death train

Chapter 1865

Yecha continued to move forward and soon found that there was something wrong with the town.

Judging from the surrounding terrain, the town is very common. It's just a town built near the desert highway in the West. It looks very desolate, but this kind of town is very common in a country with vast territory and few people.

There are all kinds of facilities in the town. It only takes one hour to drive to the nearest city at most. There is nothing special. Yecha doesn't pay special attention to the town itself.

But after entering the town and walking for a while, yecha found that the town was really a bit greasy.

Don't know how to describe the feeling, or say, maze?

Dilapidated houses, dilapidated streets, if you believe what you see with your eyes, this town is nothing special, except for the fusion beast that sometimes comes out.

But after walking for a while, ye Cha found that he was always spinning in an area.

It's very easy to distinguish this. The town is not big. The tower of Babel stands high in front of it, which is a very obvious sign. However, after 15 minutes, yecha finds that the distance between yecha and the tower of Babel has not been narrowed. Yecha knows that there is a problem.

The leaf Cha Tuo chin ponders, feeling interesting.

This must be the ghost of Noah's Apostle. There is only one possibility. The other side doesn't want anyone near the tower of Babel.

This is the interesting place. When LIMUS was in Senhai, he didn't seem to deliberately prevent people from going to the column tower.

There are two possibilities. One is that the tower of Babel is not the same level as the cylindrical tower. Obviously, the tower of Babel is much more important to the Apostle Noah.

Another possibility is that limes learned to be good, was beaten by the conductor, understood that he was not so invincible, and began to become cautious.

But no matter which one, yecha's guess is correct or not, we must first arrive at the tower of Babel.

The leaf Cha side thinks, the side fiercely turns a body, then toward the rear jump.


The loud sound of smashing appeared, and a large hand slowly appeared from the dust.

"The hand of Maya!"

Leaf Cha picks next eyebrow, he knows the big hand that appears.

It is said that there are five parts in the hand of Maya: hand of Maya, head of Maya, body of Maya, heart of Maya and foot of Maya. If the five parts come together, they will evolve into an extraordinary alien creature, the king of Maya.

However, it is said to mean that there is no evidence, just hearsay.

Because no one has ever seen all the Maya parts, and even if all the parts appear, they have to be put together. The probability is too low.

But yecha believed that there was a Mayan God King, because in the alien purchase list of the death train, there were four Mayan parts, but there was no Mayan heart.

This means that we can definitely get together, but Maya's heart can't be purchased, only through the task.

If you think about it carefully, it's reasonable. It's a super alien creature. It's still obedient. The purchase price of four parts alone is as high as 850 gold skull coins. But at such a high price, it's sure to be robbed. It can only be limited in the task.

Maya's hand is floating in the air, but it can only be less than three meters above the ground. It can't be regarded as flying, or even floating in the air. After yecha found Maya's hand, there was no nonsense. He took out the Gemini serrated sword from behind and met it.

Ghost step!

Ye Cha steps forward with the ghost shadow step and directly shortens the distance. But unexpectedly, Maya's hand can judge the position of the ghost shadow step. Ye Cha steps out and almost directly bumps into the sharp fingertips of Maya's hand, which frightens Ye cha.

Ye Cha has never seen one who can catch up with the ghost step or keep up with the speed of the ghost step, but for the first time, he has seen one who can predict the moving position of the ghost step.

Ye Cha wipes a cold sweat and immediately turns back to draw the sword. The Gemini serrated sword with a sword awn cuts off towards Maya's hand.


With a clear metal sound, Maya's hand was not so strong. The Gemini serrated sword fell down, leaving only one impression.

However, the damage to Maya's hand is more than that. Ye Cha holds the handle of the sword with both hands and sweeps it hard, and Maya's hand is swept away by Ye cha.


The walls of a house collapsed and Maya's hand fell directly into the rubble.

Ye chayan falls, and then rushes towards the collapsed debris of the wall. Maya's hand finally rushes away from the debris. As a result, she meets the edge of the twin serrated sword and is hit back into the debris.

Ye Cha was very satisfied with his prediction, but after a while, the Maya's hand did not appear again. On the contrary, a circle of tiny drums appeared on the ground. Ye Cha could not help but smile. This little trick was to deceive him?

Ye Cha jumps back quickly, and then stabs the sword into the ground. After picking the tip of the sword, Maya's hand will leave the ground obediently, reappear and float.

After repeated attacks, Maya's hand seemed to be angry and no longer wanted to run away. Suddenly, the metal finger came towards yecha. Unexpectedly, yecha flashed to one side early, holding the hilt of the sword in both hands, and slashed Maya's hand down. Before landing, the twin serrated sword swept quickly and swept Maya's hand in again In the rubble.A moment later, the rubble pile was shattered by the earthquake, Maya's hand continuously grabbed to yecha, but yecha continuously retreated to avoid it, and then stabbed Maya's hand in the palm of the hand with a sword, and the hand fell to the ground.

Follow up!

The attack of Maya's hand is very pure. It's constantly flying, flying, and then flying. It's very powerful and destructive. There are more than a dozen holes on the ground, but this is the attack that ye Cha is least afraid of. Ye Cha can clearly predict the attack in advance, and then Dodge. Occasionally, when he can't escape, he uses ghost step. Maya's hand has no fear at all Fanaihe leaf brake.

After another flying crash, Maya's hand fell into the ground, and even got stuck by the rock, struggling to get out quickly.

Ye Cha won't let go of such a good opportunity. Holding his sword forward, he will pick out Maya's hand. At the same time, the edge of the sword skips over and cuts along the center of Maya's hand, directly cutting the back of Maya's hand.


Hanging in the air, Maya's hand fell to the ground, constantly wriggling, but just for a moment, Maya's hand was silent.

Ye Cha slowly approached, but at this moment, Maya's hand on the ground suddenly bounced up, startled Ye Cha, quickly jumped back to avoid, and then punched out.

The flame galloped and quickly enveloped Maya's hand.

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