death train

Chapter 1769

Mo Xi said: "the reason why the conductor wants to kill you is because you are an apostle walking and a holy Son. It's so simple. Even if it's not your own will, you are on the opposite side."

Mo Xi side says, side spreads hand.

"So you can look at it the other way around." The Apostle Xi Mo is you

Ye Cha was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't accept this statement unless you tell me everything, and then I will judge for myself."

"Of course, it's no problem. You're entitled to know everything." Mo Xi said, "I'll take you back to the place you really should go. I'll take you to the guide and help you solve the trouble. That's why I'm here."

Mo Xi side says, side turns a head to see to Ming sea.

Mo Xi said: "as for you, you are also a very special and eccentric existence. I have never seen you with such ability. Therefore, I welcome you to join the apostolic walk. As for your question, the belief in apostolic walk..."

Mo Xi says half, suddenly stretch out hand to hold chin, seem to be thinking.

"The faith of Apostles walking..." Mo Xi said: "should be to let the end of the world do not come to the world, do not let the tragedy, in this world continue to happen."

Ye Cha said contemptuously, "it's a lofty dream. In that case, what are you fighting with the death train? You should go to CommScope for trouble. They are the culprits of doomsday, aren't they?"

"CommScope?" Mo Xi shook his head and said: "they are just a group of poor guys. They get the power they shouldn't get, and then cause a tragedy. However, even without CommScope, there will be other companies or other people who will make everything happen. So, CommScope..."

Mo Xi habitually raises chin again, it seems to start thinking again.

"CommScope is like a medium or intermediary. They do lead to the end of the world, but the fact is that their existence is not as important as you think, because the end of the world will come," Moxi said

Ye Cha and Ming Hai looked at each other, then shook their heads and said, "I don't understand."

Mo Xi said: "if I tell you that the end of the world is fixed, it will surely come. Do you believe it?"

Ye Cha said, "Oh? Then you might as well tell me that all human beings will die. Anyway, they will die one day. "

Ye Cha is obviously saying ironic things. For Mo Xi's words, we can't say whether we believe them or not. We can only say that for ye Cha, it's nonsense.

Ye Cha said: "according to my information, the root cause of zombie virus is the medicine developed by CommScope, and the end of the world is due to the leakage of zombie virus, and then it spreads, infects, and Zombies appear like pestilence. But now you tell me that these are all established, which means that even if CommScope does not research, other biotechnology companies will not be able to do so Will the secretary work it out? Zombie virus is bound to exist? It's as ridiculous as predicting the future. "

Ye Cha's words seem to be ridiculing himself, because ye Cha is the emperor of time. He really has the ability to predict the future.

However, the fact is that it is precisely because ye Cha, the emperor of time, understands the law of time. Therefore, ye Cha is confident that he knows better than anyone except the conductor, who is the original owner of the emperor of time. How ridiculous is Mo Xi's words.

The future is full of uncertainties, but also unpredictable.

Take the time prediction of the emperor of time for example, yecha can really see the future in one minute, but if the future can't be changed, what about seeing the future in one minute?

Therefore, the so-called one minute future is to see the future of this decision after the blade brake has made a decision now. If the blade brake changes its decision, the future will naturally change.

In the same way, there is also predicting the future. Because the future is not fixed, yecha can not change. Predicting the future is just to choose the right future from many different futures, not just what yecha wants.

So will zombie virus break out again?

Yecha can't guarantee that zombie virus will not appear. Similarly, no one can guarantee that zombie virus will still appear.

This is the future!

Mo Xi said: "I think you misunderstood me. I don't mean zombie virus."

Ming Hai joked: "it can't be a meteorite hitting the earth, can it?"

Mo Xi way: "not necessarily have no such possibility."

Minghai said: "beauty, I agree with him. This joke is not funny at all."

Mo Xi said with a smile: "it's normal that you don't understand..."

Mo Xi immediately looked at Ye Cha and said, "if you don't understand, it's not normal. Haven't you ever entered that tower?"

Ye Cha frowned and said, "cylindrical tower?"

Mo Xi nodded and said, "you've seen so much destruction of civilization. Don't you feel it yet?"

Ye Cha said: "it's just an illusion."

"No Mo Xi said: "I told you at the beginning that everything you see is real, but it doesn't exist. It's a reappearance of historical civilization. It's not wrong to use illusion to describe it, but unlike illusion, those things are not false."Ye Cha said: "all civilizations will eventually perish?"

Mo Xi said: "war, natural disasters, or other reasons, so many civilizations are destroyed, of course, there is inevitability in itself. Naturally, the emergence of zombie virus also has inevitability."

Ye Cha said, "I still don't understand."

Mo Xi said with a smile: "you will understand, but now is not the time to explain this to you. I will take you to Warren City, where We're in trouble

"What's the problem?"

Ye Cha looked around and didn't feel anything. There was no one in this place except them.

"However, according to the plan, Talon's guide will come to meet us, but I don't feel his presence," mohi said

Minghai said: "how strange are you? The meaning of Jieyin is that someone comes to pick us up? There's a delay on the way

Mo Xi shook his head and said with a heavy face: "no, it's not delayed or intercepted, but I can't feel his breath at all, or you can understand that he's dead."

Ye Cha said: "there are not many people who can kill the guide."

Mo Xi leisurely way: "conductor can."

Ming Hai doesn't know why, but ye Cha becomes dignified. Ye Cha knows very well what kind of crisis they will face if the conductor takes the lead.

Mo Xi said: "don't worry, undeniably, the conductor is very powerful, but he also has some things to worry about. He won't come after you recklessly, because he can't do it."

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