death train

Chapter 1858

The leaf Cha thinks wildly, suddenly, a few apostles walk suddenly appear, stand in the ear of Mo Xi to whisper a few.

It's Mo Xi's silver robe.

Ye Cha said: "you go first."

Mo Xi way: "different line?"

Ye Cha said, "I'm used to being alone."

"Shit." Ming Hai came over from the other side of the corridor and said, "I'm not a human being?"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "I'm used to two people."

Mo Xi nodded his head and said, "see you at Babel Tower."

Ye Cha nodded.

Ming Hai leaned against the wall beside Ye Cha and said, "this woman takes care of you very much. Is it interesting for you?"

Ye Cha said: "she takes care of me because she follows the will of the great sage. The Apostle's walk is not my destination. In fact, I have no meaning and value here. Everyone's attitude towards me actually depends on the will of the great sage. Approval, negation and wait and see are the fundamental reasons for that. It's all because of the choice of the great sage."

"Where's the death train?" he said

Ye Cha said: "it's not the same. It's just for survival."

Minghai said, "what's your destination?"

Ye Cha said: "where I am, where is my destination, everything is because of me."

Minghai said, "I don't understand."

Ye Cha said: "there is no need to understand that living is the greatest happiness. You are very good and always happy."

Ming Hai said, "sometimes it's painful. You know, it's hard to die. Sometimes it's boring. The most important thing is to know that you can't die and have nothing to fear. That's not so good. After all, fear and fear are the emotions that normal human beings should have. I have almost no fear of death. What else can I fear?"

Ye Cha chatted with Ming Hai for a while. The Apostle started to travel and left here by using the interlude space.

Even after leaving the death train, some habits of yecha remain unchanged. For example, they always like to leave last.

After leaving the cathedral with Minghai, the episode space starts. When he comes back, yecha finds that he has come to a wilderness.

Around is a large number of red rock mountain, suddenly, some shadow appeared in the top of the leaf brake.

Some black beasts jumped down from the top of the Rocky Mountain.

"Let me do it. Let me do it."

Ming Hai is very excited and suddenly draws a gun into the air.


Pull the trigger, the clear sound of shooting appeared, and a bomb was fired.

It looks like it's no different from ordinary bullets, but soon, the bullet on the fly makes a sharp surge of electric current, which turns into electric current and turns a black beast into coke.

Ming Hai was so excited that he burst into tears. Finally, he had the means to attack. Finally, he didn't have to look for death.

The leaf Cha is looking at in one side, how should say?

Black beast

It's better than the one we met in the new third city. However, the improvement is not obvious. Ye Cha mainly looks at the black beast in the new third city with his own strength. Ye Cha can finish it with one punch. Now the black beast still has one punch, which is essentially the same for ye cha.

However, it's worth praising that Minghai can be killed easily. It's not Minghai that is praised, but the two guns. The guide is not as small as ye Cha thought. These two guns are really good. They are definitely the level of middle weapons in the treasure list. About 100 gold skull coins are still worth it.

Of course, it's not as rich as the conductor.

The leaf Cha way: "that gun has no limit?"

Minghai said: "yes, there are seven bullets in each of the two magazines. They are automatically generated after they are finished, but it takes time to generate them."

Ye Cha nodded. It would be terrible if he could shoot all the time.

Ming Hai said as he reached for his hand in front of him. Then he was scared and said, "why is it useless to have a concussion?"

Ye Cha blasted off the head of the black beast with one punch, and then said: "do you use mind concussion to deal with a group of brainless guys? It's strange that it's useful. "


Ming Hai really can't refute, but said: "that bullet used up how to do?"

Ye Cha said: "you can go to seek death."

Minghai said, "well, I'll go."

Minghai thrusts his two guns toward the back of his waist, and then goes with awe inspiring righteousness. Ye Cha laughs. In the shadow behind him, the corpse flower vine suddenly comes out, and kills those black beasts in the moment of passing forward.

Ye Cha said with a smile: "to deal with this kind of thing, you need to die. I will only feel ashamed, and I will be the one who lost me."

Solve the black beast, leaf brake began to take the lead toward the front.

This is just the periphery, otherwise, they will encounter a lot of black beasts.

This time, yecha got relatively complete information.

The place where the tower of Babel appears is in a small town called Sahel, and their current location is a rocky desert called Olsen.In addition to these simple but necessary information, yecha also has a map.

After looking at the map, Ming Hai said, "it's almost 15 kilometers. It takes some time to walk."

Ye Chadao: "this place can't find transportation."

Ye chagang finished, a sound sounded on the side of the road, and a jeep drove past them.

Minghai said: "can't you find the means of transportation?"

Leaf Cha decisive way: "rob!"

"Hello Minghai said: "it's my own people."

There are three apostles walking in the car.

Ye Cha said, "they are my own people only when they give me the car."

Leaf brake directly flew out of a large area of A4 paper, flying towards the front of the jeep, quickly formed a paper wall, and intercepted the jeep.

The leaf brake came to the side of the car, forced the door open, said: "you go away, or I do it?"

An apostle walked and said angrily, "yecha, you are..."

Ye Shayi grabbed each other's clothes, pulled people out of the car, and then threw them aside.

Minghai said, "I advise you to go away by yourself. You can't beat him. Why?"

The fallen apostle walked angrily and said, "I will tell the great sage."

Ye Cha said: "whatever, I don't have time to talk to you now. The remaining two quickly roll down."

Grab the car, get on the co driver's seat, and when ye Cha doesn't have pressure, he complains. Ye Cha doesn't take the identity of the Apostle's walking seriously. It's also wrong. It's the Apostle's walking, or Ye Cha will directly kill him.

Ming Hai drives the driveway: "in fact, it's not very good to go your own way. This car can take five people."

Ye Cha said: "I can sit, that's why I let them go."

Ming sea Leng next, immediately understand come over.

Since you can sit for five people, the other party should stop and take the leaf brake with Minghai. Unfortunately, the other party doesn't have it.

Since the other party is not polite, ye Cha is not.

Ye Cha's life has always been like this. He is either a companion or an enemy.

Ming Hai shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking nonsense.

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