death train

Chapter 1690

Virgo into the third form, that is, the final form, it means that Virgo played, will go all out.

As for the strength of the constellation monster, ye Cha thinks he knows more than the Deputy conductor. After all, there are many matches. Virgo can't be the opponent of Dongfang Yu.

But, Oriental jade wants to take Virgo, also is absolutely not an easy thing.

Boom, boom.

The sun and moon of Dongfang jade are very terrifying. When the light passes towards the front, it's very strange. Half of the ground turns into a piece of burnt black.

But the other half of the ground is covered with frost and snow.

It's even more strange to fall on a tree. The trunk on one side is burning again, and the flame is billowing, while the trunk on the other side is covered with ice.

Seeing the light coming to you, Virgo roars again.

Poof, poof, poof!

Virgo's body, suddenly burst out of countless blood holes, blood gushing out.

Take blood as a sword!

All around the hurricane roll again, with those flying blood together, toward the front push past.

Dongfang Yu sneered: "do you block it?"

Dongfang Yu doesn't think that the blood wind can resist the sun and the moon, but soon, Dongfang Yu finds that Virgo doesn't mean to resist at all.

The blood wind did not mean to touch the sun and the moon, but quickly rolled forward.

Injury for injury!

Virgo is soon shrouded in light, and the screams are constantly ringing, but at this moment, the blood wind comes towards the front and pours directly on Dongfang Yu.

Eastern yudun understand what Virgo want to do.


Zodiac monsters because of the transformation of the body, have the ability of speeding regeneration, Virgo although because of the human body as a carrier, may be weaker, but also meet the standard of speeding regeneration.

But dongfangyu can't.

This is the limitation of human body. Even if the train is dead, there are few opportunities to obtain the ability of speeding regeneration.

The consumption of each other, Oriental jade obviously suffer more.


Dongfang Yu understood this, but at this time, it was too difficult for her to escape from Xuefeng. Dongfang Yu could only raise her fist and blast out in front of her.

When the fist came out, the blood wind in front of him was smashed to pieces, but more intensive wind came from the rear.

Dongfang Yu is crazy, roaring loudly, and his fists are continuously waving towards the front.

Dongfang Yu's fists are like the sun, one after another. Each fist is shining, and the blood wind in front of her eyes is constantly smashed.

However, no matter how fast the fist is, how can it surpass the romantic!

Soon, the blood wind swept forward and wrapped Dongfang Yu's body.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Dongfang Yu raised her head and roared. She was hysterical. She bathed in the blood wind and bent her body like a wild animal.

A moment later, the blood wind dispersed, and Dongfang Yu reappeared. Her body was covered with wounds, and her clothes were chopped into pieces of cloth.

Dongfang Yu's face is full of blood, incomparably ferocious, roaring toward the front: "kill you, I must kill you."

Virgo's situation is even worse. The left side of the body is covered with a layer of frost, where it is constantly shivering, while the right side of the body has been completely burnt, flesh and blood turned out, and even bones can be clearly seen.

Virgo obviously hurt more seriously, but, in the Virgo wound, you can see obvious small granulation growing.

Speed regeneration!

Although the injury Virgo more serious, but speeding regeneration obviously can erase such a disadvantage, this is also the Virgo hit wishful thinking, consume Dongfang Yu.


Dongfang Yu roars and jumps out toward the front, directly towards Virgo.

The leaf brake slowly grasped the Gemini saw tooth sword, very clear own opportunity to come.

How to break this situation?

In fact, to put it bluntly, it's very simple to kill Virgo!

Not a little bit of consumption, but absolute heavy damage, the Virgo heavy damage to speed regeneration can not be short-term recovery of the degree, or even, a blow to kill.

Virgo's wishful thinking will not ring naturally.

Ye Cha can see through this, so ye Cha believes that Dongfang yu should also be able to see through.

Next, Dongfang Yu will try to end the battle in a short time even if she is fighting for her life. In this case, she is bound to kill.

And this kind of battle seems to be fierce and bloody, but to put it bluntly, it's desperate. Even if you win, the winner must win miserably, and this is Ye Cha's chance.

Leaf brake then collapsed trees cover, quickly toward the front around, but around a big tree, suddenly a Leng.

White ink!This guy is behind the tree, leaning against the tree to survive.

White ink as if to grasp the straw in general, toward the leaf brake shouting: "help me."

Ye Cha lowered his voice and said angrily, "shut up for me."

At the critical moment, how to make trouble with this guy? In case Virgo and Dongfang Yu find themselves, their overall plan will be completely disrupted.

"Help me!"

However, the white Mo which tube so many, once again toward the leaf Cha shout, even drag the body toward the leaf Cha climbed over.

Ye Cha Mu Lu's killing machine suddenly flashed.

Ghost step!

Ye Cha Leng appears in front of Bai Mo's body and raises the double serrated sword to rescue him and stabs him hard.


Gemini saw tooth sword fell, directly through the body of white ink.

White Mo raises a head, stare leaf cha.

The leaf Cha low drinks a way: "before you speak rudely, I also lazy with you care about, but want to bad my good deed, don't blame my hand merciless."

Bai Mo agitated the Adam's apple and felt that the vitality was passing away. He suddenly gritted his teeth and yelled at Ye Cha: "I will pull you to be buried with me when I die!"

White Mo side says, the mountain wheel that falls in one side flew toward leaf Cha to come over.

But the next moment

Ye shameng raised his hand and forcibly grasped the mountain wheel. He pressed it to the ground. The mountain wheel was constantly trembling, but he couldn't get out of the palm of Ye Cha's hand.

Bai Mo was frightened and said, "you..."

"You are proud to be a steward because you have a steward job, aren't you?" Ye Cha raised his twin sawtooth sword and said, "I'll tell you a secret. I'm Ye Cha, the leader of the death train Steward


When the sword fell, the head of white ink rolled to one side.

"You killed..."

The mysterious voice sounded. What ye Cha got from Bai Mo happened to be the mountain wheel. Ye Cha didn't care to check the effect of the mountain wheel. He threw it behind him. The corpse flower vine came out of Ye Cha's shadow and quickly dragged the mountain wheel.

And the leaf Cha is quickly cat waist forward, toward Virgo and Oriental jade direction.

But I didn't expect that, just for a while, unexpectedly

The situation has changed dramatically!

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