death train

Chapter 1808


Ye Cha's Long Sword Pierced Ming Hai's chest, hitting Ming Hai's body through.

Ming Hai turns his head and looks at Ye cha.

Ye Cha spread his hand and said, "I made the sword first."


At this time, the bone and foot of spider bear suddenly flew, and after a bang, it smashed the head of Minghai.

Ming Hai's corpse fell to the ground, and then quickly wriggled. Soon, Ming Hai's broken head grew out again.

"Whoa, it's comfortable." Ming sea toward leaf Cha way: "you continue, I am passing."

Ming Hai ran away, and at the moment of Ming Hai's leaving, spider bear's bone and foot shot out towards the front again. The front end was extremely sharp and came to Ye cha.


Ye Cha threw his sword and smashed the bone and foot of spider bear, then stepped out.

Ghost step!

Ye Cha uses ghost step to pull close to the spider bear. He comes to the spider bear and cuts down the spider bear with his sword.

But also in this moment

Dizzy feeling!

Ye Cha's body shook involuntarily for a while, and the violent dizziness feeling swept Ye Cha's head in this instant, and even the scenery in front of him suddenly shook up.

Chest as if blocked something, leaf brake began to gasp, still can feel dyspnea.

Looking at Ye Cha's appearance, Gainuo said: "at the beginning, with his physical fitness, he should be able to sustain for a long time before adverse reactions appear. However, the speed of his move just now is too fast. When he moves at high speed, he needs to inhale a lot of oxygen. At an altitude of more than six kilometers, the oxygen is already very thin. No matter how good the body is, it can't withstand this kind of fighting."

Mo Xi nodded.

"Won't you help?" said Gino

Mo Xi said: "I just want him to learn a lesson, but it's just a lesson. If this degree can kill him, he would have died many times."


Spider bear's claws fall, boom in the leaf brake's chest, the leaf brake to a hit to fly out.

Continuous rolling on the ground, constantly rolling up snowflakes.

The next moment, the spider bear didn't stop at all. The bone foot on his back flew forward again, making a half arc in the air, and then fell towards the leaf brake.

At the same time, the spider bear chest crack, the red tongue is suddenly spit out, toward the leaf brake.


The next moment, the roaring sound suddenly appeared, in the position of the leaf brake, with the sound, the ground continued to break, a large number of smoke and dust emerged.

Then, there was peace all around.

Is it over?

All of a sudden, the smoke and dust scattered around suddenly split, several corpse flower vines suddenly gushed out, quickly drilled out the dust, wound around the spider bear, and threw the spider bear out.

Bang, spider bear's body completely hit the cliff, leaf brake came out from the dust, stroked his head and said: "kill it."

The little cat jumped out of the dust and jumped into the air. Facing the bone feet of the spider bear, the little cat twisted its body strangely and then went through the gap between the bone feet. Then it bit the neck of the spider bear and tore off the head of the spider bear.

"You killed spider bears, cumulative number: 1..."

With the emergence of a mysterious voice, announcing the death of spider bear, ye Cha shakes his body and comes back. Gino immediately sends the oxygen cylinder to Ye cha.

Mo Xi way: "draw a lesson?"

"Lesson? What's the lesson? " Ye Cha said: "I feel uncomfortable in this place, the main reason is because of oxygen, right?"

"Almost. Low pressure and low oxygen are the main reasons," he said

Ye Cha said: "in that case, it has no influence on me."

"Don't try to be brave, you just Eh How are you

Ye Cha said: "gather the wind to form a ball around the body, maintain the degree of air circulation, simulate the plain environment, so that the area with itself as the center can have enough oxygen. The low oxygen environment is that the oxygen concentration in the air is low. It is not enough to increase the oxygen content around itself through wind gathering."

"This..." "If it can be done, it can be," he said

Ye Cha said: "however, you'd better stay away from me. If the oxygen content in the area around me becomes higher, the oxygen concentration in the outer circle will definitely become lower."

Mo Xi pats the forehead, comforts oneself in the heart way: "forget it, this guy learns not to be good, never learn not to be good."

Ye Cha said: "the most troublesome problem has been solved, so you don't have to spend more time in the camp? Can we go directly to the place of origin? "

Gainuo looks at Mo Xi, he is no problem, mainly other people.Mo Xi said, "let him alone. Anyway, I don't have to fight."

Ming Hai raised his hand and said, "I have a problem, but don't worry about me. I get used to it when I die. If I feel uncomfortable, I will commit suicide. If I live, I will be a hero again."

"All right, let's go in half an hour and have a little rest," he said

After half an hour's rest, Gino continued to lead the way.

The place of origin is not on the top of Mount Everest, but it takes about two or three days to climb the mountain.

The leaf Cha side walks a way: "all already arrived here, almost can tell me, the original place is exactly where?"

"It's a battlefield." Mo Xi said: "you can understand it as the gathering place of the son. Well, it's not right. You should know that the son is the name of the Apostle walking, right?"

Ye Cha said, "well."

Mo Xi said: "so, you can understand it like this. It's the place where people who absorbed the power of the apostles gather."

Ye Cha said: "I don't understand any more. That is to say, besides the apostles walking inside, who absorbs the power of the apostles? But there are only a few apostles. You sound like there are a lot of such people

Mo Xi said, "I didn't say that I was a person of this era."

Leaf Cha slants next head, doubt a way: "eh?"

Mo Xi said: "it's hard for me to explain clearly. At that time, the great sage once came to the place of origin to investigate, and came to two conclusions. The first one is illusion, just like letting you fight with Yan's son. Yan's son was only Yan's son who had appeared in the past. He used special power to seal up the image, and then showed it with special power. You say it's illusion, one This is true to a certain extent, but in fact there is a difference, because the projection actually existed. "

Ye Cha said: "so is the place of origin?"

Mo Xi said: "according to the great sage's conjecture, it is like this. However, there is another conjecture. There is a space node there."

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