death train

Chapter 1696

The leaf Cha suddenly laughed, he really had no reason not to smile.

In fact, the evaluation of the extraordinary 2 stars does not fully reflect the strength of yecha, because yecha can still use the power of the apostles, but anyway, it is always good to improve the star level.

The power of the Apostle is increased by the upper limit of the leaf brake, and the star rating determines the lower limit of the leaf brake.

This makes yecha feel very good. Even now, the weather should be the best time for yecha to hunt. Yecha gives up. Yecha just wants to enjoy a moment of peace and pleasure.

However, it didn't rain very much. After a while, it stopped before night. But from time to time, there were still fighting sounds around.

Obviously, the two previous battles have attracted many people to this area.

To meet is to fight.

Yecha had enough rest. He went out of the tree hole and began to prepare to move on.

Another advantage of getting the sun and the moon in the sky is that it has increased more capital for the leaf brake and can compete in this task.

Moreover, ye Cha thinks that the sun and moon in the sky is more powerful than the wind and rain in the eight directions, not in terms of power, but in terms of use restrictions, the sun and moon in the sky is not as harsh as the wind and rain in the eight directions.

Wind and rain control wind and rain, but there is no problem with wind, but the problem of rain is big. It is not that rainy days are useless, and the power is greatly weakened.

There are no restrictions in this respect when the sun and the moon are in the sky. The sun wheel and the moon wheel can be used at any time. Of course, if there are no restrictions in this respect, it does not mean there are no restrictions.

In the daytime, the power of the sun wheel will be strengthened and the power of the moon wheel will be weakened, while in the night, the power of the moon wheel will be strengthened and the power of the sun wheel will be weakened.

In other words, the sun and the moon in the sky can never exert their strongest power, because day and night are always separated.

Or it can be understood that if the upper limit is 100 in numerical terms, the lower limit of rain in all directions is relatively low, usually only 50 to 60, but it can reach 100 in rainstorm weather.

There is no so-called upper limit and lower limit when the sun and the moon are in the sky. According to the day and night, the power of the sun wheel and the moon wheel is interlaced, and will always be maintained at the value of 90.

It's hard to say whether the leaf brake is good or bad, but it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

While thinking, ye Cha unfolded the paper wings, flew into the air to determine the direction, and then continued to move towards the central area of Senhai.

There are no fusion animals, and there are no ancient species. Probably because of the fierce fighting in this area, they are either killed or run away.

Suddenly, the leaf brake stopped.

In front of yecha, there is a broken and collapsed tree. There are traces of fighting everywhere. It seems that there has been a fierce fight here.

Ye Cha crossed a broken tree and then picked his eyebrows.

In front of Ye Cha, there is a corpse. Ye Cha turns the corpse over, and it's Alex.

Ye Cha was a member of that team.

Ye Cha looked forward and soon found other bodies around.

Christia, Granger, Luo Cheng

The team is dead. No, there should be one more.

Ye Cha quickly walked towards the front, about ten meters. Soon, he saw Charlie leaning on the tree. His face was pale and his body had been dyed red by blood.

Ye Cha comes forward, squats down and puts his finger under Charlie's nose.

"Don't do that. It makes me think I'm dead." Charlie leisurely opened his eyes, and then a Leng way: "leaf brake?"

Ye Cha said: "well, didn't you run away? Why are you running deeper

"Pursued." Charlie suddenly thought of something, immediately said: "run, run, the man is still nearby, cough, cough..."

Charlie was coughing violently, and his mouth was full of blood.

Charlie's face suddenly turned red.

Shine back!

In Charlie's current state, it's obviously impossible to survive.

Charlie gritted his teeth and said, "get out of here."

"He can't leave any more."

In front of the leaf brake, there was a voice.

Ye Cha looked up and saw a strong man coming towards him.

The strong man's left hand, gray white, hand incomparably huge, showing a red color.

Alien human? No, no, there shouldn't be any other species here?

Isn't cleaning right? No, it's not right. The cleaning troops have sequelae after taking the necropsy medicine. Therefore, it's impossible to be so leisurely. They will definitely choose to fight and decide quickly. Moreover, it's too low to take the necropsy medicine to corpse an arm.

Biochemical transformation people!


Ye Cha said: "who are you? Let me guess, the general members of the Raptors, even the captain level, should not be able to kill them, then, the commander of the Raptors? "The man laughed and said, "my name is torreto. You seem to know our internal situation very well."

"Yes." Ye Cha said: "after all, I've killed a lot."

The smile on torreto's face suddenly subsided and became gloomy.

Ye Cha looks at Charlie, and there is no life left.

"Hoo Ye Cha spits out the turbid airway: "there are many bastards on the death train, but few good people..."

Yecha looks down at Charlie.

"You are a good man." Ye Cha said: "so, I will take revenge for you."

"Revenge?" Torreto laughed darkly and said, "you mean, do you want to kill me?"

Ye Cha said: "I'd like to try the ability I just got, but even if it's too weak, it's meaningless to use it to test the knife. You're very good. I can make you die more happily when you give me face and send it to my door."

"Don't be ashamed." Torreto said, "I think you'd better go to hell and accompany your companions."


Torreto's legs stepped on the ground and jumped out towards the leaf brake.

The palm of his hand toward the fire turned into a fist.

Poof, poof!

The sound of the flame beating sounded, and then a large flame suddenly gushed out in front of the leaf brake, rapidly crystallized.


Torreto's fist blows on the crystal flame, and one blow smashes the crystal flame.

Ye Cha picked his eyebrows, then his figure flashed, and a ghost step stepped out backward, then he opened the distance with Torre tora.

Ye Cha raised his head, looked at torreto and looked at him carefully.

Three dragon team, once was a trouble, but now it is not in the eye of Ye Cha, even, can be said to be completely despised.

However, the three dragons team is not in the class in yecha's eyes, but torreto's fighting power is beyond yecha's expectation.

Because, the red flame armor is actually a very good touchstone.

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