death train

Chapter 1809

Ye Cha said: "what is the space node?"

Mo Xi said: "time and space have inherent rules, which can't be changed and shaken. For example, can you make time faster or slower?"

"I can." "I can still predict the future," he said

Mo Xi speechless way: "you that is from the death train to get the law props, this belongs to the accident, under normal circumstances, is absolutely impossible to do things."

Ye Cha said, "yes."

Mo Xi said: "however, if you have the law props that can change time, it's easier to explain. You can understand that the place of origin is a place that can change the law of space, which is not affected by the law, including the law of time. That is to say, in the past or in the future, all people with apostolic power will exist in the same place after they enter the place of origin In a space, this space is the place of origin. "

Ye Cha said: "so, I understand. Then, what should I do?"

"Fight." Mo Xi said: "keep fighting."

Ye Cha said, "why?"

Mo Xi said, "do you mean speculative reason or actual reason?"

Ye Cha was perplexed and said, "is there any difference?"

Mo Xi said: "according to the inference of the great sage, if it is the latter, then the place of origin is likely to have props related to the law of space, just like your emperor of time. That's why the place of origin came into being. The purpose of entering there is to find that thing."

Ye Cha said: "actually

Mo Xi said: "you can't even if you don't want to fight, because other people will attack you."

The leaf Cha way: "or behind this reason is really a little bit."

Mo Xi said: "it's also good to fight, because it's fighting with people who have the power of apostles. It's a very good thing for me to feel the power of apostles. I spent more than a year in it and learned how to control the power of Apostles thoroughly."

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "more than a year?"

"Don't worry." Mo Xi said: "because you are not bound by the law, the space and time of the original place are static, or independent. Your age and life span have indeed increased by one year. But after you come back, the time node you are in is still the time you enter, which will not affect you."

Yecha is relieved. It's mainly the nightmare that needs to be solved. If you calculate the time in years, your dreams may become miserable.

Mo Xi said: "don't worry, otherwise I won't take you to Shiyuan first, but go to Wudu first."

"Can I go in?" he said

Mo Xi said: "if you have the power of the apostles in your body, you can go in. You can have a try."

Minghai said, "I can't do it because I'm so euphemistic."

Two or three days' journey is not long. Soon, ye Cha saw the so-called place of origin.

I'm a little disappointed. It's not as grand as I thought, or as powerful as Mo Xi said. To put it directly, it's a cave.

The periphery of the cave is covered with snow. After drilling in, it is a large space. There are a lot of ruins around it, which are incomplete and spread all over the whole cave.

At the end, Moxi pointed to the front and said, "just jump from there."

At the end of the leaf brake, there are several ruins inlaid in the wall. There is a crack in the center, which is not very deep. It looks like two meters. The probe can see the bottom.

Ming Hai is really not afraid of death, of course, mainly because he really can't die, without scruples of a foot, jump down from the crack.

"Nothing special." Ming Hai looked up and said, "there's nothing down there."

Mo Xi says: "you come out, let him jump."

Ming Hai climbed out of the crack and motioned to the leaf brake.

Yecha doesn't have any scruples. If the apostles want to be bad for themselves, they don't have to go around in such trouble. With yecha's current strength, the apostles really want to kill themselves. Just send two guides to deal with them head-on.

As soon as ye Cha raised his foot, he fell into the crack, which was totally different from that of Ming Hai.

When the two feet of the leaf brake fall to the ground, they feel the huge suction at their feet. Then the body of the leaf brake sinks directly into the ground and disappears in an instant.

Ming Hai was surprised and said, "it's really a bit magical."

Mo Xi said: "so, only those who have the power of Apostles can enter."


On the other hand, ye Cha now has the feeling of coming to a dream and facing a nightmare.

When it's dark and bright, the whole world is different.

Ye Cha looked up and saw that his eyes had a building similar to a pyramid. However, it was not a pyramid, but a huge triangle with similar appearance.

It's not the top of the stone steps that leads to the top, but the top of the stone steps that leads to the top.And around the building, is a wasteland, so a building stands there, obviously lonely.

Yecha thought about it, and then walked towards the building. Maybe there was something strange about the building, maybe there wasn't, but after climbing up, he could see farther away. Let yecha have a look at the surrounding environment.

But at the moment when ye Cha wanted to climb the stone steps, ye Cha suddenly felt something and looked up.

In the middle of the building, a figure appeared and suddenly jumped down in the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha squints his eyes and looks at him coming to his front.

It was a half naked man, with a military skirt woven of iron around his waist and a trident in his hand, who fell towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha's shoulder swung for a while. After judging the position of the opponent's attack, he immediately jumped to the side.

With a roar, the trident of the other side hit the ground and immediately cracked the ground.

After one hit, the other side didn't have any intention to communicate with Ye cha.

Ye Cha felt the intention of fighting and killing from his opponent.

The Trident was raised again, pointing towards the leaf brake, a water ball appeared in the front of the Trident.

Ye Cha was a little surprised.

Apostolic power!

It's the power of the apostles!

When the water ball appeared, yecha could clearly feel the power of the apostles.

This is a feeling of Indescribability. Only those who have this power can clearly feel the existence of this power.

The other side's apostolic power is very familiar. Ye Cha not only felt it, but also had it in his own body.

Because, from the water elves!

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