death train

Chapter 1744

"Yes." The conductor said, "I can't do it to you."

The conductor is just not bound by the law of time, but rules are rules. The rules of the emperor of time can't be changed. In the case of time, the conductor can't do it.

The conductor said, "but in three minutes, do you think you can escape under my eyelids?"

Leaf Cha ferocious way: "don't try, how to know?"

Ye suddenly darted out toward the side.

Power, ye Cha needs power now!

"Half man and half god Lv2: if you want to, you are God!"

There was a mysterious sound in Ye Cha's ear.

"Manwang, manwang, manwang..."

Ye Cha prays constantly in his heart. Only when he comes to manwang's ability at random can ye Cha get a chance of life. By adjusting the speed attribute, ye Cha may be able to run away.


"Half man half god character random acquisition ability: Star River swordsmanship."

"Damn it

Ye Cha scolded a little. He didn't even bother to see the description effect of Xinghe swordsmanship, because it was totally meaningless. The sword move of attack was useless to Ye cha.

Ye Cha is leaving this damned place now.

And then

The leaf brake stops, and the conductor appears in front of him again, standing up with his hands in his hands.

Ye Cha's forehead, a drop of cold sweat flowing down.

Ye Cha had a feeling called "powerlessness", just like watching civilization collapse and destroy in the cylindrical tower.

In yecha's heart, there was a voice telling him that he had to do something to change the situation, but yecha didn't know what to do and what to do.

This feeling is called weakness and despair.

Ye Cha and the conductor look at each other like two sculptures.

A moment later, the conductor said, "it's three minutes."

Everything that was still was moving again.

The dead train started again.

The rain in the sky falls again.

The rolling stones continued to roll.

The silent world seems to be rejuvenated.

However, the leaf brake is still standing there, and in front of the leaf brake stands the conductor.


The leaf brake suddenly burst up.

In the sky

Wind and rain gathering, lightning and thunder!

Ye Cha madly attacked the conductor again.

The sky is covered by black clouds, a black, torrential rain continues to fall, a thunderstorm from the sky, as if the end of the day.

The conductor still stood with his hands on his shoulder, just standing there, with no intention of looking at the sky.

And then

Violent wind falls, but when it comes to the conductor's side, the wind will disperse by itself, and the rain will fall towards the conductor, and the rain will avoid the conductor and fall on the ground by itself.

With the roar, the huge pillars of thunder came crashing down, but when they fell on the head of the conductor, they were smashed.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth. Because of too much force, there was even blood flowing down from the corner of Ye Cha's mouth.

The conductor looked at Ye Cha and said, "have you given up

The conductor smiles and looks very friendly. However, ye Cha feels like falling into the ice now. The coldest ice water surrounds him and freezes his body completely.

Maybe I'm going to die.

Ye Cha has resurrection and can stay, but all this is just like Ye Cha's attack, which has no significance in front of the conductor.

One resurrection at a time, and then one killing at a time?

There is nothing more tragic than this.

"Goo Goo!"

Suddenly, the subtle sound appeared, which made the dignified atmosphere become strange, because the sound was really abrupt.

Ye Cha's eyes stare big. If for a second, ye Cha's world is still shrouded in darkness, then for a second, the bright sunshine shines into Ye Cha's world.

Because ye Cha knew what the sound was.

The snow God jumps out of the shadow of yecha, with his mouth open and his eyes narrowed. It looks like yawning and

I'm laughing!

Don't be afraid of the cry of the night owl, just be afraid of the laugh of the night owl!

Mourning by the soul: owls are called strange birds and ghosts in ancient books. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of the cry of night owls, you are afraid of the laughter of night owls. If you hear their laughter, someone will die.

The conductor frowned, apparently feeling something.

The next moment, the conductor made a sudden move.

But, also at this moment, the conductor's outstretched arm hung in the air, suddenly froze.In the eyes of the conductor, he saw a sea of blood and bones.

Hell is calling!

Countless bony hands stretched out from the ground, just like mountain tigers, and constantly climbed onto the conductor's body. The withered bones completely covered the conductor's body.

The feeling of stillness.

It's a door, a door to death.

By the huangquan River, some people are singing, drinking turbid water, floating corpses a hundred Li, a leaf boat, a show oil lamp, slowly floating forward.

It's a road that can't go back, it's a road that can't go back.

Yecha doesn't know what the conductor is going through.

But I can feel it.

Every day, every minute, every second, the conductor is dying.

Suddenly, the conductor covered the position of his heart, and then slowly knelt to the ground, finally lying on the ground, moving, as if lost breath.

Since the night owl calls, naturally someone will die.

Ye Cha didn't die, so

The conductor died!

Ye Cha's face showed a look of amazement. He never thought that the conductor would die, even in this way. Even in Ye Cha's view, such a death is too humiliating and incredible for the conductor.

However, in the next moment, the leaf brake does not return to the beginning of running, running towards the distance.

Yecha must leave now, now, now.

Ye Cha knows what to do!

In a moment, ye Cha's figure gradually faded. Under the full running, ye Cha's figure soon disappeared. At this time, mafalian came to the conductor.

The conductor's dead?

Looking at the conductor lying on the ground, malfarian's frightened expression is definitely not much better than that of yecha, because it's really an incredible and unimaginable thing.

Then, in this instant, the conductor on the ground suddenly wriggled, and then the clothes behind the conductor were torn, like a cocoon.

Not only the clothes, the conductor's body suddenly split, and then a new conductor stood up again, leaving only the body on the ground.

Malfarian squealed, and there was a sense of relief.

As deputy conductor, it would be a lie if marfarian had never imagined that position.

However, marfarian knew that he was far from qualified.

So, how can the conductor die?

How did the conductor die?

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