death train

Chapter 1749

In fact, although it seems that yutongkong fell down suddenly, as if he had been seriously injured in an instant, in fact, yutongkong had already suffered from three swords of evil eye, the sun and the moon in the sky, and nine God thunder in the ten minute battle time that did not exist in front of him.

That's why yutongkong was hit hard.

However, as ye Cha said.

If the opponent is not as good as yecha, this ten minute fight can be the last straw to crush him. However, if he is faced with a trainman, or an opponent whose strength is higher than yecha, or even equal, this ten minute fight is not so significant.

The former is because ye Cha can't win even if he experiences more than ten minutes of fighting. What's the meaning of the ten minutes?

Of course, the latter is effective, but at most it can only play an effect of consuming each other, and it can not play a decisive role, so it can only make the blade brake occupy some advantages.

Unfortunately, Yu TongKong is not one of the two groups.

These ten minutes

For Yu Tong Kong, it was a fatal ten minutes.

Ye Cha came to Yu Tong Kong and bowed his head: "when I speak well, you should be obedient."


Ye Cha suddenly raises his hand, and the sword edge passes over Yu TongKong's neck. After leaving a blood line, Yu TongKong's body leans forward and falls down, completely losing his breath.

"What a pity." Ye Cha said: "there is one less star on the death train."

Ye Cha didn't mean to stay, but left quickly.

The blade brake must let itself move.

There seems to be some way to trace the people on the dead train to yecha.

On this point, ye Cha was not surprised. He got off the death train and knew how many strange things there were.

However, in the face of constant pursuit, ye Cha also found some ways, that is, the other party can only locate and track himself.

In short, if the blade brake is moving, the other party does not know the moving route of the blade brake, but if it is in a position for a long time, the other party will come to the door quickly.

Ye Cha guessed that the dead train would use the interval to give coordinates to help people find themselves, that is, it would say the location of Ye Cha once every certain time.

Therefore, the best way to deal with this tracking method is to keep moving. If it is not too tired, the leaf brake will not choose to sleep.

However, even if it is constantly moving, as long as you can know the coordinates of the leaf brake regularly, it is still troublesome in the final analysis. In the end, some people of the other party can speculate their own route.

The brake leaf can be searched in different directions according to the person.

In this regard, ye Cha has no way, can only look forward to this station quickly in the past.

Continue all the way forward, about a morning time, at noon, yecha finally came to the outside of the valley, and then yecha suddenly took one side of his body and hid in a rock on the side.

There's a voice.

"Hurry up, get rid of this guy. We're not wasting time in this damn place."

"Don't rush, everyone is working hard."

"Sado, put up the flag. Hurry up."

Ye Cha poked his head out of the back of the rock and looked out of the valley.

It was also a pursuer. There was no doubt that the target must be yecha, because the other party was on the death train. However, I didn't know what the reason was, so I ran to the front of yecha.

At the same time, the other side is fighting, the target is an ancient species: wild snake.

The great wild snake is an ancient species of King Zun 3. It's not weak. However, it takes so much time for five to one. The opponent's level is obviously limited.

It can only be said that a lot of people have gone crazy because of the rich and enviable rewards. Some people below the king level, or even just entered the king level, want to kill yecha.

Of course, ye Cha also understands the other party's idea. After all, this is obviously an opportunity to leap over the dragon's gate. The position of purser represents a lot of resources and a chance to become stronger.

Even, regardless of the position, these things on yecha are enough to make those who have just entered the Zunwang level jump to the level of three stars or even close to four stars.

Interests drive people's hearts, greed is always the original sin, making people crazy.

However, the other side is not too stupid, at least five people in a team action, those who come to hunt Ye Cha alone, just don't know what is the mentality, is too confident? Or arrogance?

Ye Cha thought, hiding behind the boulder to watch the battle.

It's not difficult to kill these people, but if yecha wants to save some energy, his enemies are not just the five people in front of him.

The fighting continues

The battle lasted about 15 minutes, and the wild snake finally came to the end of its life, but it was also the most dangerous moment.

No matter what creatures, in the face of death, always appear particularly crazy.This kind of madness is called: the desire to survive.

Sure enough, the wild snake kept spitting poison fog, and then the tail swept away, behind the wild snake, the ground burst apart.

Then countless pieces of gravel flew up and scattered around, constantly hitting around.

The five spread out quickly. They knew that the last attack of Dahuang Snake must be extremely fierce, but Dahuang snake was at the end of a strong crossbow. As long as they could survive this attack, Dahuang snake would be a turtle in a jar.

But they can't make it.


A thunder suddenly sounded, and then a thunder suddenly appeared, mercilessly towards one of them fell down.

"Can the wild snake lead thunder? I haven't heard of that. "

The man showed a stunned expression, and then raised the fog to meet the thunder.

Unfortunately, he made a wrong decision.

The thunder and lightning in yecha is not so easy.

Yes, the leaf brake is released.

When the wild snake is at the end of the crossbow, and the other party is in the most dangerous time, ye Cha suddenly makes a move.

Because, at the moment, the other party must have paid attention to the wild snake, who is completely on guard. Then, for yecha, it is certainly the best chance to sneak attack.

The other side received a thunderbolt, and then accompanied by the electric current, felt severe pain, and the whole person was blasted out in an instant.

And then


A long sword appeared behind the other side, from the position of the other side's heart, hit the other side's body through.


Ye Cha threw off the corpse hanging on the sword, strode forward and held it.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

Strong suction appeared, a woman did not understand what happened, the body was sucked back in the past, and then was a leaf brake to hold the neck.

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