death train

Chapter 1815

Men seem to feel the feeling called fear, began to retreat toward the rear involuntarily.

The throat section is agitating, the man looks at the leaf Cha way: "you want to work hard?"? It's not good for anyone. You may die

Ye Cha completely ignored each other's meaning, but continued to move forward.

Every step out, the ground at the foot of the leaf brake will be constantly broken, and there will be cobweb cracks.

Great power, even, can be said to be uncontrollable.

Ye Cha felt that his whole body was overflowing.

Just like a cup full of water, still pouring water into it, the water will flow out naturally.

The blade brake needs to vent, to vent its strength.

Otherwise, ye Cha feels that his body will explode.

The way of catharsis is very simple, punch, punch, keep punching.

The man constantly retreated, looking at the Ye Cha didn't stop, the pupil again sent out seven colors of streamer, then the invisible force that bound Ye Cha appeared again.


Ye Cha can clearly feel that an invisible hand tightly pinches his body, as if to squeeze his body into mud.

But this time, it didn't work.


Ye Cha suddenly raised his head and roared, and the blue tendons on his arm jumped violently. With constant force, the invisible force was torn to pieces.

Next moment, ye Cha punches forward.


With Ye Cha's fist blowing out towards the front, the other side felt as if they were standing in a storm circle. The wind was blowing around, blowing the man's hair and clothes.

In a moment, the surging energy dissipated.

"Hey, hey, hey..." The man is dull for a moment, looking at the leaf Cha to suddenly smile a way: "also just so."

The moment when a man's voice falls


A huge noise came from the cliff behind, and then a large number of cracks appeared. The protruding part of the cliff towards the front suddenly smashed, turned into countless rolling stones, and fell into the canyon.


The man suddenly covered his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He felt that his body was completely broken and knelt down on the ground.

Ye Cha said: "that's all."

Ye Cha said, and raised his fist again.

The man gritted his teeth and yelled, "are you going to play with your life? I'll play with you

Apostolic power!

The man became a little hysterical and roared angrily at yecha. Then yecha felt the appearance of apostolic power.

Under the man's body, mud like things appeared, quickly wrapped the man's body, constantly twisted, forming an irregular sphere.

"It's you." Ye Cha said: "since you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed by me. That's fair!"

Ye Cha raised his fist again, but at this moment, the irregular sphere suddenly wriggled, and then a black light beam suddenly came out towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha punches again!

If we meet in a narrow road, the brave will win!


Ye Cha collided with the black light beam again, and then felt the fierce driving force. Instead of tearing the light beam apart, he kept retreating.

The man growled, "do you think it will be the same as just now? It's just a shadow. That's my strength. "


The light beam quickly swept towards the front and blasted the leaf brake to the cliff behind. The whole person of the leaf brake was embedded in it.

The next moment, ye Cha's expression twisted.

Compared with the physical damage, the greater damage comes from the spiritual level.

The ability of brute force triggered by decisive death is purely the ability to improve physical fitness. The form of brute force is the type of extreme evolution of physical fitness.

Strength, speed, physical strength, as well as the body's fighting ability, will be greatly improved, but it is only limited to the improvement of physical fitness. In addition, manleelong can't bring anything else to yecha.

But it's enough. Fists are enough.

The problem is that fate is always joking in some ways.

Super human, mental attack, is just the most restrained type of extreme evolution of physical fitness.

Because no matter how strong the body is, no matter how strong the fighting ability is, it can't be used to resist the mental impact.

That kind of head is about to be torn feeling appeared again, let the leaf brake feel pain.

The man's low cry came again: "mental pollution!"


Yecha screamed again, and the pain in his head was more severe. At the same time, there were hallucinations and auditory hallucinations in front of yecha's eyes, and even the phantom gentian had no effect, because it appeared directly from yecha's spiritual level and from yecha's memory.On the train of death, the wind was cold.

Ye Cha stands on the top of the car and looks at those guys who betray themselves.

Li Xuanhe's ferocious face appeared in front of Ye cha.

The conductor looked at the leaf brake indifferently, then raised his right hand.

"You will die!"

"You will die!"

"You will die!"

Ye Cha's ear, there is a voice constantly reciting, let Ye Cha show more pain, hands holding the head, constantly toward the cliff.

Bang, bang, bang!

Blood from the leaf brake's forehead constantly flowing down.

The man toward the leaf Cha roar a way: "give me die!"

The black sphere wriggles again, then the black light spot appears, and the black light beam condenses slowly.

In this moment

Ye Cha suddenly turned his body and looked at the irregular ball.

Ye Cha said: "you seem to forget that I can also use the power of apostles."

Ye Cha suddenly raised his hand towards the front. At the moment when the light beam was emitted, a fireball flew out of Ye Cha's palm.


When the fireball collided with the black light beam, the violent explosion sounded again, and the sweeping flame pushed around like a wave, filling a large area.

In the back of the black light ball, the elongated shadow suddenly surged up, like a chain, quickly wrapped up the black light ball, constantly tearing up.

The scream of the man suddenly rang out, the irregular sphere was constantly torn open, and constantly closed, two forces are constantly competing, it seems that each other can not help each other.

At the moment, ye Cha's figure flashed and came to the front of the irregular sphere, making a fist.


With Ye Cha's fist blowing out, the irregular sphere suddenly burst open.

The man's face is pale, looking at the leaf Cha that appears in front of him, show of matchless frightened.

"You can't kill me." The man suddenly thought of something, yelled: "your mental state has a problem, I can help you."

"I know, and I believe you can help me." Ye Cha raised his hand and said, "unfortunately, I can't believe you."

The next moment, ye Cha's fist fell.

The man's head was blasted in the moment, directly burst out.

A shower of blood.

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