death train

Chapter 1840

"Good words!" Ye Yue said: "broken!"

With Ye Yue's cheering, the ship's mast broke again and fell down.

All around the skeletons have been trying to get close to them, but ye Cha and ye Yue have already moved. It's not easy for those skeletons to get involved in their fight.

Ye Cha blows out at random, and the current is as sharp as a knife, smashing the falling mast.

Ye Yue looked down and said, "do you know this dress? I should have known you. After all, you brought it back for me. "

Ye Cha squints his eyes. It's a red and White Witch Dress from the island country. Ye Cha can't remember his name, but he does give it to Ye Yue.

Ye Yue said, "don't you see that I used it? Let's see it this time. "

Ye Yue said, while her hands suddenly closed, producing a strange handprint.

"Words are good." Ye Yue said softly again: "Shishen!"

At the moment when ye Yue's words fell, two white flames suddenly appeared beside Ye Yue. The flames kept spinning and getting bigger, and then turned into two white foxes. With a red flame mark on her forehead, they fell down towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha blows out again, and the current is still rampant. However, the two white foxes are extremely flexible. They are surrounded by the current, avoiding the current and rushing to Ye Cha at the same time.

"Get out of here!"

When the white fox approaching the moment, ye Cha fingertip a dial, thin line from the string of the ring to fly out.

The two white foxes still want to avoid quickly, but at this moment, those thin lines suddenly burst open and rush into the air.

The gun of the storm!

Storm Grab: release a large number of strings, covering a range of continuous attacks.

At the bottom of the bag, like the dense rain, the fox fell out of the sky.

However, the white fox, who was nailed through his body, did not die. Instead, it became a fire ball again and fused together again. Soon, a woman in the same dress as ye Yue came out of the fire.

He has long black hair, and his face is covered by a fox mask. Behind him are nine white foxtails. They keep dancing, suddenly grow longer and fall towards the leaf brake.

Boom, boom, boom!

The fox tail attacked the leaf brake continuously. With the leaf brake moving his body, he hit the deck constantly. The sound of impact appeared constantly. The deck was broken by the fox tail constantly, revealing big holes one by one.

Suddenly, the leaf Cha a side slip, looking at the leaf month way in the sky: "you should know, this kind of guy, my side also many is."

When the leaf brake stops, those fox tails suddenly twist and entangle together, and then attack again towards the leaf brake.

However, this time the blade brake did not move.

The next moment, a large area of Aurora appeared behind yecha, flowing like a ribbon, which was very beautiful.

And then


The dancing Aurora suddenly gathered together to form a beam of light, flying towards the front, bumping into the foxes' tails and making a huge noise.

The snow queen appears behind yecha, and the aurora smashes the attack. Meanwhile

The air became cold.

When the queen of ice and snow appears, the temperature of the air drops suddenly, and the moisture on the sea surface is heavy. When the frost appears, there is a feeling to the bone.

Snow goddess spread out her arms, snow flying, toward the direction of fox girl, fingertips again, an aurora, once again toward the front, directly meet each other.

Ye Cha has no time to manage the war, and he doesn't want to waste time on such minions. Ye Cha's goal has not changed, that is Ye Yue.

"Words are good." Ye Yue's reaction is very quick, before ye Cha launches the attack, takes the lead to attack again: "the magic dragon."

A dragon shaped phantom appeared in the air, fell down towards the bottom, and opened a bloody mouth to the leaf brake.

"A dragon?" Ye Cha said with a smile: "I have six!"

Six dragons flying!

Ye Cha rises up in the air, and the double serrated sword blows forward.

The bloody light of the sword soon poured out from the body of the Gemini serrated sword. It soared into the sky and quickly turned into a blood dragon, which was the same ferocious and clawing.

The magic dragon made by Ye Yue is really powerful. When it collides with the blood dragon, it gives out a sound of dragon chanting, and then the Dragon claws tear the first blood dragon to pieces.

The first blood dragon of six dragons flying in the sky had no resistance before that magic dragon, but it was only the first blood dragon.

Soon, the second, the third, the fourth blood dragon entangled quickly, just in the blink of an eye, surrounded the magic dragon, constantly biting.The cry of anger rang out, and the dragon was slowly torn to pieces.

Ye Cha raised his head and said, "what else can I do? Your ability should be more than that. Of course, you should also understand that I haven't done anything, so don't give me a chance to kill you. "

Ye Yue suddenly sighed: "you know the things on the death train very well, so you should know that the task is the task, and my purpose is to get the legacy of ancient civilization. Even you, I will not shrink back."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "then, go on!"

"I can't beat you." Ye Yue didn't feel ashamed either. She said frankly, and then said, "so, let's call it a day."

Ye Cha frowned, but he couldn't understand the meaning of Ye Yue.

From the meaning of these words, ye Yue has the intention to retreat. However, in the last sentence, it can be seen that ye Yue doesn't mean to stop.

What's more, ye Cha knows Ye Yue's strength. Ye Yue still has more abilities to show. Moreover, ye Yue's brain domain ability is not overused. The brain domain is not loaded, so she can continue to fight.


When ye Cha was thinking about it, the sea around him raised huge waves again. Then, with Ye Cha's astonished eyes, a tornado suddenly rose on the sea around him. He kept spinning and pumping water.

Like long columns one by one, those tornadoes connect the sea with the sky.

"Storm?" Ye Cha stares at Ye Yue and says, "are you crazy? Are you going to die together? "

When those storms appeared, yecha probably guessed the meaning of Yeyue, but it was unbelievable, because Yeyue planned to destroy the ghost ship.

What does that mean?

Ye Yue can't get it by herself, so she won't let Ye Cha get it?

Ye Cha doesn't think that ye Yue is such a crazy person, but ye Yue does.

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