death train

Chapter 1689

Dongfang Yu raised her hand forward, and a ball of light floated between her palms, like a small sun.

Hot, extremely hot!

The temperature is rising all around, as if suddenly came to the hot dog days in general, the leaves falling from the ground, and even began to slowly roll up, into a yellow color.

Dongfang Yu said, "are you going to kill yourself, or let me blow you to death?"


Yu Feng Yuan's face was solemn, and suddenly he opened his mouth and roared.

Sonic attack!

Dongfang Yu frowned and made a fierce move. The sunlight around her suddenly became intense. The trees around her were swept by the sunlight, and then they were blown off.

Yufengyuan spouts blood from its mouth, and the whole person flies out towards the rear.

All of a sudden, with two puffs, the clothes behind the yufengyuan were torn, and a pair of wings suddenly stretched out. At the same time, the skin of the yufengyuan began to turn gray.

Virgo status!

Yufengyuan entered the Virgo state, wings constantly incite, wind blade continuously toward the front fly swept out.

Dongfang Yu disdains to say: "I've always heard that constellation monsters are amazing, but that's all."

Dongfang Yu's negative hand is standing, and her figure is like a ghost. She doesn't see any movement, but her body is constantly moving, avoiding the wind blade flying towards her.

Boom, boom, boom!

The wind blade hit the ground continuously, the ground kept making a loud noise, flying dust, cutting through the surrounding trees, and those trees collapsed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was a mess around.


Virgo screams again and flies out into the air.

Dongfang yuleng snorted: "who allowed you to run!"

Dongfang Yu reached out to the sky and pressed it out. The little sun in her hand flew out into the air, and then a lot of light scattered around.

Virgo constantly scream up, the body is constantly pouring out white smoke.

Dongfang Yu said again, "come down here!"


Virgo's body, as if by the invisible force involved in general, mercilessly fell from the air, hit the ground.

Dongfang Yu walks towards Virgo and disdains to say: "you make yourself look like a ghost. As a result, it's just like that. What do you want? I mourn for you. "

Virgo again low roar, turn over from the ground and kick toward the East jade.

Dongfang Yu reaches out her hand and grabs Virgo's ankle. She throws Virgo out and hits a big tree.

Ye Cha watched the battle all the time. Looking at the distance between the two sides, ye Cha immediately waved to Charlie.

Charlie nodded, understood the meaning of Ye Cha, crawled back, called the crowd, and fled quickly.

Leaf brake cat waist, but toward the side touched in the past.

A Virgo is not worth Ye Cha exposure, but if Virgo plus Oriental jade, it is another matter.

At the same time, the battle between Virgo and Oriental jade is becoming more and more intense.

Second form!

Virgo rushes into the air and roars wildly. Her body is surrounded by smoke. The wings behind her suddenly split and become six wings, which is huge.

At the same time, Virgo's chest tear out a crack, the crack in the growth of a cyan gem, shining.

"Die for me!"

Virgo is whistling, wings waving again.

For a moment, the wind was blowing!

Hurricane swept through the forest, the surrounding trees continue to collapse down, a hundred meters around all the trees, were Virgo to blow off.

Oriental Jade's face is also slightly dignified some, Virgo's first form, he completely does not put in the eye, but the second form, let Oriental jade careful heavy some.

"But..." Dongfang Yu said: "garbage is always garbage. Watch me kill you. "

Virgo stirs up its wings, and the wind blows again. Dongfang drinks and jumps forward. In Dongfang Yu's left hand, the crescent shaped moon suddenly floats in the palm of Dongfang Yu's hand.

The next moment, the moon is cold.

Sun and moon in the sky!

The bright and clean moonlight fell from the sky and fell on the ground.

The ground kept making a "click, click" sound, and countless frost quickly covered the ground.

If the moonlight had substance, it blocked the front of the hurricane and pushed the crazy hurricane back.

Dongfang Yu roared, "the sun is burning!"

A ray of sunlight falls from the air and falls on Virgo. Virgo screams and falls to the ground. The scorched body seems to have been burned. The body is covered with blood and flesh.

Virgo hisses and moans, and gets up from the ground.

Dongfang yuleng snorted: "dare to get up, the meteorite of heaven."Dongfang Yu stretched out her hand and pressed it toward the front, then suddenly came the sound of "boom, boom" in the sky, and then fireballs one by one came down from the sky, constantly hitting the bottom.

Boom, boom!

All around the trees are broken, the earth is scorched, black smoke is rolling up, and the flames are constantly running along the trees. In the blink of an eye, the flames are churning around.

The ground was smashed out of a huge pit, at least four or five meters deep, and such a huge pit at least a dozen.


Oriental jade tone contemptuous, although has not been prompted by the mysterious voice, but Oriental jade firmly believes that Virgo absolutely can not resist this blow and safe.

But just then, the shrill scream sounded again.

A huge pit, countless mud splashed out, Virgo little by little came out.

Virgo's form has changed again.

The body is not much change, but, to the chest that blue gemstone as the center, countless veins appear in Virgo's body, from the chest has been extended, dense like earthworms crawling all over the body.

Even, Virgo's face, also be those veins to cover, show extremely ferocious.

And Virgo body injury, is a rapid recovery, burnt flesh and blood slowly peeling, new flesh and blood continue to grow out.

"I underestimate you." Dongfang Yu opened her eyes wide. She was obviously surprised that Virgo took a hard hit from her. But she soon regained her calm. She opened her hands and said, "take another hit from me, and the sun and the moon will shine together!"

In the sky, the floating sun and the moon shake violently at the same time.

The next moment, the hot sun, with the cold moonlight at the same time from the air down.

Cold and hot!

Two rays of light form a body, toward the bottom to form a pillar of light, toward the Virgo hard bombardment down.

Ye Cha pulled his clothes. He felt that the air around him was hot and cold, which made people feel very uncomfortable. He looked up again, and his tongue licked the corner of his mouth, showing a fierce color.

My chance is coming.

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