death train

Chapter 1814

The leaf Cha suddenly drills out from the shadow of the other party, then presses the back of the other party's head and presses the person's head toward the ground.


Flesh and blood!

The red blood flowed from the bottom of each other's head.

Ye Cha raised his fist, ready to go down toward the bottom, but at this time, the other side suddenly said: "what are you most afraid of?"

The body shape of leaf Cha dun dun, suddenly toward front square jumped to go out.

Just at the moment when the leaf brake jumped open, a strong wind suddenly arose at the position where the leaf brake was, and a huge sickle swept across from the position where the leaf brake was just now.

Ye Cha looked back and saw that there was an empty shadow behind him. He was wearing a black cloak and his whole face was hidden under his robe. He could not see his face clearly and held a sickle in his hand.

The image of death.

The man got up from the ground, wiped the blood on his face and said, "you are most afraid of death."

The leaf Cha disdains a way: "don't you be afraid?"

The man didn't answer, but the God of death jumped out to the leaf brake, waved the sickle again, and cut it down to the leaf brake.

"Go away!"

The leaf Cha low drinks a, toward that dead absolute being to give a fist.

The edge of the sickle passed in front of yecha's body. With a hiss, the clothes in front of yecha's body were cut. But at this moment, yecha's fist blew on death's body.

The current is surging wildly, all over death's body, tearing the death into a virtual shadow and disappearing.

And in the moment of Ye Cha entangled with death, the man took out a piece of paper.

The man's hand speed is very fast, also very dexterous, constantly folding the paper, very quickly, folded a dragon's appearance, in the moment of Ye Cha solving the virtual shadow of death, the paper dragon was thrown on the ground.

Paper dragon landing, quickly began to change, constantly expanding, the surface gradually became black.

A black dragon!

A huge black dragon with a body length of 15 meters and a height of more than 5 meters.

The Western dragon looks like a huge lizard with huge wings on its back.


The black dragon roared, suddenly raised his head and roared towards the leaf brake, and then a black flame shot down towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha immediately stretched out his hand, the fire appeared in his palm, and threw it out towards the front.


The fire mass collided with the black fire, spread quickly, and then the sound of explosion suddenly sounded.

One red and one black.

The two flames constantly push each other, and the sound of explosion is constantly emitted in the flame.

The man took out a new piece of paper again and quickly folded it. Soon, the second paper dragon was folded by the other side.

When the man threw the paper dragon on the ground, the paper dragon began to expand, and soon became huge.

This time, in front of yecha was an emerald dragon. His whole body was green, and his skin was shining like emerald.


The emerald dragon waved the dragon's tail and hit the leaf brake hard. Then there was a loud noise. With the dragon's tail hitting the ground, there was a huge crack in the ground.

Leaf Cha toward a side jump open, avoid the invasion of the crack, look at that man.

This is the other side's exclusive brain ability?

Anything folded out of paper can be shown in a phantom?

Ye Cha looks at the other side and takes out the third piece of paper. He is sure that he can't let the other side go on. Although he doesn't know the other side's brain ability and how many times he can be strong enough to materialize, the more times he continues, the worse it will be for him.

Make a quick decision!

"Feel the user's determination to fight to the death, and the decisive feature will trigger."

"Determined death LV5: not afraid of death, but also afraid of you?"

"The ability of random promotion of decisive death feature: Longhua!"

"The ability of Longhua has been promoted to the descendant of the Dragon nationality!"

"The descendants of the dragon race have the ability to match the mythical dragon race. The target of this match is: manleelong."

Ye Cha's ear, because ye Cha's will, suddenly appeared the prompt sound of decisive effect.

It seems that decisive death is more in favor of Longhua. It is also possible that after the promotion of Longhua, more abilities can be improved. Therefore, according to the number of times of decisive death, Longhua is promoted the most.

The next moment, ye Cha felt the feeling of tearing his body.

Severe pain!

Ye Cha's body began to become huge, the body continued to elongate, the body continued to flow blood.

There are no dragon scales.

Scaleless dragon!

Ye Cha's hands turned into dragon claws, and several dragon horns grew on his forehead, crisscross and crisscross.

With a puff, a pair of huge Golden Dragon Wings came out from the back of the leaf brake and opened to both sides. The muscles of the leaf brake were constantly expanding, full of explosive power.Yes, power.

Ye Cha clenched his fist, and the knuckle crackled. Ye Cha felt that his body was full of unprecedented and explosive power.

This is a feeling that ye Cha has never experienced. It belongs to the body of the extreme evolution group.

"This feeling..." Ye Cha grinned and said, "that's good."

The Dragon Wings on the back of the leaf brake spread out and flew out towards the front, meeting the black dragon.


When the sound of the Dragon started, the black dragon opened its mouth, and large black flames were spewing out.

The leaf brake didn't flinch, but directly rushed up.

This is the battle mode of extreme evolution of physical fitness.

Simple, direct, straightforward, anything

Smash it!


With Ye Cha's fist toward the front, the strength of the fist forward, the black flame was smashed in an instant.

The next moment, ye Cha came to the front of black dragon.

"Die for me!"


Ye Cha's fist fell on the black dragon's horn, which was broken by Ye Cha's fist. Then ye Cha's fist fell on the black dragon's head.


The huge impact sound sounded again, and the huge body of the black dragon fell towards the ground. Then the ground began to collapse, and the huge body inlaid into the ground.

Countless cracks appeared, even spread wildly around, even swept from the ground, and spread to the cliffs on both sides.

The leaf brake fell to the ground without any stop, and killed the emerald dragon again.

Jadeite dragon obviously belongs to the type of solid body, pure physical attack, huge tail swing, towards the leaf brake, but, not enough!


Yecha's fist collided with the dragon's tail, and then on the jade dragon's tail, it kept making a "click, click" sound, and finally it broke completely.

Black dragon and emerald dragon died, and their bodies shrank rapidly. Soon, they became paper dragons, but their bodies were completely torn.

Ye Cha turns around, looks at the man, and then steps forward.

One step, two steps, three steps

Slowly approaching!

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