death train

Chapter 1745

Malfarian took a deep breath and said, "I'll go after him now."

The conductor put down his hand and said, "no need."

Malfarian looked at the conductor in surprise, and stopped chasing? Do you want to let go of the blade brake?

You know, this is a matter of principle. Even if the leaf brake must die, it has become a rule. No matter how much the conductor once valued the leaf brake, he should not hesitate to kill it at this time.

Rules are prescribed for compliance, not for resistance.

Ignoring malfarian's surprise, the conductor went to the direction of the death train and said, "I think it's good that the next station's task is to chase and kill."

Marfarian is not a fool, naturally understand the meaning of the conductor, nodded and said: "I know what to do."

The conductor said, "well, go back first."


There was a valley all around, and ye Cha kept running. He had been running for three days and three nights without any rest time, which made Ye Cha look tired and embarrassed.

Run, run, run!

This is the only thing ye Cha can do and is doing.

Suddenly, ye Cha faltered and almost fell to the ground. Then he slowed down and gasped. He came to the edge of the stream, took some water with his hand and sprinkled it on his face. Then he buried his face in the water and drank it.

Also in this instant, that stream water suddenly explodes the spray, a water column rushes to the sky.

Then a man wrapped in a black tights suddenly came out of the stream, with a long knife shining silver in his hand and chopped down towards the leaf brake.

"To die!"

The leaf Cha Leng hums a, suddenly of hand, evade knife edge of at the same time, stretch out a hand to grasp toward the throat of the opposite party in the past.

Snake bite!

Ye suddenly grabbed the throat of the other party, and then raised the person, and then hit the person on the ground.

The next moment, ye Cha's fist clenched.


The two sides of the exterminator appeared electric arc, and then ye Cha's fist fell on each other's head. With a bang, the man's head was like a smashed watermelon, with blood and meat scattered around.

"Just like you, you want to kill me?" The leaf Cha gets up, disdain a way: "not self-sufficient!"

Ye Cha gets up and continues to walk forward.

Ye Cha didn't know how many times he had been attacked, because there were so many times that he couldn't remember.

Because, on the death train, the task of this station is called: hunting Ye Cha!

No matter who can kill Ye Cha, not only can he get everything from ye cha. After ye Cha's death, all abilities of Ye Cha will return to the treasure list, and the conductor will reward one of them.

Is that the end?

No, of course not!

The conductor will also take out a collection of his own, a cross sword called the last one, as a reward for this mission, and no matter who can kill yecha, unconditionally, whether it's the person in the dead carriage or the steward, he will get the position of yecha.

That is


This is the information that ye Cha got from those people who were chasing him. The other party wanted to survive. He was completely sure to answer every question he asked. Ye Cha answered whatever he asked. He was extremely honest.

Of course, this can't exchange for their lives. For yecha, if he wants to kill himself, what he can do is to kill him first.

However, ye Cha is very clear that these people can't be killed. The conductor has offered a reward that is hard to refuse this time.

Even though ye Cha's personal belongings can not be obtained directly, they will be attributed to the treasure list. The conductor only promised to give one as a reward, plus the extra reward given by the conductor, and the position of purser.

This kind of reward even surpasses the emperor of time. If you don't move, you must be a fool.

Then, kill.

Ye Cha believed that as long as he killed enough, the other side would be restrained. At least some people would understand that since the conductor gave such a high reward, his life was not so easy to take away.

Of course, next ye Cha may begin to face some strong enemies.

However, ye Cha thought that as long as he persisted, he could live.

Every station of the death train is time limited. The conductor can take out the task of one station to kill himself. What about two stations? What about three stops?

Ye Cha felt that even if the conductor was willing, the pass of the death train would not be able to pass.

The conductor is indeed the highest ranking and strongest on the death train.

However, in the dark, the existence of the death train itself also represents a kind of will. The death train will not allow the conductor to go on like this all the time. He will pursue and kill yecha without releasing any tasks.Therefore, yecha thinks that three stops is probably the limit, and even this large-scale pursuit can only last for the first World War. Of course, the conductor can definitely use the way of the conductor's task to let people continue to pursue yecha, but the number of people pursuing yecha is certainly not as terrible as it is now.

Moreover, there are not many people who have the ability to kill yecha, or should be said to be very few. Before those people realize that they need to cooperate with each other to have the opportunity to kill yecha, yecha is basically safe.

Therefore, ye Cha doesn't pay much attention to this kind of pursuit at present, and compared with this kind of pursuit, there are more troublesome things bothering Ye cha.

On the side of the valley, near the bank, there is a group of stones. Yecha finds a hidden place in the corner. Several stacked stones form a small cave.

Ye Cha drills in and sits down next to the boulder.

Very tired, really tired.

The constant rush makes Ye Cha very tired, and the constant pursuit makes Ye Cha feel tired even if those people can't kill him.

Ye Cha knew that he had to have a rest, even if he just closed his eyes for two or three hours.

However, ye Cha also knows that when he really closed his eyes, he would be in real trouble.

In other words, real pursuit.

The leaf Cha thinks at the same time, at the same time close eyes, start false sleep.


All around is a dark color, and then slowly appeared some light, the air floated some like fireflies light mass, about the size of a fist, will be around to illuminate.

"Sure enough." Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "came to this place again."

It starts after the leaf brake leaves the death train. There is no problem during the day, but when the night comes, when the leaf brake closes its eyes and starts to rest, it will appear here.

And then

The real pursuit appears!

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