death train

Chapter 177

Bang, bang, Bang

The sound of gunfire continued to ring and hit the guardrail at the edge of the roof of the building.

Jin Anyi quickly ran to the side, ran to the edge of the other side of the roof, and then jumped directly from the roof.

The leaf Cha Leng next, that building at least approaches 20 floors!

Suicide? Ye Cha doesn't think so!

Leaf brake is also quickly to the side, and then through the sight glass observation, then see the edge of the building hanging rope, the other side has a complete set of cable drop equipment!

Ye Cha immediately took aim again and tried to hit the other side, but at this time, with the other side falling, ye Cha's sniper line has been covered by the buildings in front.

"Damn it

Ye Cha scolded, then quickly took back the sniper gun, left the bar and ran towards the building.

Quickly through the streets and alleys, ye Cha hand a, then fantasy with endless bow, back close to the alley to look out.

The streets were so quiet that even the zombies could not be seen.

Ye Cha walked out of the alley carefully and paced forward slowly.

Suddenly, the black arrow reappeared. In the dark night, the black arrow was very difficult to identify. After passing through the air, it pointed directly at yecha's head.

The next moment, six flowers shield suddenly launched, a shield appeared in front of the leaf brake, collided with the black arrow, the black arrow to shock down.

Ye Cha also immediately drew a bow and set up an arrow. On the bowstring of endless bow, an explosive arrow appeared. With the sound of breaking the air, it hit the signboard of a shop in the distance.


The explosion suddenly sounded, and the large signboard hanging in mid air fell on the ground, cracking countless cracks, and the light inside cracked, making the signboard suddenly light up and dark up.

Ye Cha found the other side's position, but before the explosive arrow hit, a shadow had jumped down from the sign and ran towards the far end of the street.

The leaf Cha immediately raises the bow to pursue, but in this instant, that dark shadow suddenly an emergency stop, turn back is an arrow to shoot.

Ye Cha half narrowed his eyes, and then opened the bow string, the illusion appeared through the arrow, after a little aiming, through the arrow also flew out.


The penetrating arrow directly hit the black arrow shot by the opponent. After a clear metal knock, the black arrow shot down.

Almost without any pause, ye Cha seemed very sure that he could shoot down the other side's arrow. In the next moment, he had already caught the second arrow.


The second through arrow broke through the air and flew out towards the other side with a strong spiral force.

Avoid the past?

No, the shadow's body shook for a moment, seemed to be hesitating, but soon chose the same method as yecha, grabbed the bow and aimed, then shot an arrow.


The black arrow actually hit the through arrow of yecha in mid air, making a clear sound. Although it was slightly off the mark, it didn't shoot down the through arrow directly, but at least it changed the route of the through arrow.

The penetrating arrow flew past the opponent's cheek and then fell to the ground.

Ye Cha ran forward. For some reason, the shadow didn't seem to plan to continue playing hide and seek with Ye Cha and gave up guerrilla tactics. Instead, he planned to face Ye Cha directly and stand there without moving.

A moment later, at both ends of the street, less than 10 meters apart, ye Cha and Jin Anyi finally face to face.

Black hair, slender, no outstanding appearance, not handsome, not ugly, looks very ordinary, the only thing that attracts people's attention is the man's hands, white, slender, very beautiful hands.

Just look at these hands, it may be associated with the profession of pianist and so on.

However, such a mediocre man suddenly made Ye Cha's face ferocious, and his eyes showed a trace of red because of congestion.

Click, click

Ye Cha held his fist tightly, and his knuckles made a clear sound. Even because his fist was too tight, his nails were embedded in the meat, which made a trace of blood flow from ye Cha's palm.

Ye Cha suddenly roared, "Jin An Yi!"

Jin Anyi looked at Ye Cha and said, "do you know me?"

Jin Anyi's plain expression and eyes make ye Cha's expression stagnate, and then ye Cha becomes more ferocious.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Ye Cha couldn't help laughing. There was infinite irony in the laughter, and then he said: "yes, you should not know me, but it doesn't mean you don't have to pay the price."

Excited? Excited? Perhaps also mixed with some other emotions, let the leaf brake chest involuntarily ups and downs.

Because ye Cha can't forget Jin Anyi's face.

In front of him, this man once fought with yecha. Yecha was responsible for long-range sniping, and he was yecha's observer and shield.

The two once entrusted their backs to each other and joined hands to fight in and out of the zombie group.Two people once bathed in blood together, until exhausted, back to back sitting on the ground gasping.

Two people had a painful wish to live, and then cut a piece of bread to each other.

Unfortunately, that's what happened.

Yes, in the last life, Jin Anyi was one of Ye Cha's companions and one of the people who killed Ye cha.

For yecha, the guy in front of him is a traitor.


Ye Cha took a deep breath, forced to suppress the irritability and anger in his heart, and let himself calm down.

This life, finally meet again.

The guy in front of him seems to have forgotten everything. No, it can't be described as forgetting. In this life, Jin Anyi didn't know who ye Cha was. They didn't even know each other.

"But..." Ye Cha suddenly jumped forward, ferocious way: "this is not the reason to let you continue to live, because, I don't allow it!"

Ye Cha ran and quickly pulled open the bowstring of endless bow. Three penetrating arrows appeared on the bowstring at the same time. As soon as ye Cha's fingers loosened, the three penetrating arrows nearly paralleled and shot at Jin Anyi.

Jin Anyi's reaction was very fast, and his speed was also excellent. As soon as his body flashed, he immediately ran to the side to avoid the penetrating arrows.

Jin Anyi has a trace of confusion. Ye Cha has obvious and strong hatred for him. Why? It's just the first time they've met.

"But it doesn't matter." Jin Anyi stopped and said, "anyway, I was ordered to kill you."

Jin Anyi also holds a bow, a big black bow.

Black bow!

Black arrow!

However, Jin Anyi didn't have a chance to lift the bow, because yecha's arrow was too fast. When Jin Anyi stopped, he didn't even have a chance to lift his arm, so another arrow flew towards Jin Anyi.

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