death train

Chapter 1857

The great sage nodded and said, "what you said is not wrong. Unfortunately, I am not talking about the Babylonia."

Moxi said: "there will be only one more. The great sage in the Old Testament nodded. Then the picture turned and a huge tower appeared in front of yecha and Moxi.

The tower is huge. It is made of pure stone. It's circle shaped. It's stacked up layer by layer. Each layer has countless door openings. It's so high that you can't judge how high it is.

And around the tower, there are a large number of black herd tides, like the ocean, dense and endless.

The great sage said, "this is the tower of Babel."

Ye Cha said, "is this just a legend?"

The great sage said, "yes, but now it appears. In addition, please recall the origin of the tower carefully."

Mo Xi thought a way: "big flood?"

The great sage nodded his head and then said, "after the great flood, the newly bred human beings began to build the tower of Babel, because they didn't want to be engulfed by the great flood as their ancestors, and they didn't believe in God's promise. Therefore, the tower of Babel is regarded as a rebellion against God. I think the appearance of the tower of Babel at this time is obviously metaphorical."

Ye Cha thought and said, "resist the end of the world?"

The great sage said, "maybe."

Moxi suddenly said, "it's Noah. According to the records, the new humans at that time were called Noah's descendants, and Noah was their ancestor."

The leaf Cha also understood, the pupil shrinks a way: "Noah apostle!"

The great sage nodded and said, "yes, it should be the appearance of the Apostle Noah again. The tower of Babel is closely related to the Apostle Noah."

Ye Cha said, "shall we go there?"

"Of course." The great sage nodded and said, "remember, for us, the Apostle Noah must be the real enemy and the most important enemy. The appearance of the Apostle Noah will be the root of all the destruction, because time has proved that the appearance of the Apostle Noah is the beginning of every thorough annihilation of civilization."

Ye Cha said, "well, what should we do?"

The great sage said, "it's not clear at present. We only see the tower of Babel, but we haven't seen the Apostle Noah yet. But you can think that you will destroy whatever the Apostle Noah wants to do."

Ye Cha said: "just like the people on the death train do to the apostles walking?"

People on the train of death have a common understanding that no matter what the apostles want to do, it's right not to let them walk happily. Of course, it's more beneficial to kill the apostles.

Great sage Leng Leng, and then said: "you can think so."

Ye Cha said: "I understand."

The great sage said: "prepare for it. In an hour, we will start the interlude space. Because of the influence of Babel Tower, we can only send you to the periphery. In addition, the people on the death train will surely appear..."

The great sage hesitated for a moment and then said, "maybe this is the terminal of the death train? The tower of Babel to heaven. "

Yecha said: "unfortunately, the tower of Babel has not been completed."

The great sage nodded and said, "go and prepare."

Ready? There is nothing to prepare for, mainly to adjust the mentality and state, tension and pressure does not come from the fight, but from before the fight.

All we have to do is wait.

Leaving the room, ye Cha said to Mo Xi, "I'm thinking about something, so I have a question for you. What happened to limes in the end?"

Mo Xi is puzzled: "who?"

Yecha said, "the name of Noah's Apostle."

At the beginning, ye Cha got what Noah's Apostle wanted, and left directly by using the double doll, and took the things directly back to the death train.

After that, ye Cha was not very clear. Did the conductor walk with Noah's Apostle to decide the outcome?

Anyway, the conductor returned to the death train, at least the conductor did not lose or die. It's hard for limes to say.

Mo Xi said: "you left and then you broke up. The conductor didn't mean to fight with Noah's Apostle. As soon as the conductor left, we certainly left. You robbed everything. What else do you want to fight?"

Yecha said: "that is to say, if the tower of Babel was created by Noah's apostles, then it is likely to be limes again?"

Mo Xi way: "probably."

Ye Cha said, "this is good news."

Limes is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it is better than the appearance of a new act of Noah.

Mo Xi and ye Cha were leaning against the corner of the cathedral. The apostles around them were in a hurry, and most of them were talking about it.

The great sage has assigned the task. More apostles will be sent to the headquarters of the Apostles' walk. Moreover, the target is the Apostle Noah. With the last lesson, according to the great sage, there will be three guides.

The guiders can't go out at will. In order to prolong their life, all the guiders transform themselves into the life of light source body, or can be understood as a life of energy situation.Every action will consume a lot of energy.

This kind of consumption is different from the physical strength of other creatures, but it is an irreversible consumption. In short, it is like a bucket full of water. Every time the guide fights, it is equivalent to pouring some water out of the bucket.

Other people's physical strength can be restored, which is equivalent to pouring water into the bucket again, but the guide can't. the water in the bucket can only be consumed and can't be replenished. When the water is used up, it is the time for the guide to die.

However, on the contrary, as long as there is always water in the bucket, the guide is almost immortal. Without fighting, this kind of consumption is negligible for the guide.

All the guides, the final reason to meet death, are killed in battle, or into continuous fighting, with fierce fighting.

The great sage is very weak. Mo Xi secretly tells Ye cha in a sad tone that the great sage may die at any time, because before, in the water elf war, the great sage took part in the war and was able to hold down the conductor. But the great sage also paid a very tragic price, and his life is coming to an end.

Ye Cha can't help but think of the great sage's conjecture about the conductor. The conductor may be the guide, although Ye Cha thinks this conjecture is quite unreliable.

However, it's a fact that the conductor can't leave the dead train easily. The landlady told yecha that although the conductor can leave if he wants to, he has to pay a considerable price every time he leaves.

So, what's the price?

Is it similar to the situation of the guide?

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