death train

Chapter 1731

Ye Cha looked at the three time points, which could not correspond to his current time.

In this case, we can only guess. Of course, there is another way.

The emperor of time!

Before he came here, mafalian actually gave yecha some hints, that is, the reason why he handed over the exploration task to yecha was that yecha got the emperor of time from the conductor.

So, ye Cha thought of that thing all of a sudden, and then found a way to crack this game.

Coming to the front of the first passage, ye Cha took out the old pocket watch and set it to 3 o'clock.

Time knows!

Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da

That pocket watch doesn't actually move around. It can't be used as a normal pocket watch to see the time. When you want to use it, you need the leaf brake to dial the required time point by itself.

When the leaf brake leaf brake time set to three o'clock, pocket watch still did not move, but, leaf brake heard the sound of the second hand walking.

The next moment, the space in front of Ye Cha was distorted, and then a picture suddenly appeared.

Ye Cha was walking in the passage. Suddenly, golden flames were burning all around, and the stones in the passage were peeling off. Golden beetles appeared one by one, all over the passage.

Ye Cha's double fists came out in succession, bombarding towards the front continuously, and the current was raging towards the front, shooting down those golden beetles.

But if there are too many golden beetles, they will burn.

The golden flames were almost defenseless. With the physical quality of the leaf brake, it was unable to survive. Finally, it killed dozens of meters ahead. Before seeing the end of the passage, the leaf brake used sunlight to resist the golden beetle.

All of a sudden, the picture ends here, and everything in front of yecha's eyes returns to normal. In the end, yecha doesn't see whether he used the sunshine to kill or retreated.

Because, only one minute can be predicted.

However, it's troublesome to be able to force yourself to use all the sunshine. Moreover, you can be sure that the first channel is the dead door.

So, the blade brake comes to the second channel, and uses the time prediction again.

The space in front of yecha was distorted again, and then yecha saw himself walking forward again.

This time, a green Beast stopped in front of yecha. The green beast was like a wolf or a jackal. There were flowers and bones on its back. There were always vines flying out of yecha and attacking.

At the same time, the green Beast is also constantly attacking towards the leaf brake, which is hard to separate.

And then

Then there's no more.

Ye Cha suddenly felt that one minute's time was also a little weak. He couldn't finish watching the battle, and he didn't know whether he had passed through the channel. However, it was good to be able to predict the danger. Obviously, he was still not a student.

When the blade brake comes to the third passage, it intends to continue to use it.

But in this instant, ye Cha suddenly opened his mouth, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and felt the blood flow in his chest.

"If you see through, don't say through. If you look at the future and see through life, every time you foresee it, it will damage your body. If you use it continuously, it will damage your body several times."

At this time, ye Cha's ear sounded mysterious voice.

"Shit." The leaf Cha low scolds a way: "this kind of thing early say."

Ye Cha wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, there was a trace of enlightenment.

Among the 12 effects of the emperor of time from 1:00 to 12:00, only a few of them have time restrictions, and most of them do not.

However, it does not mean that there are no restrictions on the use of it, otherwise, it will be extremely abnormal.

Therefore, since there is no time limit, there must be limitations in other aspects, such as physical injury, mental limitation and so on.

There was no problem with the first use, and I didn't feel any difference with the second use. But after two times in a row, my body suffered several times of damage, and the damage was overlapped, which was very important.

If you go on, ye Cha feels that he will play to death.

Take out a cell repair agent for injection, ye Cha doesn't plan to continue.

Now there are two ways in front of the leaf brake. The first is to wait for the body to recover, there are cell repair agents, and regeneration ability. In a few hours, the leaf brake will return to a healthy state.

The second way is to choose one of the three remaining corridors.

Ye Cha thought for a while and decided to choose the second way.

Although his body was injured, it was only slightly injured. It was meaningless to sit for a few hours foolishly.

Moreover, the wuchong gate has three dead gates and two lives. Now he has found out two dead gates. Ye Cha doesn't think he will be so weak. In the case of two living gates among the remaining three gates, he still chooses the dead gate.

Ye Cha pondered and entered the third passage directly.

There are two dead doors. Can't the third one be dead?Leaf brake side toward, side into them.

Yecha is very indifferent. The dead gate does not necessarily mean death. According to the plural time points recorded by marfarian, marfarian certainly did not choose the living gate. He just killed it.

Since mafalian can do it, yecha certainly thinks that he can do it. The great thing is to fight.

Ten meters ahead, this passage is a little strange. It's slanting down, and then

The channel suddenly flickered blue light, almost in the blink of an eye, covered the whole channel.

Leaf Cha suddenly low scold a, oneself go out of the time didn't see Huang Li, unexpectedly is dead door.

Ye Cha immediately entered the alert state, and then ran out quickly towards the front. Since it was not the gate of life, it could only be forced out.

With the leaf brake running, suddenly, there was a harsh sound in the passage, and then in the flashing blue awn around, the current suddenly flew towards the leaf brake.

The leaf Cha Leng Leng, let those electric current hit his body, then surge for a while, those flying electric current was completely absorbed by the thunder core of the leaf cha.

The third door must be dead, but the way of attack here is electric current.

Ye Cha suddenly changed from a big surprise to a big joy, which is the thing he is not afraid of.

Ye Cha immediately ran, let the current attack him, and then all the way forward.

All of a sudden, the electric current converged together, and a thunder beast was suddenly transformed. Its fangs were ferocious, and its body was covered with thunder light. It rushed towards the leaf brake.

"Get out of here!"

The leaf Cha low drinks a, then a fist toward front blast out.

Ye Cha hit the thunder beast with one punch, and the electric current ran wildly.

However, the electric current on the thunder beast has no effect on the leaf brake. The leaf brake directly reaches out a hand and tears the thunder beast to pieces.

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