death train

Chapter 1730

This is a karst cave, surrounded by a river, out of the death train platform, it is already in it.

Ye Cha went forward. Soon, on the edge of a river, he found a small boat with lights on it.

This should be marfarian's.

After ye Cha jumped on the boat, let the corpse flower vine appear from the shadow to paddle, and then move forward along the underground river.

Yecha sat in the bow of the boat, took out the hand-painted map given by marfarian and looked at it.

Judging from the size of the paper and the size of the hand drawn map area, mafalian has explored almost half of the area. The Underground River belongs to the peripheral area. First, it has to pass through the river, and then it can see the ruins.

"But what do these skeletons mean?" Ye Cha whispered: "a symbol of danger?"

On the map, there are some areas painted with skeletons, just at the moment when ye chayan fell.

Goo Doo, goo Doo!

The river suddenly bubbled, and then a dark shadow suddenly came out.

It was a strange fish, black and scaleless, with shark like teeth. It suddenly jumped up to the boat and opened its mouth to the leaf brake.

Ye Cha's reaction was very fast. He quickly leaned back to the back and directly lay on the bed. Then the sword fell out of the sheath of Nanjiang and cut it to the belly of the strange fish, breaking the body of the strange fish.

The strange fish fell in the bow, the body has been cut, but still in constant struggle, constantly jumping in the bow.

Ye Cha raised his sword and fell to Nanjiang. He stabbed the body of the strange fish again. Then the strange fish stopped moving, and there was no sound.

However, at this time, in the surrounding River, bubbles constantly appeared, and then those strange fish jumped out one after another and attacked the ship.

The corpse flower vines that paddled on both sides immediately flew up and swept those strange fish down from the air one after another.

However, the number of those strange fish is too much, even if the corpse flower vine constantly dancing, it can only shoot down a part of them, besides, more strange fish are still surging from the river.

Ye Cha quickly put out his sword, and the sword fell to Nanjiang. He kept drawing sword light in the air, like a sword net, and went forward to shoot down those strange fish.

But at this time, ye Cha suddenly felt a pain in his ankle, but a few strange fish that had passed through the sword net and landed on the boat suddenly opened their mouths and bit Ye Cha's ankle.

Ye Cha grinned and kicked hard forward to sweep those strange fish out, then he punched fiercely towards the river.

It's too late!

The current surges and falls directly towards the river, then turns into a large number of electric arcs and spreads around.

The surface of the water constantly surging, one by one of the fish corpses constantly floating up, paved the river.

Ye Cha found a way to deal with these strange fish. He immediately gave a low drink, then raised his fist and blasted out continuously. His body kept making a "crackle" sound, and the electric current continued to fall towards the underground river.

Every time the current falls, a large number of strange fish corpses will float up, while those who have jumped on the boat are swept away by the corpse flower vines.

It lasted about 15 minutes, and finally no more strange fish appeared in the river. The bodies of those strange fish were washed along the current, and they didn't know where they were.

At the same time, the underground river has come to an end.

At the end of the underground river, there is still a karst cave, but there are some different places.

For example, walls!

In front of the cave, the outside is the wall of the cave. However, if you keep going inside, you will find that the wall of the cave has been obviously trimmed and smoothed, with obvious human traces.

And then along the cave continue to move forward, into the ruins of the interior.

There is no so-called entrance. This so-called relic is built together with an underground karst cave, through which you can enter.

Ye Cha took out the map and looked at it for a long time, but said, "this map is totally useless."

There are many tributaries in the underground watercourse. There are 12 watercourses that can enter the ruins. Malfarian has no Keng yecha. The map is very complete, and all the watercourse entrances are marked.

In the first half of the ruins, most of the areas were also painted by mafalian, but the problem was that yecha didn't know which channel he entered from, and the place looked almost the same.

Yecha takes back the map and continues to move forward. At present, he can only look at it step by step. When he can clearly confirm the area, the map will probably be useful.

About five minutes later, yecha saw some traces of fighting. There were traces of cutting and breaking on the wall. In the passage, there were some broken stones.

Ye Cha picked up a piece of stone in the shape of half a palm, which seemed to be a broken stone puppet.

"It should have been malfarian."

Marfarian had explored this relic. Yecha was also interested in the things that could defeat marfarian.Going on, I didn't encounter any danger or trouble. After all, it was the most peripheral area. It was almost the place where malfarian walked. Malfarian solved the danger.

Marfarian should have fought with something similar to stone puppets. Besides, this relic seems to be full of many mechanisms.

Ye Cha saw arrows falling all over the channel, huge rolling wood nailed with metal spikes, and huge blades falling on the ground.

Of course, these things have been destroyed along with malfarian's advance.

In an hour, the front of the leaf brake finally came out of the passage. In front of the leaf brake, there was a regular trapezoidal hall. The battle trace here was particularly obvious. A large area of cave top collapsed, the earth cracked, and a large area of wall collapsed on the side.

At the same time, there are traces of fire burning everywhere, and the traces of sword cutting.

Think about it, there used to be something good to guard here, but it was killed by marfarian. In front of it, there are five entrances.

"Five gates?"

Ye Cha murmured.

The name comes from mafarian's hand-painted map. In this area, mafarian made some notes.

Wuchongmen, three deaths and two lives. If you choose Shengmen, you can pass safely. If it's a dead gate, naturally, it's needless to say that marfarian marked a big skull on the side of wuchongmen.

At the same time, the gate of life and death of wuchongmen is not fixed. It will change constantly according to different times. Malfarian is not sure. Malfarian only marked the gate of life corresponding to three times.

However, on the side of this label, there are also small labels. The only thing that can be determined by the label is the time. If there is also a corresponding date, then the student gate at three time points is not necessarily safe.

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