death train

Chapter 1863

Ye Cha looks at each other and knows that this guy is a little bit in trouble.

Ye Cha is not the first time to see fusion beast. He knows some characteristics of these things.

First of all, the difference between the strong and the weak can be judged.

Corpse egg is the most rubbish, that thing is to put a pile of corpses together into a sphere, and then use the broken corpse parts to splice to attack.

Like zombies, attacking the body doesn't work. You have to find the face, and then you die with one blow.

Secondly, there are some forms of fusion animals, including animals, birds and insects. If you cut off your head, you will die. Generally speaking, they are much better than corpse eggs.

The last is the fusion beast of human form, which is the most powerful form. It is almost the level of variant zombie, and can basically reach the platinum level. There are also some at the king level, which is less.

Another way to judge is the splicing of the body. For example, the egg of the corpse is the splicing, but there is almost no trace of the splicing in front of the fusion beast. Although we can see that the hands and feet are different and come from different corpses, they are completely fused.

In fact, this level can really be called a fusion beast.


Ye Cha took a step forward. He sank into the elixir field, dragged his arm back, and then swung forward like a whip, with a blow.

Exploding lava!

Flames sprang up between the fists of yecha. The flames solidified rapidly and became magma.

The power of Yan's son.


After a loud noise, magma gushed out from the fists of yecha, turned into a stream of magma, and rushed towards the fusion beast.

The fusion beast immediately picked his eyebrows, felt the heat coming from all around, and the smell of burning in his hair. He couldn't help but show his embarrassed color. Although he let go, the little guy was really rude.

However, the fusion beast's reaction is also very fast. Knowing that it is impossible to avoid the impact of magma, he simply does not dodge and reaches for his hand to press forward in the void.


In front of the fusion animal, the barrier of a sphere emerges to protect the body.

This should be a superhuman trick. Fusion beast certainly does not have wisdom, but whether it has brain power or not, it can only be understood as the power given by Noah's apostles.

However, at the moment of the next magma impact, the barrier began to melt. In dealing with non physical attacks, the barrier was not as good as expected.

However, the barrier more or less blocked the impact of the magma, giving the fusion beast time. After a flash, the fusion beast gave way.

The next moment, the barrier was broken, the magma flow rushed to the rear wall, and then the wall was blasted out of a circle of melting holes by yecha.


At the same time, the fusion beast roars.

Spiritual power!

A very strong spiritual power is overflowing from the fusion beast and rushing forward quickly.

As the fusion beast roared, he reached out his hand fiercely, and five nearly transparent spheres flew out at the same time, bombarding the leaf brake.

Ye Cha looks the same, immediately cast instant shadow step.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ye Cha's figure is like a ghost, moving continuously, flashing over the spheres, which make a loud noise after falling on the ground.

The next moment, the leaf brake flashed all the spheres, and then went straight to the fusion beast.

"What a pity!" Ye Cha said: "even if the power is very good, but if you don't hit it, it's meaningless."

Leaf brake toward the front rushed out, fist force of blast out.

But in this instant, the fusion beast suddenly jumped up.

Ye Cha looks at the five or six meter fusion beast, which is quite speechless. It's normal for normal super human beings to float in the air, but how can they have such good physical quality to jump so high.

Boom, boom, boom

The next moment, the five spheres will continue to hit the leaf brake.

Ye Cha looked at the five spheres coming, but he was not in a hurry, and he also reached out to press the void.

ChiYan armor

a circle of crystallized flame appeared in front of yecha and took down five spheres.

After continuous collision and explosion, the crystallizing flame of the blade brake broke, turned over in the air and fell steadily on the ground.

As ye Cha said, he waved his hand to the void and chopped, and the two volleying chopping blows went towards the fusion beast.

Boom, boom!

The sound of two explosions, the central position of the wave, the two to push away.

In the moment of stabilizing the body, ye Cha suddenly pours forward, and the spirit fog appears on his body.

Ghost step!

Ye Cha suddenly appeared beside the fusion beast.

But in this instant, the fusion beast's figure is suddenly disappeared.

Ye Cha Leng next, fusion beast also has this kind of ability similar to instant movement?

The fusion beast appears on the other side. Ye Cha uses ghost step twice in a row. After the shadow flashes, it falls in front of the fusion beast, and then blows forward with one punch."No, I've been fooled!"

When ye Cha punches out, his fist goes directly through the fusion beast's body. Ye Cha knows that he is trapped by the fusion beast.

However, the leaf brake is also extremely sensitive, a look bad, immediately toward the side to open, even so, the leaf brake or get a punch, was blasted out.

Ye Cha gave a light drink, and then suddenly put out his sword. He was very fast and kept chopping forward.

Six dragons flying into the sky.


The sound of dragon howling suddenly sounded, and then with each blade of Ye Cha, a dragon shaped Qi force came down from the sky and bombarded the front.

Bang, bang, Bang

Along with the dragon's strength to the ground, the ground is also a continuous ring.

This is yecha's method. The fusion beast just disappears, but it doesn't exist. Using large-scale bombing, the fusion beast can be forced out.

Sure enough, the fusion beast appeared in some confusion.

At the same time, ye Cha finished the bombing. He flipped his body in the air, stretched his legs to the bottom, and with the force of falling, he kicked.

Looking at the rapid fall of the leaf brake, the fusion beast did not dare to neglect. He was able to stabilize the source force. However, from the perspective of comprehensive strength, the fusion beast did not dare to take it lightly. He quickly summoned his five spheres and kept spinning in front of him.


The next moment, ye Cha's body suddenly burned.

The power of Yan's son!

The burning flame turned into a dragon shape, with five claws curving slightly, showing a ferocious color, and wrapped around yecha's body. Then, with yecha kicking a ball, the huge roar resounded through the sky.

In a short time, the ground broke layer upon layer, and large cracks appeared in the cobweb. In the huge roar, pieces of sand and dust rolled up, covering a large area of space.

In a moment, the dust gradually dispersed, and the leaf brake slowly stood up. The foot had already become a big pit, and the ground was destroyed. With the leaf brake as the center, there was no half intact ground around, completely smashed and collapsed.

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