death train

Chapter 1855

What ye Cha handed over was the sarcophagus, which was the only thing left over from ancient civilization that ye Cha knew how to use it.

However, because ye Cha knew the function, it was the least valuable. Moreover, ye Cha knew the usage of sarcophagus, which was nothing more than the evolution of alien species. At present, ye Cha has no alien species to evolve.

On the contrary, the value of other relics of ancient civilization will be greater because they have not been used.

The guide didn't express anything, or praise or criticize. Maybe he knew that ye Cha had taken something to pretend to be him, maybe he didn't.

For ye Cha's performance, the guide did not mention a word, took the sarcophagus, and then gave Ye Cha a pair of double guns.

The two guns are based on the famous desert eagle. They are silver and huge. This gun is worthy of the nickname of handgun.

However, the desert eagle is not really a good gun. Although it is famous, the original intention of making it is actually a shotgun. Besides its beautiful appearance and great power, this gun has a lot of shortcomings.

But the thing that the guide took out his hand must not be an ordinary desert eagle, otherwise ye Cha would dare to hit the gun directly on the face of the guide.

The name of Shuang Gun is Fenglei Shuang Gun. The left gun can shoot wind bombs, and the right gun can shoot thunder bombs. According to Mo Xi, the power is good.

But ye Cha is useless. He can control the wind and thunder. What do you want this broken gun to do? Throw it to Minghai. This guy can't help him when he fights.

Leaving the guide hall, ye Cha said, "how about going to Warren?"

Mo Xi spread his hand and said, "the guide has no opinion."

Originally, many guides didn't like to see ye cha. It was also the great sage's wish to bring ye Cha back. Since ye Cha wanted to find the great sage, let Ye Cha find it. Most of the guides had a indifferent attitude.

Ye Cha said, "let's go."

The reason why Ye Cha wanted to find the great sage was, of course, the information he got from Nie Po.

The fact that the death train may be about to arrive at the terminal makes yecha very concerned. Yecha also cares about the sword in his hand.

Ye Cha thought that the only person who could give him answers or ideas was the guide. After all, they were all old people. The longer they lived, the more they knew.

However, most of the guides, ye Cha, did not want to ask, let alone expose such information to them.

In yecha's view, the current attitude of the guide to himself can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first is the great sage, who has expectations for yecha. He also thinks that yecha is needed for the apostle to walk. At the same time, he welcomes yecha to join the Apostle walking. Mo Xi is regarded as a loyal supporter of the great sage, so he has the same attitude.

The second type is mainly Weiss. There are too many apostles who are hateful and hostile. On the contrary, yecha can understand Weiss's attitude. It's not so easy to turn an enemy into a friend.

The third type is more special, mainly Jiuyou. They believe in the great sages, because they have a high status and reputation in the Apostles' walk, but they are ambivalent about yecha, and they do not reject or accept them.

This point is most obvious in Jiuyou. Although Jiuyou helped yecha solve the nightmare problem and spoke for yecha in the guide hall, yecha could clearly feel the indifference of Jiuyou.

In short, it's all about the face of the great sage, which has nothing to do with Ye cha.

Ye Cha needs to perform well in order to win the support of the third kind of guides. Those who hate Ye Cha can never change their ideas because of a simple task.

Generally speaking, ye Cha can't find anyone who can ask in the headquarters of Wudu. Relatively speaking, ye Cha doesn't completely believe in the great sage, but people respect me three points, and I give back three points. The attitude of the great sage is undoubtedly the friendliest. Ye Cha has some trust in the great sage.

Leaving the building, you don't need to take a plane this time. You can directly reach the Cathedral of Warren city by using the interlude space.


"No way." The great sage Received ye Cha, then looked at him in amazement and said, "do you think the death train will arrive at the terminal? No, it's impossible. For thousands of years, the death train hasn't arrived at the terminal. Why do you suddenly arrive at the terminal now? "

Ye Cha shook his head and said, "great sage, I don't think you understand the meaning. The word" destination "has many meanings. If it's used in a train, it means arriving at the destination. But what's another way to use it? For example, their feelings have come to the end. "

The great sage understood something and then said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Cha said: "I mean, the existence of the death train, no, it should be said that everything should have the value and significance of existence, so it will be born. The death train is no exception. So, what is the will of the death train? What is the will of the conductor? Arriving at the terminal may not be to arrive at the destination, but what the conductor has to do, may have to be completed, or usher in the end. "

The great sage pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "you are right, but the key is what the conductor wants to do?"Ye Cha said, "that's why I came to you."

The great sage said: "I'm sorry that the Apostle's walking has always paid attention to the death train, but frankly speaking, although we know many things about the death train, it only exists in the skin and can't touch the core. The only thing we can be sure is that the death train has the behavior of exploring the world."

Yecha said: "explore the world?"

The great sage nodded and said, "you think that every station needs to perform tasks. What is the purpose of giving rewards? And, with all due respect, the value of the reward given by the death train is far more than what you need to look for. Moreover, the goal is not clear, such as the Apostle walk. We have been searching for the truth of the end of the world and ending everything, but the task of the death train seems very complicated. "

Ye Cha nodded and did not deny it.

The great sage said, "I think this is an exploration of the world. Before and after the end of the world, there are two worlds. After the end of the world, too many unknowable things are born, and the train of death is exploring all this."

Ye Cha said, "what's the meaning?"

The great sage said, "the meaning is not clear. I really can't tell you more about the news about the terminal, because I'm also very surprised to hear this news, but I'll find a way to investigate."

Ye Cha nodded again, then took out "this is the sword" and said: "could you please help me to have a look at this thing?"

The great sage took the sword, then looked at Ye Cha and said, "do you know what this is?"

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