death train

Chapter 1743

With a bang, the water column collided with the palm of the sky dragon, making a huge noise.

Almost instantly, the water column was smashed by a blow, and then the huge palm of the sky dragon pressed down.


The Giant Claw fell, the ground broke, and the earth collapsed downward.

The rolling gravel forms the rubble and buries the leaf brake.

The next moment, the accumulation of rubble in the ruins, suddenly issued a huge roar, ye Cha smashed the ruins, behind the Dragon Wings, rushed out from the ruins.

In mid air, the leaf brake unfolds the Dragon Wings and gasps.

Marfarian wants to continue to attack, but at this time, the conductor suddenly appears and stands in front of marfarian. Marfarian stops when he settles down and stands behind the conductor in silence.

The conductor looked at Ye Cha and said, "do you still have to struggle?"

Ye Cha grinned and said, "maybe you can regard it as a desire to survive."

It's too late!

Ye Cha clenched his fist, and a fist went down to the conductor. The purple current cut the sky and went to the conductor.

The conductor said indifferently, "wormhole."

When it smashed into the ground, it was a hundred meters away, and suddenly disappeared.

The conductor said, "desire is desire. Having desire does not necessarily mean that one can be satisfied."

Said the conductor, waving his hand in the air.

The Giant Claw came out of the cloud again, pressed down and grabbed the leaf brake directly.

The pupil of the leaf brake suddenly shrinks, then around the leaf brake, suddenly a hurricane blows.

"White dragon Tianwei."

In the sky, large areas of rain clouds appeared, and then with the wind around, a rainstorm hit.

The leaf Cha lightly drinks a, that fall of rain water quickly gather together, formed a huge rain curtain, toward the sky dragon's claw to welcome up.


The sky trembles!

The rain curtain collided with the claws of the sky dragon, constantly trembling, making the whole sky seem to be shaking. Then, the open claw suddenly closed.

With a puff, the rain curtain of yecha was torn into pieces by the claws of the sky dragon, and then the clenched fist hit yecha's body.

Bang, the leaf brake fell down from the air like a shell and hit the ground hard.


Ye Cha lay on the ground, opened his mouth to the side, and then spat out blood.

Ye Cha's face became pale, and he felt that all the organs in his body were shaking, and his viscera were like turning rivers and seas.

The conductor stood up with his hands down, with a light face, and then suddenly walked towards the leaf brake.

It's so strong!

Ye Cha clenches his teeth. The strength shown by the conductor is too strong. There is a kind of feeling that he did nothing, but brought a huge sense of oppression.

Most importantly, the conductor hasn't tried his best.

Of course, the conductor himself knows this.

And yecha knows.

Suddenly, ye Cha's figure flashed and disappeared.


The shadow of the leaf brake is flashing continuously, and the ghost step is running towards the rear continuously, so as to keep away from the conductor as far as possible.

Until the ghost step's step limit is consumed, the shadow of the leaf brake appears again. Looking back, the death train in motion has become a black line.

Did you run away?


The leaf brake can't help thinking, and then the voice of the conductor suddenly rings. On the side of the leaf brake, the air seems to be distorted, and then it quickly returns to normal, but at the moment of returning to normal, the conductor appears there.

The conductor didn't speak with a smile, but the smile was obviously a bit abusive, as if telling Ye Cha that he couldn't run away.

Ye Cha took a deep breath, clenched his fist, knuckles "pa pa" sound.

If we can't escape, we can only fight.

Self determination?

Ye Cha sneered. He only heard about the soldiers who died in the war, but he never heard about the soldiers who made their own decisions.


Leaf brake low roar a, wave a fist toward the conductor to blow out again, the current gushing out madly again between fists.




The leaf brake madly urges the electric power in the thunder core, and then blows out at the conductor.

Crazy surge of current again, toward the conductor hard bombardment out.

"It's no use." The conductor said, "you can't hurt me, wormhole!"

The conductor waved to the front casually, and the current in front of the conductor suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it was about 100 meters behind the conductor, shattering a large area of the ground.The leaf brake clenched its teeth.

It's useless. All the attacks are useless.

When no attack can form effective killing, how can such an enemy be defeated, or


Ye SHIMENG jumps to the rear, then takes out the emperor of time and quickly moves the pointer to the position of 6 o'clock.

Time is clean!

Almost for a moment, the time around seemed to stop completely.

When the wind blows, the dust is suspended in the air, neither floating nor landing.

In the distance, the death train moving towards the front stopped at this moment.

In the sky, because the hurricane and rain caused by Bailong Tianwei are still raging.

However, at this moment, the falling rain suddenly stopped, like a huge curtain, covering everything.

At this moment, in addition to the leaf brake broke the law of time, still able to act, all around, are still in the last second.

Of course, ye Cha can't do anything, such as freezing in time, destroying the death train, or killing anyone. As long as it is something that will change the future, you can't do it. That will lead to the confusion of time, and the emperor of time will be broken.

However, it is not useless, that is to run away.

Time ice clean time is three minutes, in these three minutes, in addition to the world of leaf brake itself, the whole world will stop.

Then three minutes later, time will follow the normal track and jump to three minutes later. Of course, the only thing that is still unaffected is the blade brake.

Therefore, these three minutes, ye Cha can wholeheartedly escape.


When ye Cha just stepped forward.

"You take my things and deal with me." The conductor's voice suddenly rang out: "this is a very ridiculous thing."

Ye Cha felt a moist behind him, and his clothes had been soaked with sweat.

Ye Cha looks at the conductor, who is not affected by the ice of time, and is striding towards himself.

Time is so clean that it is useless to the conductor. The rule of time can't bind the conductor.

Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "you can't hit me."

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