death train

Chapter 1841

Ye Yue chuckled at the corner of her mouth and said, "goodbye, and look forward to seeing you next time!"

Ye Yue didn't mean to answer Ye Cha's question, nor did she mean to drag mud and water. When those tornadoes kept approaching, ye Yue directly turned and floated away.

At the same time, the fox, who was fighting with the ice queen, also turned white and disappeared quickly.

Ye Cha can clearly feel that the ghost ship is shaking violently.

There are six tornadoes in total, which are rapidly advancing in the direction of the ghost ship.

Ye Cha felt that ye Yue was premeditated. At the beginning, ye Yue planned to do so, instead of fighting with Ye cha.

However, brain area ability is not omnipotent. When the battle is small, ye Cha can deal with it. When the battle is big, it takes time to prepare.

The battle is just to delay time and let Ye Yue have time to prepare for all this.

"Damn it

Leaf Cha low scold a, at present leaf Cha also have no way.

Wind and waves, the power of nature!

Yecha can defeat those tornadoes with the power of the apostles, but it's meaningless. Those tornadoes and the huge waves are coming towards the ghost ship.

Ye Cha uses the power of the apostles to bombard, and the result will still affect the ghost ship.

Moreover, the flame of Yan's son is not very effective in dealing with those huge waves. It can't be said that it's useless. After all, it's the power of the apostles, but it's very troublesome. After all, the flame is afraid of water, so it must get twice the result with half the effort.

What's most depressing about yecha now is that how can the apostolic power of the water elves not wake up? You know, if you can use the Apostle power of the water elves, everything is not a problem. The sea is the main battlefield of the water elves, and no apostle can fight with the water elves on the sea.

Moreover, even the apostolic power of the shadow demon has awakened. Is it easier to absorb the shadow demon because it is the embryo of the Apostle.


At this time, the six tornadoes had reached within 100 meters, and the huge waves had also reached the level of nearly 100 meters. They hit the ghost ship again.

After a loud noise, the huge waves hit the ghost ship, the whole ghost ship tilted over, countless skeletons slid down the deck, and then fell into the sea one after another.

Ye Cha inserted the double serrated sword into the deck, half hung there. At this time, the waves on the other side hit the deck directly.

Ye Cha felt the pain coming from his back, and the waves fell down like a heavy blow.

At the same time, the wave is constantly pushing, the whole person of yecha is submerged by the sea, constantly shaking his body, as if he may be washed away at any time.

A moment later, the waves finally fell, and ye Cha was all wet, spitting out the sea water and scolding by the way.

Ye Cha's mind was full of twists and turns, and he soon made a decision. Although he was not unable to deal with the current situation, it was not a good choice to carry the hurricane and the waves. He had to withdraw first.

Yecha said that he would go, because the waves subsided and the ghost ship tilted back, which was more sustainable than he thought.

However, ye Cha was about to jump into the sea, but he remembered that there was Minghai. He didn't worry about this guy's death, but he couldn't ignore it.

"It's still trouble."

Although Ye Cha admits that Minghai is useful, this guy really drags his feet when he drags his feet.

Ye Cha grabs the rail of the boat and moves forward quickly. There are skeletons all over the boat. Minghai is a living person, which is easy to recognize.

Soon, ye Cha saw Ming Hai at the position of the bow image, holding the bow image and swinging there.

The leaf Cha sighs a tone, oneself is bad luck urge of.

Other saints are all guards in silver robes, and those who die are all guards. How can you be so oppressive? You have to help yourself to get a guard.

Ye Cha sighed and entered a fatal state.

Brake leaf towards the front of the water from the body to rush out quickly.

Ye Cha jumps out of the boat, and then runs to the front of the boat. When he comes to the bow, the black liquid on Ye Cha throws out towards the front, sweeping away the skeletons who are still fighting against Minghai.

"It's gone." Ye Cha called: "jump."

Minghai said, "are you crazy to jump into the sea in such weather? Even if it's not far from the coast, people will die. "

Ming Hai is not afraid to die, but he is afraid to die all the time. In such weather and waves, the result of jumping into the sea is completely unpredictable. If he is not washed ashore, but into the deep sea, it will be miserable.

It's possible to drown many times. Even if the wind and waves pass and float on the sea, I don't know when I can see the shore, and then I starve or dehydrate to death. I'm bitten, eaten and excreted by the ancient species.

Why does Ming Hai know so clearly? Because he has!

At the beginning, Minghai found the egg twisting machine, but it didn't go to the port city. It was Minghao who passed by the sea. I don't know how many times he died.

Ye Cha said: "it's not the natural climate. It will stop after a while, and there's me.""Oh." Minghai said: "that's no problem, jump into the sea!"

Ye Cha and Ming Hai jump down.

When they fell into the water, they realized again that the power of nature was really terrible. Although it was man-made, the waves were irresistible.

What's more, it's just because it's man-made that it's terrifying. Ye Yue's Tornado driving waves is already so terrifying. What if there is a hurricane?

However, if ye Yue has the power to manipulate nature, then ye Cha belongs to the type that can fight against nature.

When they got out of the sea, ye Cha raised his head and looked forward.

Wind and rain in all directions!

There is an isolated zone of wind and flow around the leaf brake, completely no wind zone. Despite the fierce storm outside, there is nothing around the leaf brake.

The air flow can't affect the blade brake.

Ming Hai said: "why not put out those tornadoes directly?"

Ye Cha said: "you are omnipotent when the wind and rain in all directions? I can do it, but the cost is not small. It costs a lot to my body. I don't want to give people an opportunity to take advantage of it. "

If you want to put out the tornado around you, ye Cha can certainly do it. You can also use the power of the apostles without wind and rain. But it doesn't mean ye Cha doesn't have to bear the cost for this, which may cause an uncontrollable situation.

Of course, it's not easy for ye Yue to make so much noise. It's a big move for ye Yue to press the bottom of the box, but ye Cha has only one person. OK, there's Minghai, but if it's really a fight, Minghai can't count on it.

It's hard to say whether ye Yue is alone.

At the same time, ye Cha held his hands.

Sun and moon in the sky!

When the moon in yecha's hand floated into the air, the sea in front of yecha was frozen. However, the waves were more terrible than imagined. The frozen sea soon began to break up and become one by one.

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