death train

Chapter 176

Ye Cha carried the girl forward, as long as through the metropolis, you can return to the death train.

But at this time, ye Cha suddenly heard a sound, and then he couldn't help looking up and flying towards the sky, and then his pupils suddenly contracted.

A black arrow!

It was a black arrow. It came from somewhere. It broke through the air and fell to the position of the leaf brake.

Leaf brake immediately legs a pedal, toward the rear jump open.


The black arrow stabbed into the ground and made a clear sound, which was not the end. Ye Cha looked up again and found that the black arrow was falling from the sky.

Leaf brake after the moment of jumping to the ground, immediately toward the side to run up.

Dole, Dole, Dole, Dole, Dole

The black arrows chased the leaf brake and hit the ground behind the leaf brake continuously. They directly formed a row until the leaf brake turned over and jumped into a side lane.

Seems to have entered the dead corner of the field of vision, the black arrow no longer continues to pursue Ye cha.

Ye Cha sat down with his back against the wall, his chest undulating and panting. Then he put down the little girl he was carrying, found the rope from his backpack, tied up the little girl who was still in a coma, and put her in the alley for the time being.

After all, it's too cumbersome to fight on your back.

After finishing all this, ye Cha slightly poked out his head and looked around, but there was no red shadow in the star shining goggles.

It's no accident that ye Cha fell down. The exploration of moving target of Xingyao goggles is not unlimited. Obviously, the distance of the opponent's attack exceeds the exploration distance of Xingyao goggles, and he launched the attack in a farther place.

Fortunately, ye Cha's master Archer is proficient in archery.

Unable to confirm the opponent's position through starshine goggles, ye Cha observed the black arrows.

"Oblique penetration into the ground has a lot of force. It's not like a parabola, but like shooting directly from a high place. According to the angle of the arrow's oblique insertion into the ground, the specific position can be determined as East or Southeast."

The leaf Cha murmurs, then fiercely looks to the distant two tall buildings.

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "that's probably the position."

Even if ye Cha had determined the general position, he didn't leave the alley rashly. The other side occupied the commanding height and must be staring at himself. Moreover, from the position point of view, the other side was better than himself.

Yecha retreated into the deep of the alley, then turned over and climbed up the side wall, and then ran up the street on the other side.

The black arrow didn't appear. Ye Cha sneered and said, "sure enough, you guessed right."

The location of the two buildings can't cover the current location of the leaf brake, so the black arrow didn't appear, which also means that the speculated location of the leaf brake is correct.

"But..." Ye Cha frowned and said, "is the oblique distance more than 800 meters?"

The range of bow and arrow should reach 800 meters, which means that the opponent is definitely not using ordinary bow and arrow. Anyway, endless bow can't shoot such a long distance without using fantasy skills.

Most importantly, who is the other party?

Zombies? Ancient species? Or human beings!

Zombies are not very likely. Yecha doesn't know that there are zombies who are smart enough to attack with bows and arrows. Even those zombies with weapons, such as axe bearers and steel guards, just barely wield axes and knives.

Basically, zombies are monsters that fight by instinct. They can hardly use weapons like bows and arrows.

Ancient species? It's hard to say that there are many strange ancient species. Yecha had seen human or humanoid ancient species before.

As for the last human, ye Cha can't help frowning slightly. He remembers that the boss said that the platform of the trial task is independent, and no one can get in and out except himself.

"Whoever you are!" Ye Cha's face showed a trace of ferocity and murmured: "since you want to kill me, don't blame me for being impolite."

The leaf Cha side murmurs, the side stops suddenly, then walks into a bar.

This is a large-scale bar with three floors. In addition to the indoor bar, there is also an outdoor bar full of tables, chairs and gorgeous decorative lights.

Yecha's target is the terrace. After walking into the bar, he simply cleaned up the zombies in the way, walked onto the terrace, took out the gun case from his backpack, and quickly assembled the msg90 automatic sniper rifle.

Ye Cha half kneels down on the edge of the terrace, sets up the msg90 automatic sniper rifle, installs the high magnification sight, and then looks at the two tall buildings through the sight.

"I hope that guy is patient enough."

It took about seven or eight minutes for ye Cha to leave the alley and enter the bar terrace. Therefore, ye Cha is not sure if he is still staring at the direction of the alley.

Ye Cha thought, while using the sight, slowly searching every position of the building.The other party may be at a window on one floor of the building, or on the roof above

"Found it!"

Ye Cha suddenly raised his eyelids. Through the sight glass, ye Cha could see a water tower on the top of the building, with a human shape outline. Because of the backlight and angle, he didn't see it very clearly.

However, as long as the location can be determined, it is enough.

Take aim at the blade brake and get ready to pull the trigger!

But in this instant, the shadow on the top of the building suddenly moved, and then ye Cha saw a black arrow, suddenly flying from the top of the building.

"Damn it, it's exposed!"

The leaf Cha scolds a, then fiercely bent head, the body almost stuck to the ground.

The next moment, the black arrow swept directly from the top of the leaf brake and penetrated into the ground behind.

Bang, bang, Bang

Ye Cha also pulled the trigger at this moment and shot back!

On the roof of the building in the distance, Jin Anyi quickly jumped down from the top of the water tower. Three bullet holes were made in the water tower, and water flowed out continuously.

Then, ye Cha and Jin Anyi ran at the same time, and then dodged into the shelter.

A moment later, they slowly look up!


Ye Cha did not hesitate to pull the trigger again. The bullet hit the guardrail of the building, and the golden spark was aroused. Jin Anyi quickly retracted his head.

Bullets and arrows, in terms of firing speed, naturally, are dominated by bullets.

"Come on, come on!" Ye Sha lay on the ground, put the sniper gun on the edge of the terrace, and whispered, "look up again if you have the seed!"

Suddenly, the shadow suddenly stood up, and then ran along the roof of the building.

The leaf Cha Leng next, didn't think this guy still really dares to head up, then in a twinkling of an eye return to mind, don't hesitate of pull the trigger again.

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