death train

Chapter 1729

Ye Cha doesn't care too much about the position of the Deputy conductor, because no one is arguing.

Of course, this statement is not very correct. Strictly speaking, there are still some people fighting for it. Gan Lin is the biggest competitor.

However, if Gan Lin wants to become the Deputy train commander, she has to take out mafalian, or the extraordinary three-star rating and task. For now, Gan Lin's goal to complete the job challenge is not yecha, but mafalian or herself.

What's more, has Gan Lin achieved extraordinary strength?

This is also a question mark, because it seems that the Deputy conductor didn't attack her.

In a word, the leaf brake is not in a hurry. In any case, the position of a deputy conductor is vacant. People with strength can always sit on it.

Ye Cha is now focusing on the task of the Deputy conductor.

Ye Cha lowered his head and pondered for a while, thinking that malfarian might also be involved in the matter of killing himself.

However, with the death of Dongfang Yu, the conflict of interest between them is gone. After all, the position of a deputy conductor is vacant, and ye Cha doesn't have to kick out mafalian in order to become a deputy conductor.

Without interest, there is no struggle.

"So..." Ye Cha murmured: "this deputy conductor's task is really just a task?"

Yecha has no reason to kill mafalian, so naturally mafalian has no reason to kill yecha.

After pondering, ye Cha said: "so, what is the task content?"

The landlady put out her hand and said, "marfarian wants to have an interview with you."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "Oh?"

"The landlady said:" you can go to him, including the task content, as well as the reward, he will tell you in person

"Why?" Ye Cha thought about it and said, "I mean, these things are not always up to you?"

The landlady said, "this is his request. If you are not interested, I can turn it down."

Ye Cha thought again, and then said, "no, I'll go."

The landlady nodded and said nothing more. She was only responsible for conveying the meaning of marfarian.

Leave the dining car and go to mafalian's personal car.

Taping on the door, malfarian's voice rang out of the room: "please come in, the door is not locked."

Yecha enters the personal compartment of marfarian.

It's a typical British style, with a sense of retro and Gothic. The lighting in the room is a little dark, and the decorations are a little old. At the leaf brake, you can see a lock bar type old clock, and a gramophone.

Marfarian is sitting in front of the sofa with a pair of chess on the tea table. Marfarian is playing chess alone.

Seeing ye Cha enter the door, mafalian points to the opposite sofa with a smile.

Ye Cha shook his head and said, "No

"I know that you Chinese people generally prefer to play go, which is also a very good intelligence game," said malfarian, smiling and erasing the pieces


Ye Cha scratched his head and wanted to tell Ma farian that the most popular intelligence game of Chinese people should be fighting landlords or mahjong. However, he always felt that he would be ashamed after he said it. Besides, are these two intelligence games? I guess so!

Marfarian put away the chessboard and said, "I forgot. Congratulations."

Ye Cha looks at Ma farian doubtfully.

Malfarian said with a smile, "it's only a matter of time before you become the Deputy conductor."

Yecha bajixia mouth, but don't know how to interface, because I can't find out the intention of marfarian, is really congratulating yecha, or implied what meaning?

Malfarian laughed and then said, "tell me about this mission?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "good."

Marfarian said: "the task is actually very simple. I have found a relic and have tried to explore it several times. Unfortunately, it has not been successful. So I need you to help me to explore it. If it is successful, I only need one thing called Leah star in the relic. It's all yours."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "with respect, how can I do it if you can't complete the ruins exploration?"

Marfarian said: "originally, it can't be, but don't you get the emperor of time?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Marfarian said: "it's a bit troublesome, but if you use the effect of the emperor of time, it's possible to complete the exploration. That's why I'm looking for you."

Ye Cha thought about it and said, "is that relic a relic of ancient civilization?"

Malfarian shook his head and said, "it's nothing to do with that. It's a very old small cultural relic called Leah. You should know that some ancient things will have magical power after the end of the world. There are such things in that relic. I can guarantee that the number is more than three. One of them is Leah star. If there are not enough items, I will supply you, and the other one is Leah star Besides, this is my personal mission. There is no loss if I fail. I will not pursue and blame you. "Ye Cha thought and said, "well, I'll have a try?"

Malfarian said with a smile: "I have given the coordinates to the landlady. She will take you to the entrance. In addition, I have a hand-painted map here, which is the area I have explored."

While speaking, mafalian took out a hand drawn map and handed it to yecha.

Ye Cha took over and said, "well, I'll leave first."

Ye Cha gets up and leaves mafalian's personal carriage.

When the door was closed and yecha's figure disappeared, malfarian suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked at the door and said, "let me make sure if you have apostolic power in your body."

Leaving mafalian's personal carriage, ye Cha leaned against the wall and pondered for a moment.

Recalling the words that mafalian said, yecha was a little puzzled.

The reason why I wonder is that I don't see any malice from malfarian. The content of the task is normal. It's just to explore the relics. The reward is also very real. The harvest depends on how much yecha can find. Malfarian only takes one of them. If yecha doesn't get enough, malfarian will make up for it.

From all aspects, it is quite good and worth a try.

But the reason why Ye Cha felt puzzled was also here. There was nothing strange about the task. From any point of view, it was a very common task of the Deputy conductor. The goal seemed to have nothing to do with the important items such as the Apostle walking, the Noah Apostle and the legacy of ancient civilization.

In that case, is the task worth an interview with marfarian? Is it necessary to meet? What's the difference between letting the landlady tell her what the task is?

"Or just for the congratulations?" Ye Cha tilted his head and said: "deliberately show kindness?"

Ye Cha doubts and leaves the death train.

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