death train

Chapter 1759

K5's reaction is very fast, immediately toward the rear jump, and then a corpse flower vine suddenly fell down, the ground to breakdown, and then quickly back.

People are going to chase toward the front, K5 immediately yelled: "don't move."

Turn around and K5 sees the brake.

Yecha is holding a man's neck, and the Alaskan whaling fork has been stabbed into each other's temple.

Ye Cha threw away the body and said, "it's good. It's very smart."

Seven people to the third, ye Cha is also satisfied with this degree, so ye Cha did not continue to hide the meaning, direct confrontation can also be.

Aubrey murmured, "I'll kill you."

K5 reached out and stopped Aubrey and said, "are you going to die alone?"

Ye Cha said with a smile, "aren't you four looking for death?"

K5 dropped his mouth and said, "follow the plan."

Aubrey took a deep breath, then walked slowly to the side and winked at Michelle, who went to the other side.

Boji's eyes suddenly twinkled, then ye Cha felt the feeling of bondage, his hands and feet seemed to be bound by something.

Just at this moment, Aubrey and Michelle jumped up at the same time and launched an attack towards the leaf brake.

Aubrey used a huge sword, which was very heavy on his burly figure. When he waved it, it brought out the strong wind. It was not so much chopping, but smashing at yecha's head.



Yecha suddenly put away the Alaska whaling fork, then took out his sword and landed in southern Xinjiang. With a clear metal sound, he stopped Aubrey's big sword.

Then ye Cha fiercely swept towards the side, kicking Michelle's waist, kicking the other side back.

Aubrey couldn't help shouting, "mind control!"

Bogey gritted his teeth and said, "his mental strength is very strong, and the effect is very weak!"

"Weak effect? You flatter yourself Ye shameng reached out and grabbed Aubrey's neck. He threw Aubrey out and said, "it's totally useless!"

K5 is very indifferent, toward bogey: "change!"

Boji nodded, and then the two words flashed again. The ground cracked constantly, and countless small stones flew up beside Boji.

Ye Cha said, "are you going to kill me with these shashuo?"

Boji ignored yecha. After a low drink, she suddenly stretched out her hand to the front, and those shashuo pushed towards the front crazily. Suddenly, a sandstorm came into being and attacked yecha.

Ye Cha tried to use the wind and rain in all directions, and found that it had no effect. However, he immediately understood.

Bogey's sandstorm can't be regarded as the manipulation of wind. It's just the sandstorm produced by the high-speed movement of shashuo with his mind.

Therefore, this aspect should be divided into primary and secondary, using wind to create sandstorms is definitely different from other abilities to produce sandstorms. What ye Cha wants to solve is not the flow direction of wind, but the brain ability of each other.

This is more difficult for yecha. To deal with Superman, it will always be superman. As the representative of biological evolution, the best way to deal with brain domain ability is to still use brain domain ability.

Ye Cha has no reason to think of Ye Yue's Lingshu. That ability is really strong!

"Feel the user's desire for power, which is triggered by the character of demigod."

"Half man and half god Lv2: if you want to, you are God!"

"The ability of random acquisition of the half human and half god characteristics: follow the way you say it."

Suddenly, the mysterious voice suddenly sounded, which made Ye Cha a little confused. Did he reach the requirement of triggering half human and half god? I have no desire for strength.

At the present level of these guys, there is no way for ye Cha to yearn for strength, not to mention the envy of each other's strength. How can they trigger half human and half god?

Leaf Cha a face is puzzled, then feel to understand what, oneself seem to envy leaf month of speech work properly skill.

Think so, leaf Cha feels oneself have hematemesis impulse, still can such operation? Every other time, can you admire someone who is not in front of you?

In this case, is it possible for me to miss the following captains more in the future, so that half man and half god can trigger it anytime and anywhere?

Ye Cha was a little distracted because he was triggered by half man and half God without any sign, and for a moment, the attack had arrived.

The attack in front of yecha is not only the sandstorm created by Boji, but also Aubrey and Michelle quickly approach yecha again under the cover of the sandstorm.

"Get out of here!"

Ye Cha murmured, and then he was ready to move. But at this moment, the sandstorm suddenly burst with a "bang", and then Aubrey and Michelle were directly shaken out.

Bogey stepped back a few steps in a row, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

Leaf Cha a face is stunned, the hand that hangs also doesn't know to should continue to wave to go out, still should put down.Ye Cha really wanted to fight back, but they didn't fight at all, so they flew away.

Ye Cha thought of something quickly.

Follow your words (demigod ability) (supernatural ability) (unpredictable ability): the power of speech has existed since ancient times. When you speak, everything you say can be realized, but you can't go beyond the limit of life and death. You can't realize the impossible things. Use times: 9 / 10

Ye Cha is surprised. Isn't this ye Yue's spiritual skill?

However, it seems to be wrong. Ye Yue's spiritual skills are fixed, that is, there are several, more than a dozen, or even dozens of spiritual skills. The exact number of Ye Cha is not clear. Then ye Yue opens her mouth and the spiritual skills take effect, which can be displayed through the brain.

As far as the issue of law is concerned, it seems that it is not fixed. What it means is what it means. Of course, it is not unlimited. First of all, things that are impossible to achieve will not come into effect.

For example, if the earth explodes in the leaf brake, it will not work.

In addition, if ye Cha makes all the zombies disappear, it may not be effective in nine cases out of ten. The so-called can be achieved, that is, only when the situation can appear under normal circumstances can it be achieved by words and actions.

As for not exceeding the limit of life and death, this is better understood. In short, it can't break people's life and death.

The dead can't live because of what they say, and the living can't die because of what they say.

"It's interesting."

Ye Cha murmured. He probably understood how to use it, but it was still more general. How to use it still needs to be pondered.

For example, can ye Cha break Aubrey's leg now?

In theory, just being injured is certainly not beyond the limit of life and death, but is it something that can not be achieved? Normally, a broken leg is not impossible, but how can Aubrey break it out of thin air? You can't walk and fall and break your leg, can you?

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