death train

Chapter 1695

When ye Cha disappeared, on the other side of the forest, someone came out and walked through the broken ground to Dongfang Yu's body.


Looking at the corpse on the ground, malfarian picked up his walking stick and nodded on dongfangyu's corpse. "Don't pretend. I know you have the ability to fake death. That boy has run away."

On Dongfang Yu's head, those blood holes healed quickly. Then Dongfang Yu opened her eyes fiercely and yelled at mafalian: "you're here, you've been there, haven't you? Why not? Do you know what that kid took from me? Damn it, he took the sword

Marfarian's pupils shrank and said, "is this a sword?"

Dongfang Yu roared: "yes, go after him quickly and kill him!"

Marfarian stamped his foot and said, "you're crazy. Give him all that stuff."

Dongfang Yu gritted her teeth and roared: "this is the price of the fake death ability. If the fake death ability is launched, the other party will get two things or abilities randomly from me. The disguise will take effect. How can I know so many things and abilities on my body? He just took the sword."

Malfarian sighed and said, "this is life. No one can tell."

Dongfang Yu roared again: "go after him and kill him!"

Mafalian sighed again, then squatted down beside dongfangyu, looked at dongfangyu and said, "do you remember why we killed him?"

Dongfang Yu said angrily, "is it time to say such nonsense? What do you want? You want to let him go? "


In the middle of her words, Dongfang Yu suddenly opened her eyes and looked at her chest in disbelief. Malfarian's walking stick had penetrated her body.

Marfarian said: "we want to kill him because he has threatened us. There are only two positions for the Deputy conductor. Since he wants to be in the upper position, one of us naturally wants to abdicate."


Marfarian took out his cane, took out his handkerchief from his chest pocket, and wiped off the blood channel: "but if you die, the position is just enough. It's still two. At present, it seems easier to kill you."

Dongfang Yu kept coughing: "aren't you afraid of breaking the rules? The Deputy conductor is not allowed to fight. "

Marfarian said: "it's your own fault. Who let your fake death ability be so powerful? You can even cheat the conductor or even the death train, and let the death train give mysterious hints. In that case, who knows I killed you? Who knows I broke the rules? "

Dongfang Yu kept panting and said: "you wanted to kill me a long time ago, didn't you? That's why I study my abilities. "

Marfarian said with a smile: "it's really nothing. It's just preparedness. After all, when people are old, they are more afraid of death. In order to live, of course, they have to make more preparations."

Dongfang Yu's eyes became red because of congestion, showing a trace of madness. Dongfang Yu roared hysterically: "you can't die well."

Marfarian said, "go on the road."

Malfarian spread out his palm, and a black ball of light appeared in it.

"For the sake of old acquaintance." Malfarian said with a smile, "I'll make you die better."


When ye Cha entered the forest, he soon heard the news from all sides of the forest.

Sure enough, there was too much noise, which attracted many people.

Ye Cha took a deep breath, directly entered the Dragon state, covered his breath, and quickly swept out toward the front.

Occasionally around the sound of fighting, leaf brake all chose to ignore, just crazy toward the front running.

About an hour, the blade brake slowly slowed down.

Raised his head, leaf brake out of the palm, there are some rain through the gap between the leaves, fall in the palm of the leaf brake.

It's raining.

It's not anybody's ability, it's really raining.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes, and the rain scattered to both sides, directly avoiding Ye Cha's body.

Walking forward again for a while, ye Cha found a big tree, which was very strong. Several of the big trees gushed out of the ground, crisscrossed and crisscrossed, three or four meters high, and formed a huge tree hole under them.

Ye Cha got into the tree hole and sat down with his back against the root.

Ye Cha tilted his head and took a long breath.

Dongfang Yu is dead.

For ye Cha, it is no doubt the same as putting down a big stone in his heart.

That's good. Yecha can feel the joy in his heart.

After sitting for a while, ye Cha took out a small sword.

The sword is very short, only half an arm. The body of the sword is rusty and covered with thick rust. The whole body of the sword is covered. The hilt is not harmful. I don't know what the material is. It's blood red.

This is something from Dongfang Yu.

At the same time, it's a sword.

The name of this sword is: This is a sword!This is a sword (weapon):??

It's very strange, except for a strange name, this sword has no effect display, or should be effective, but only the display of question mark, that's all.

Ye Cha didn't know what the sword was used for. Ye Cha was really afraid to fight with such a rusty sword. After a chop, would the sword be broken? At the same time, because there was only a question mark, he didn't know if it was the effect of the sword.

However, ye Cha didn't care very much. What could be brought by Dongfang Yu, even if it was bad, how bad could it be?

As for the effect, ye Cha guessed, probably back to the death train, should be able to know.

In addition to this sword, which I don't know what to use, what makes yecha more happy is

Sun and moon in the sky!

Sun and moon in the sky (personal title) (God given title) (unique): sun and moon are yin and Yang, sun is Yang, Yin is month, sun and moon in the sky, yin and Yang add body.

Sun wheel: control sun wheel, control temperature change, drive flame, burn everything.

Moon wheel: control the moon wheel, can control the temperature change, drive frost and snow, ice thousands of miles.

The introduction of the effect of the sun and moon in the sky is very simple. Just like the wind and rain in all directions, they are two of the complete set of titles. But even with such a simple description, ye Cha also knows the power of the sun and moon in the sky.

No detailed description of the power, does not mean no power, just as ye Cha once got wind and rain in all directions, also feel inexplicable, but the facts will prove everything.

Therefore, compared with the sword that didn't know what to do, ye Cha was more pleased to get the sun and moon in the sky.

Wind and rain in all directions make yecha really have the strength of purser.

So, what can the sun and moon bring to the leaf brake?

Yecha is not clear, but most substantially, yecha sees its own rating.

Super 2 stars!

After getting the sun and moon in the sky, yecha broke through the super 1 star and reached the super 2 star rating!

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