death train

Chapter 1760

When you don't understand, the best way is to try.

Even if there are restrictions on the use of what you say and what you do, you can only use it ten times, but the leaf brake doesn't hesitate to open its mouth.

"Broken leg!"

Ye chayan falls, the atmosphere is a little embarrassed, because nothing happened.

The leaf brake pulled out the corner of the eye, really can't?

At this time, K5 waved to him, gestured again, and Aubrey and Michelle met him left and right.

Bogey again urged brain area ability, at the same time whispered toward K5: "this intensity of brain area ability use, I can only insist on two or three times."

K5 nodded and said, "fight first!"

Boji nodded and stopped talking. The fragmented shashuo danced again. This time, however, it was no longer a sandstorm. The shashuo gathered and formed a long cube around the yecha, which was useless.

Aubrey and Michelle launched a sudden attack, while the cubes were suddenly spinning.

But in this moment


Aubrey suddenly at the foot of a stagger, almost towards the front of the body fell out, looked down, but at the foot of the ground somehow collapsed, his right foot directly fell down.

"Damn it."

Aubrey murmured, which was obviously an accident, but it was not the right time because it interrupted the attack frequency.

Aubrey gritted his teeth and pulled out his leg again, but at this moment

Click, click!

Aubrey found some stone chips floating in front of his eyes, and then looked up to find that the ceiling above his head was also cracked.

Aubrey quickly jumped to the side, and then the ceiling over Aubrey's head smashed and fell down.

Looking at the debris behind him, Aubrey was ready to stand up again, but at this time, Aubrey felt the ground under him began to shake again.

Is this going to collapse again?

Aubrey felt that he had fallen into blood mold. Is this area going to collapse.

In a hurry, Aubrey didn't have time to get up, so he had to roll on the ground to avoid those collapsed areas.

And then

"Be careful!"

Bogey yelled out in exchange for Aubrey's scream.

In the process of rolling, Aubrey didn't realize that he was getting closer and closer towards the leaf brake, and then his right leg directly hit the shashuo cube around the leaf brake.

Almost in a flash, Aubrey's right leg became bloody, the calf muscle was completely torn, the split wound can clearly see the bone.

Then, with a click, Aubrey's whole right leg turned back, and the bone broke abruptly.

Ye Cha was also stunned.

Is it really broken?

Is this a coincidence? Or does it really have a destiny? Or does it take effect?

Ye Cha felt that he didn't know what was going on, but from the result, it seemed that his words were really effective.

Ye Cha immediately checked the number of times that he used words to follow the law. Sure enough, the number of times that he used words to follow the law became 8 / 10, that is to say, Aubrey's broken leg is really the effect of words to follow the law.

This ability is really what you say!

On the other side, K5 frowns.

Aubrey is not dead yet, but it's not much different from being dead.

Aubrey's right leg has been completely abandoned, this degree of injury, even if speeding regeneration can not recover immediately.

What's more, Aubrey didn't regenerate too fast. It's impossible to recover in a short time just by relying on cell repair solution.

Although Aubrey won't die if he loses a right leg, he can still survive until he gets back to the death train with a bottle of medicine. But for now, Aubrey's combat effectiveness has been reduced by at least half, probably more than half.

There are three people left.

At the same time, ye Cha put his eyes on Boji.

Superman is still in trouble. The ability of brain domain is really hard to defend. The sand cube around it doesn't look very powerful, but the blow just now has proved its power.

After thinking about it, ye Cha looked at Boji and said, "mental force is eating back!"

Bogey was shocked and immediately retreated to the rear. The two things that super human beings fear most are excessive brain consumption and mental power.

The former is a kind of consumption just like the physical strength, but compared with the physical strength consumption of ordinary people, the brain region consumption of super human has more serious sequelae.

As for mental regurgitation, in fact, it generally refers to the brain damage caused by the unstable mental state of super human beings when they use brain ability test.

Generally speaking, in addition to the period when we first became superhuman, when we didn't adapt to the ability of brain domain, we would often have mental regurgitation. After that, as long as we adapted, we would not have mental regurgitation.It's like a basketball player who still plays point guard, but in the case of no defense, hits the ball on his feet. It's like a football player who is the top shooter, but swings the ball on the corner pole when facing the open goal.

Is there such a situation? There are still some, but they may not be seen once a season. Therefore, the mental force regurgitation usually only occurs when superhumans fight against each other.

Because of the collision of brain domain ability, there is a violent fluctuation in the mental aspect, so it is possible for the mental force to backfire.

But is yecha a superhuman?

Obviously not!


Boji's mental power backfired. With her body constantly retreating, Boji's face turned pale and her head seemed to be hit heavily by a hammer.

Ye Cha grinned and wanted to see how amazing his ability to follow his words was. He didn't expect it to be true. Moreover, the process made Ye Cha speechless.

Boji was frightened by her five words of "mental power backfire", and her spirit fluctuated, leading to backfire.

K5's eyes are more profound. He doesn't know that Boji is just frightening himself. He only scares himself when yecha does something.

At the moment, it seems that bogey is no longer useful.

"You all step back." K5 walked forward and said, "let me do it."

K5's hand in his trouser pocket finally came out.

Ye Cha said contemptuously, "can you do it?"

K5 looked at Ye Cha and said, "I didn't become a purser because I didn't get the chance. It doesn't mean I don't have the strength of a purser. This time, it's my chance to prove myself."

K5 said as he spread out his hands.

"Domain!" K5 cheers softly: "mechanical crazy soldier!"

The next moment, surprisingly, K5's body quickly turned into metal and began to be mechanized. Except for the head, the body became like a robot.

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