death train

Chapter 1856

Ye Cha is not polite, but asks: "if I want to know, what can I do with you?"

The great sage turned the sword over and over and looked at it carefully.

Ye Cha said: "the great sage knows this sword?"

The great sage said, "I know."

The leaf Cha doesn't cover the color of joy way: "this sword exactly is what?"

The great sage said, "I'm not sure."

The leaf Cha almost a mouthful of blood spurts out, this old not shame of play oneself, a moment know, a moment again not clear.

The great sage said, "first of all, what do you want to know?"

Ye Cha said: "I know that the sword is a little secret."

The great sage nodded and said, "I know."

Ye Cha said: "I just want to know what the secret is? Besides, I'm afraid there's more than one secret to this sword. "

The great sage said, "I don't know that."

Ye Cha clenched his fist and wanted to beat people.

The great sage said with a smile, "OK, let's stop playing riddles. I know the sword, but I don't know what it's called. I know the secret of the sword, but I don't know what the secret is."

Ye Cha said: "you'd better say what you know?"

The great sage said with a smile, "yes, this one comes from the original place."

The leaf Cha startles a way: "ah?"

, as like as two peas, the great master of justice recalled, "in fact, I have seen this sword for the first time, strictly speaking, but I have seen a piece of sword tablet that looks exactly like this sword. And the tablet of the sword is on Siwon's land. If there is no accident, this sword must come from Siwon's land. It is probably related to an ancient civilization."

Ye Cha said strangely: "how can you be so clear about the place of origin? You can't get in again. "

The great sage said, "who said I didn't go in?"

Ye Cha was surprised again and said, "do you have the power of an apostle?"

"There was." The great sage said, "haven't you seen my past? When my civilization was destroyed and came to fight, the place was actually in the original place. "

Ye Cha nodded. He was not interested in exploring the great sage's past. The old man had lived so long. If he really wanted to explore the past, he would not be able to finish it in ten and a half days.

Ye Cha said: "well, if I go to the place of origin, can I find out the origin of this sword?"

"Probably," said the great sage

Ye Cha said, "the great sage, do you remember the location of the stele?"

The great sage shook his head and said, "you can't say you can't remember, or you can't say you remember."

The leaf Cha a face doubts.

The great sage said, "the stele is in front of a mountain. There are thousands of swords in the mountains. It's like several rivers. If you want to get on the stele, you need to cross the stele. However, the stele is invincible, and no one can make it."

Ye Cha nodded. Don't you remember clearly.

The great sage explained: "however, knowing and returning to know, the place of origin is so big, even if I know it, it's not so easy to find. I don't remember how to go except the Jianshan mountain. Moreover, countless years have passed. Who knows if there is any change in the place of origin?"

Ye Cha said: "in any case, I will go to the place of origin again."

The great sage nodded and said, "it's no problem."

Da, Da, Da, Da, Da

At this time, clear footsteps sounded, and the three of them could not help looking at the door, even though they saw an apostle walking down the stairs in a hurry.

"Great sage, no good." The Apostle walked and gasped, "news from headquarters, news of the highest level of fighting."

The great sage frowned and then said to Mo Xi and ye Cha, "you go to have a rest first. I'll see what's going on."

The great sage turned into a ball of light and left quickly.

Mo Xi and ye Cha walk up the stone steps. Mo Xi says, "there's a big problem."

Ye Cha said, "eh?"

Mo Xi said: "do you know the highest level of combat news, what level is it?"

Ye Cha said: "can't the conductor show up?"

Mo Xi said: "it's almost done. Only when we find the apostle, can we send out the highest level battle message."

The leaf Cha silently counted a few ways: "at present all apostles, almost all appeared?"? Does apostle x count? "

"Not really." Mo Xi said: "the Apostle x is quite special. At present, the origin is unknown, but according to the judgment of the guide, it should be different from the Apostle we know. It has something to do with the Apostle Noah."

"Oh, there are two more." Ye Cha said: "if it's related to the apostles, I can understand the meaning of the conductor's" terminal station. "

Mo Xi said: "it's not sure whether it's an apostle, but no matter what it is, we must have something to do."

Ye Cha nodded. If it's a battle at the Apostle level, then there's no doubt that the Holy Son will go out.

Mo Xi is sure to go, and then ye Cha Leng Leng, it seems that he also wants to go, he is now regarded as a saint son, right?Frankly speaking, ye Cha's interest is not high. Ye Cha is more interested in dongfangyu's sword and wants to go to the original place. However, everything is unknown. Let's see what it is first.

Just thinking, the light ball of the great sage suddenly penetrated the ceiling and fell in front of Ye Cha and Mo Xi.

"Come with me." The great sage said, "something really happened."

The great sage floated forward quickly. Mo Xi's face became dignified immediately. He called Ye Cha and quickly caught up with the great sage.

The great sage took two people into the room and changed their shape again and said, "look."

There is a projector in the room, and the great sage plays the picture quickly.

A lot of monsters.

On the screen, it's a wilderness. On the wilderness, there are a lot of monsters, or

Ye Cha said: "black beast?"

Yecha does not use affirmative sentence, but interrogative sentence.

In the picture, those monsters are very similar to the black beasts that appeared in the new third city when the Apostle x appeared. They are very similar in shape.

However, very similar means that there are different places.

Like the black beast, those monsters have black scales, and the general body structure is similar. However, those monsters have huge spines on their shoulders, back and waist, and their heads have subtle changes. They are narrower and longer, and they are more unlike human beings. They have something like tentacles on their forehead, black horns like argali on the top of their ears, and black horns like argali on the top of their hips He has a thick, crocodile like tail.

In yecha's opinion, it is very likely that it is the evolutionary form of black beast.

Sure enough, the great sage nodded, approved the statement about the black beast, and then said, "do you know what happened?"

The great sage didn't tell the truth. After asking, he said directly, "do you know the tower of Babel?"

Yecha said: "I know that the giant tower built by the Babylonian state of Cuba has the malduk temple on the high tower of Babylon. The Babylonian people call it the gate of God, and the road leading to the Babylonian tower is also called the road of communicating with God."

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