death train

Chapter 1691

Dongfang Yu has been killed in front of Virgo. Her body is shining like a human sun. Her fist blows out towards the front. The sun sets and the white air rushes around her.

Virgo low roars, behind the wings such as a knife, toward the front of the fierce wave out, but with Dongfang Yu's fist collision, immediately be blasted a piece.

When Dongfang Yu grabs it, Virgo's wings will burn. Then Dongfang Yu pulls it fiercely and tears a piece of wings from Virgo's body.

Dongfang Yu said: "garbage, do you want to win me? Next life

But also in this moment

A dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Dongfang Yu, without any sign.

Two Zodiac monsters!

Gemini take a step from the shadow, Oriental jade seems to feel something, immediately turn the body, but, it's too late.


Gemini hands of the sword toward the front swept, and then the blood will bloom out.

Dongfang Yu roared and kept retreating towards the rear. Her face was extremely pale. Blood was pouring out of Dongfang Yu's waist.

Gemini's that knife, almost Eastern jade waist to cut open a third of the appearance.

A blow!

Virgo sneers and picks up the wings torn off by Oriental jade on the ground and sends them back. Countless granulations grow out and connect with the broken wings. Soon, the wings grow back.

"You are very strong. As a human being, you are incredibly strong." Virgo to the East jade way: "but, so what? Now let's see who died! "

Ye Xie hid behind the tree and wiped a cold sweat. Fortunately, he was delayed by white ink and didn't rush out. He almost forgot that the people in CommScope were different from them.

Those on the death train were randomly sent to different locations outside Senhai. It's not surprising that dongfangyu and marfarian separated.

But people from CommScope come by themselves. In this case, Virgo and Gemini do have a great chance to act together.

"But..." Ye Cha picked his eyebrows and said, "this situation doesn't seem too bad."

Gemini and Virgo are both here. It's a little difficult for Yasha to fish in troubled waters. However, if dongfangyu falls here, it's not a bad thing for Yasha.

It's a good thing, of course, that you don't need to do it yourself and a potential strong enemy will die.

It's just that the leaf brake underestimates the Deputy conductor.

"Ah Dongfang Yu raised her head and roared: "you two want to kill me? Dream about it. "

The sun and the moon shine together!

With the roar of the Oriental jade, the moon and the sun in the sky burst out a fierce light again and fell down.

The air is sometimes extremely hot and sometimes extremely cold.

Virgo yells at Gemini: "kill him!"

Gemini will knife a horizontal, body muscles suddenly squirm up.

Blood from Gemini's body, constantly flowing down, countless black scales appear in Gemini's body, the two triangles of the head, eyes emitting red light.

Poof, poof, poof

Behind Gemini, a white bone tail grows out of the body, and in front of the chest, white ribs Pierce, quickly wrapping the body of Gemini, forming armor.

Second form!

Gemini enters second form, while Virgo is in the air.


The next moment, the scream came, Virgo even with their own body, hard to resist the sun and moon, and then toward Gemini roar again: "kill him!"

Gemini figure move, suddenly disappeared in place.

The speed is amazing!

Gemini comes to Dongfang Yu, raises his sword and cuts it in front of him.

Dongfang yuleng snorted: "do you think I only know the sun and the moon in the sky? Two trash


With the fall of Oriental jade, the ground suddenly broke at the foot of Oriental jade.

"Supreme great sword spirit!"

Dongfang Yu suddenly condensed into a sword finger, facing the front void a little, and then countless looming air suddenly appeared, turned into a sword Qi, shot out towards the front.

Poof, poof, poof

Gemini in the hands of the knife has not cut down, the body more than a dozen blood holes, the whole person was blasted back out.

"Hey, my best skill..." Dongfang Yu looks ferocious and says, "actually, it's sword!"

Dongfang Yu stretched out her hand to the side and pressed the palm of her hand.

"Jiuxiao Qingming!"

Suddenly, a circle of purple smoke came out on the ground and kept spinning. Then, a purple black Oriental sword kept spinning, making bursts of sword sounds and rising from the vortex.Dongfang Yu grabs the sword and shouts, "jiuxiao sword."

Dongfang Yu grabs her sword and cuts it into the air. Then the sword sounds in the sky, and a purple black sword suddenly falls from the air.


Virgo screams miserably, and her body is pierced by the sword Qi. She falls straight from the air and smashes on the ground.

"Cough, cough..."

Virgo is coughing violently, with blood coming out of her mouth.

But in this moment, the figure of Gemini flash, suddenly appeared in the East jade behind, cut off.


The clear sound of the cross sound.

Dongfang Yu suddenly turns back and holds up the Gemini sword with her sword. However, Dongfang Yu's expression is distorted in this moment.

Gemini's power is extremely terrible. Even Dongfang Yu must exert all her strength to stop the attack of Gemini. However, the fierce force affects the wound on Dongfang Yu's waist. The severe pain makes Dongfang Yu's body tremble.

"Dragon shaped sword Qi!"

Dongfang Yu's left hand points out to the front. A sword sounds, and then it turns into a dragon chant. A golden dragon shaped sword gas shoots out from Dongfang Yu's fingertips, hits Gemini's chest, and pushes Gemini out.

About five or six meters, Gemini steady body shape, looked at the blood hole in the chest, but did not care, once again stride toward the Oriental jade.

"Qingming sword out!"

Dongfang Jade's jiuxiao Qingming magic light turns into a virtual lightsaber and flies out towards the front. Seeing Gemini raise a knife to cut, the lightsaber skillfully circles a small arc around Gemini's body and then stabs Gemini's back.


Jiuxiao Qingming pierces through the back of Gemini, the position of the heart.

This is obviously a fatal blow, and Dongfang Yu is really running to the point.

But the next moment

Gemini suddenly stretched out his hand, will jiuxiao Qingming to pull out, casually dropped on the ground, did not receive a fatal blow, even, can be said to the injury without any feeling.

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