death train

Chapter 1748


All of a sudden, the ground under yutongkong's feet suddenly disintegrates, and countless stones surge up. Then, yutongkong's clothes are torn, and a battle skirt made of shark teeth appears at yutongkong's waist.

At the same time, something like bone pieces appeared on Yu TongKong's arms and wrapped his arms. But if you look carefully, you will find that those bone pieces are actually teeth.

Then there are boots, shoulder pads

Finally, Yu Tong Kong reaches out his hand and grabs his face with a strong wipe.

A half face shark mask appears, covering yutongkong's mouth.

"Battle armor!" Yu Tong Kong said softly, "shark king."

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and could clearly feel that the momentum of Yu TongKong was greatly improved, and a sense of oppression was sweeping towards him.

"Cut off the water!"

Yu Tong Kong gave a soft drink, raised his hand to make a knife, and cut it out towards the front. Then the stream in front of him suddenly broke off, and the water, like a sharp blade, fell down towards the leaf brake.

The leaf brake is indifferent to the falling water and takes a step towards the side. The water cuts the ground and smashes the ground.

Ye Cha looks at the broken ground. Yu TongKong's blow is quite fierce. The ground is not cut, but directly broken. At the broken position, the ground is completely crushed into powder.

If this hit hit the body, it would be unimaginable damage.

However, no matter how powerful an attack is, it must be able to hit.

Because of the powerful attack of yutongkong, ye Cha once again realized the power of the emperor of time, and the effect of each point was quite powerful.

At the same time, Yu Tong Kong jumped up, waved to the front, and then countless things like shark teeth kept falling towards the leaf brake.

The shadow of the leaf brake flickers, constantly moving, those things constantly hit the ground, the ground to constantly smash.

However, still not even the corner of Ye Cha's clothes.

Yu Tong fell to the ground and came to the front of Ye cha. His fists were constantly waving.

The leaf Cha side retreats, the side swings a body, Yu Tong Kong's fist then continuously rubs the leaf Cha's cheek to sweep past, all fall to the ground.

Ye Cha looked up at Yu Tong Kong and said, "have you played enough? It's my turn. "


Ye Cha's fist blows out towards the front.

Yutongkong dodges quickly. However, the slow flow of time can not only make yecha dodge attacks. In yecha's eyes, yutongkong's dodging speed is also extremely slow.


On both sides of the exterminator, the electric current is surging constantly, and the white smoke is ejecting, pushing Ye Cha's fist, and then ye Cha hits Yu Tong Kong's belly.

Bang, bang, bang.

Yu Tong Kong flies out towards the rear and hits the ground continuously. It's not easy to stabilize his body.

Ye Cha said: "the same strength as the purser? It doesn't seem very good? "

Yu Tong Kong didn't say a word. Although the movement speed of the leaf brake was as fast as the instant movement, she didn't believe that the leaf brake used the instant movement.

The ability of instant movement is a high-end ability, and it is impossible to use it like the leaf brake without restraint. Therefore, Yu TongKong tries to grasp the moving track of the leaf brake, but finds that he can't do it at all.

What makes Yu TongKong feel strange is that after feeling it, she finds that the movement speed of the leaf brake is not as fast as she thought. The naked eye can still capture it, but she doesn't know why the attack can't be hit at all.

Ye Cha picked up the emperor's way again: "last chance, roll."

Yu Tong Kong answers Ye Cha with his own action, and jumps out again towards Ye Cha, and raises his palm to drop down towards Ye cha.

The leaf Cha way: "since so, don't blame me."

Ye Cha raised his sword and cut it towards the front.

Six dragons flying!

The bloody sword light quickly condenses, and then cuts out toward the front, quickly condenses and forms into the shape of a blood dragon, and opens his teeth and paws towards Yu TongKong.

Yu Tong Kong is not afraid at all. He reaches out to the front and grabs the blood dragon.

But in this moment

Ye Cha raised the emperor of time, and then turned the clock to 2 o'clock.

2 o'clock, time push!


The next moment, the blood dragon in front of Yu TongKong disappeared, and Yu TongKong's face became pale, knelt down on the ground, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

On Yu TongKong's body, the armor was broken in many places. The wounds appeared on Yu TongKong's body, and the blood covered his body.

In addition, Yu TongKong felt that his internal Qi and blood were surging, as if his internal organs were smashed, and the severe pain filled his body.

Yu Tong Kong looked up at Ye Cha and said, "what did you do?""Nothing?" Ye Cha said, "it's just pushing your time to ten minutes later."

Ye Cha holds the sword in one hand and walks towards Yu TongKong.

"It's useless to push the time of 2 o'clock." Ye Cha said with a smile: "in the face of a guy like the conductor, even pushing his time to ten minutes later doesn't mean anything, but it's different for you."

In fact, the ability of time driving is not a pure attack ability.

The value of this effect is that the future time of 10 minutes, for the opponent, has been fighting for 10 minutes, but the time of yecha is still at the origin.

Physical exertion, ability use, and injury are all things that the opponent will experience and directly present the ten minute experience, but not for yecha.

Even in ten minutes, ye Cha has lost all his big moves of pressing the bottom of the box. For ye Cha, he can still use these moves now, but the other party has really accepted these moves.

In short, only the opponent can bear the ten minute battle and show everything in the present time point. Yecha doesn't need to bear the ten minute battle, but it's the same as fighting with the opponent.

At the same time, there is also a very important point, which is the controllability of the future.

At present, if you want to limit the normal use time of the brake blade, you must consider it.

It is true that ye Cha will use all his abilities regardless of everything, and will definitely kill Yu TongKong, but ye Cha will also bear the price, that is, his strength will be weakened in a certain period of time.

For example, if you use both Longhua and bailongwang, ye Cha will encounter a strong enemy again within the limited time, and you can no longer use Longhua and bailongwang.

However, it's different now. Ye Cha doesn't need to take care of it, because the ten minutes doesn't affect it. Therefore, ye Cha can attack madly in the ten minutes without any consideration.

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