death train

Chapter 1864

The fusion beast is gone, but

However, ye Cha's look was serious and did not take it lightly.

Because, fusion beast has not lost!

At this time, on the other side of the sand and dust, the fusion beast was also exposed, coughing and spitting out two mouthfuls of sand and dust.

This fusion animal is more troublesome than yecha thought. The advantages and disadvantages of super human are obvious. The brain domain ability is very strong, but the physical quality is really not very good.

Therefore, against the superman, experienced people have the same choice, or only two choices, to attack the Superman's noumenon, not to compete with the Superman's brain ability.

The second way is to kill each other!

But the fusion beast in front of us belongs to a different kind, which can't be treated according to the normal super human standard. On the one hand, the physical quality is also very strong. On the other hand, after fighting for a long time, the strength of brain area ability has not decreased at all. Yecha speculates that the fusion beast probably doesn't have the so-called brain area consumption.

Then, there is no doubt that we can only force it.

Ghost step!


Ye Cha's continuous ghost steps approach the fusion beast, and the ground under his feet is trampled out of a deep pit.

There is a barrier in front of the fusion beast, ready to defend, but is Ye Cha's fist a general fist?

Heaven and earth, martial arts supreme!

The breath on the leaf brake body suddenly changed, and it was sharp in an instant.

Martial arts supremacy was a way to press the bottom of the box in yecha's early days. Now it is almost eliminated, but almost eliminated is not eliminated. In fact, martial arts supremacy belongs to the ability that can be used for a lifetime. In some special cases, martial arts supremacy is still very easy to use.

For example, pure physical combat, to cause considerable damage to the enemy's body, the martial arts supremacy of ancient martial arts is very good.

Fist with internal skill is not a general physical attack!


When ye chaquan moment, a dragon suddenly sounded.

The next moment, ye Cha's fist was intercepted by the barrier without suspense.

But this is not the end!

Although Ye Cha's fist was stopped, the dragon's Qi ignored the mental barrier and went through it directly to the fusion beast.

This change is enough to give the fusion beast a fierce attack. Ye Cha doesn't think that the fusion beast will study the internal force.

However, this fusion beast may not have been an ordinary person before he died. He has rich fighting experience. When he suddenly reaches out his hand and presses it, a nearly transparent sphere appears, which will slightly block the attack, and then the fusion beast's figure disappears.

But is this the end of yecha's attack?

Of course




There was an explosion at the foot of the fusion beast, but a magma rushed out from the ground below. With huge impact, the fusion beast was lifted out.

"It should be tough enough this time."

Ye Cha turns his mouth.

Unfortunately, yecha was disappointed.

The fusion beast lay on the ground for a few seconds, and then stood up again. Ye Cha could see that the fusion beast had a kind of armor.

"Damn it." The leaf Cha Leng for a while, immediately scold a way: "this guy can of brain domain ability return really many."

Scold to scold, leaf Cha's footstep is non-stop, again use ghost shadow step appear in front of fusion beast.

Fusion beast looked at Ye Cha approaching himself again and waved his fist. Naturally, he did not dare to use the mental barrier again, unless he was a fool!

Fortunately, the fusion beast seems to have no wisdom, but in terms of combat judgment, it is the same as normal human beings.

The fusion beast suddenly raises its hand forward.

The leaf Cha suddenly felt that an invisible wall appeared in front of him, and then he ran into it straightly.


The leaf Cha stuffy hums a, then so hang in the sky, stick that invisible wall to slide down.

It's still a barrier, but the barrier is not used to protect the fusion beast, but stands directly in front of it.

This is a bit beyond the expectation of the blade brake. The barrier can be used in this way. Since it can't stop the penetration of Qi, it directly prevents the blade brake from moving forward.

Exploding lava!

Ye Cha immediately changed his moves, a large flame appeared on his arm, and the magma flow erupted rapidly forward, moving towards the front.


Ye Cha suddenly felt tinnitus in both ears, and then a sharp noise sounded in his ears.


The leaf Cha low roars a, continuously backward.

Mental impact!

The mental impact is to simulate the effect of acoustic noise with mental force. Listening to the sharp sound, ye Cha feels that his head is about to explode.

The fusion beast moves forward, uses the mental power ball to move to the front of the leaf brake, condenses a ball in the palm, then presses the leaf brake's belly.Bang!

When the ball pressed on the leaf brake, the leaf brake was blasted out like a shell. It flew out about 15 meters, hit the wall and smashed the wall.

"Son of a bitch!" Ye Cha pushed away the crushed stone on his body and got up and said, "can't you honestly die for me?"

Ye Cha doesn't want to spend too much on the fusion beast. After all, it's just an insignificant battle. It's just an ordinary fusion beast blocking the way.

But now, ye Cha is really angry.

Sun and moon in the sky!

The leaf Cha low drinks a, a small sun then appears in the palm of the leaf Cha, toward the air flew to sweep to go out.


Under the sunlight, and then suddenly burst out of countless magma mass, toward the surrounding scattered.

Fusion beast has no way to deal with this. The range of meteorite even covers a large area of space. What can he do?

The next moment, the fusion beast opens the barrier, and at the same time, it condenses armor outside its body, intending to attack hard.

Boom, boom, boom!

The meteorite landed, and then a continuous roar sounded.

However, this move is also a large-scale attack skill. The fusion beast does not need to bear all the impact of meteorites, but the pressure is not as big as expected.

However, this side just received the next attack, ye Cha has rushed up.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

The sword light is cold!

The meteorite from the sky has completely destroyed the defense of the fusion beast.

The barrier has been broken for a long time, and the armor on the fusion beast is hard to maintain its shape. Numerous cracks appear, and it is unable to continue to defend.

And in this instant, the sword light that ye Cha stabbed, but also arrived at the fusion beast.

A sword out, sword light into 24!

The fusion animal's body was stiff in the same place for a moment, and there were many sword holes on its body, which continuously oozed blood.

The most important thing is in the forehead position, by Ye Cha with the sword to the South Xinjiang, a sword through, completely penetrated the head.


The next moment, fusion animal's body a soft, toward the front of the fall, a pool of blood under the body.

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