death train

Chapter 1768

Mo Xi watched Ye Cha leave and said, "I'm here to take you away, not to help you fight. You continue to pester with them here. What's the meaning of my coming here, so follow me."

Ye Cha said, "do you think I need your help?"

Mo Xi said with a smile: "maybe not yet, but are you sure you don't need it all the time? Come with me first

Mo Xi released the leaf brake, and then walked in the direction of coming.

The leaf Cha thought, still followed up.

Leaving the death train does not mean that ye Cha will become an apostle. After all, there are many apostles who died in Ye Cha's hands.

However, in the current situation, staying here is not a good choice. Is it hard to kill everyone?

Secondly, ye Cha has a lot of questions. He wants to ask Mo Xi, especially since a long time ago, Mo Xi has been staring at Ye cha. This has always been Ye Cha's curiosity.

It's obvious that many people don't want to see things along the street.

On both sides of the street, suddenly someone rushed towards the direction of the leaf brake.

"Where I am, it is light." Mo Xi looked around and said, "the holy light shines."

The white light comes out of Mo Xi's body and covers Mo Xi's body, making Mo Xi look like a God coming down to earth.

The white light makes people feel holy and serene. It seems that the heart will calm down at the moment of being illuminated by the light.

When the light dissipated, yecha three suddenly disappeared, leaving only chaotic streets.


Ye Cha was blinded by the white light until the white light gradually weakened and began to dissipate.

Ye Cha looked around and found that everything around him had completely changed. He seemed to have left the city, surrounded by a large mountain forest.

Ye Cha said, "where is this?"

"Chengping mountain." Ming Hai's voice rang out: "just outside the city, where I met you."

Ye Cha said, "why did you follow me?"

Mo Xi turns his head, looks at Ming Hai and says, "do you want to walk as an apostle?"

Ye Cha disdained to say: "is this the way you apostles walk? What kind of guy does it take? Or are you just looking for something that you can use as cannon fodder? "

"He's no ordinary man." Mo Xi says: "this, you should be very clear."

This refutation really left yecha speechless. Of course, Minghai is not an ordinary person. Even, in some ways, this guy is less ordinary than yecha and Moxi.

Ye Cha and Mo Xi can be killed anyway. Is Ming Hai dead?

Minghai scratched his head and said, "what is apostle walking?"

The leaf brake didn't say a word, because, this problem also is leaf brake want to know.

Ye Cha had been on the train of death for so long, and he knew a lot about the Apostles' walking.

These guys, like the people on the death train, have some strange abilities. They are the opposite of the death train. Fighting is the only thing they need to do after they meet.

The Apostles' walking is more obvious than the train of death in collecting the relics of ancient civilization. They seem to have some secrets of ancient civilization.

The guides of the apostles are old monsters who have lived for many years.

Wait, wait

But the origin of the Apostle's walking is still unclear.

Ye Cha is not without exploration, but the landlady is rather vague in this respect. Therefore, ye Cha is not very clear about the origin of the Apostle's walking.

Mo Xi thought about it and said, "if you want to explain it in detail, it will be more troublesome, because the Apostle walk will also attract some people, such as you."

Mo Xi said, pointing to the sea.

"So, broadly speaking." Mo Xi said: "you can understand that the Apostle walk is a force constructed by the human beings who are lucky to exist in this world."

Ye Cha disdained to say: "do you want to say that you are a survivor human camp?"

Ye Cha's words show disdain. Mo Xi's explanation is purely perfunctory.

Mo Xi said: "I just said that it can be understood in a broad sense. If you ask about the real apostle walking, the explanation is more complicated. You can understand that we are a group of poor people who have been eliminated."

Minghai said: "it doesn't matter. I can say it slowly. I have a lot of leisure."

Mo Xi shook his head and said, "I'm sorry that true apostles walk with faith. Only when you accept our faith and choose to join us can you know everything. Unlike the death train, apostles walk with purity."

Ye Cha said: "don't you think it's ridiculous that you want others to join us without telling us your so-called belief? Or do you think that I need the protection of Apostles' walking, so I will promise what you say? "

Mo Xi looked at Ye Cha and said, "what I said just now refers to him. You are different. You are the Apostle walking, and you are the son of God."Ye Cha said in dismay: "are you joking with me?"

Mo Xi said: "your original intention may not be like this, but when you swallow the apostles, you will be. By the way, you are a very strange existence. Normal people can't absorb the power of the apostles, but no matter how strange you are, after all, if you succeed, you will be."

Ye Cha said: "this is the best joke I've heard this year. Isn't it all decided by my own will, but by you? As for the apostles, what is dead is nothing, and the power of the apostles is just a process of improving my own strength. "

Mo Xi said with a smile: "if it's really that simple, you can decide everything by your will. Why do you think the conductor wants to kill you? Did you do anything to the conductor? Did you rebel against him? Or did he do something he couldn't stand? "

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth. He didn't think about it.

It must be a lie to say that ye Cha is loyal to the dead train and the conductor. Ye Cha is not so obedient.

However, even if there is any idea, ye Cha usually only hides in his heart. So far, ye Cha has never done anything to provoke the death train or the conductor.

If not, it is the cooperation with Dr. Davis, and the secret hiding of the Apostle's body.

Because, ye Cha deeply understands that in the death train, everything is strength. When ye Cha has enough strength, ye Cha should challenge the conductor.

Replacing, or leaving, is both possible.

But before that, ye Cha was quite clever.

But that's the problem. Yecha helps the conductor and does it well. For yecha, the power of the Apostle is one of the ways to improve himself.

But the conductor couldn't stand it.

It's not that the conductor can't tolerate the blade brake becoming stronger, but the existence of apostolic power.

This made yecha not understand. Even though he had the power of Apostles, he didn't do anything to make the conductor dissatisfied.

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