I'm a psycho?"

"No Ye Cha turned to his body and said, "before the end of the world, I would really treat you as a madman, but now I've seen too many incredible things. I don't think your idea can't be successful, but as you said, it's just different positions, or the world in our eyes is different."

After ye Cha finished, he went out to the cathedral.

"The world is now a huge cage." Ye Cha said: "I wish you here to escape from the cage."

Leave the cathedral, leaf brake toward the bottom, the entrance of the death train platform is in the Chocolate City, not far from them.

Gan Lin said, "do you really believe what she said?"

Ye Cha said: "you mean to build a space fortress? Or the questions she answered before? "

Gan Lin said, "those problems."

Ye Cha said: "what do you think? You're the expert on that. "

"I hate it." Ganlin all kinds of white leaf brake a way: "you are saying that people are good at lying?"

Gan Lin looks so pathetic that she seems to be wronged by Tian da. However, what she gets is a sneer from ye cha. Ye Cha knows the nature of this woman very well.

Gan Lin grinned and said, "seriously, don't you think the questions Martha answered have obvious directivity?"

Yecha nodded. If it wasn't sishens or Martha, who could it make?

Of course, the directivity is obvious.

But this kind of directivity is not absolutely correct. The key lies in whether Martha is telling the truth or lies, which cannot be proved.

However, it is normal to think that this kind of guy who can live well in the last world must be the best way to cherish and protect his life, that is, not to show up directly.

But Martha even replaced herself with a robot. Ye Cha didn't think of this method, and there was no way to prove whether Martha was telling the truth or lies.

From Martha's fearless answer to Yasha's question, she should be telling the truth, but it's not 100%. Maybe Martha just wants to use Yasha to target the headquarters of CommScope.

People's heart is always the most difficult thing to guess. No one knows what other people are thinking.

But anyway, ye Cha is very satisfied with this harvest.

Back to the death train, the dining car has been very busy recently. It's rare to be calm, because everyone has gone to perform the task.

The landlady yawned in the bar and said, "is it done?"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "it's finished."

Ye Cha is not afraid of the boss's wife knowing what she is going to do. Although she is selfish, searching for the initial zombie virus is originally a long-term task assigned by the conductor. In other words, ye Cha is also helping the conductor, so there is nothing to hide.The landlady nodded and then said, "let's talk..."

The landlady thought about it, then looked at Gan Lin and said, "you too."

Leaf Cha's face dignified some, Gan Lin also becomes very serious, want to talk with two stewardess at the same time of thing, certainly can't be what small matter.

Sitting down in front of the bar, the landlady opened the drawer under the bar and took out a pocket watch.

Pocket watch is bronze, some old, and even some positions are off paint, full of traces of time.

The landlady said, "it's the conductor's thing. No, it's not right. To put it another way, it's something the conductor is still using."

Ye Cha picks his eyebrows.

The conductor's things and the things still used by the conductor are totally two concepts. The first one may be left over by the conductor, it may be superfluous, it may be something that has certain transaction value but is not paid attention to.

The latter is completely different. What can be used by the conductor is undoubtedly the pronoun of "powerful".

The landlady said, "there is a task. Who will take it?"

Ye Cha said seriously: "the reward is this pocket watch?"

"Yes," said the landlady

Ye Cha said: "what about the task content?"

"The landlady said:" this time is not the same, you can only know, otherwise this task has nothing to do with you, do not ask

Ye Cha frowned and said, "probably not at all?"

The landlady thought for a moment, and then relaxed: "you also heard what I said just now. It's something that the conductor himself still uses, but it's used as a reward. You should understand."

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