death train

Chapter 1900

The standard of conventional ability is obviously different from that of limited ability.

For example, the power of cutting is only about the same as that of a blood dragon from Liulong Feitian. The blood dragon from Liulong Feitian is still superposed.

However, after one attack of the six dragons flying in the sky, they will be blinded, but the cutting of the five Commandments is different. They can be used all the time, once, twice, three times, and continuously. If they are faced with a dead target, continuous attacks, and finally superimposed damage, the five commandments are definitely stronger.

Of course, the time consumption is also more, so, there is no final conclusion on the strength of the five God precepts. It can only be said that the five God precepts are not as weak as ye Cha imagined.

Continuously extend the index finger toward the front.

Boom, boom, boom!

The huge roar continued to ring, the ground appeared a continuous crack.

Li Xuanhe quickly ran to the side to avoid the attack of Ye cha. The ground was smashed, cracked and became a mess.

Li Xuanhe suddenly stopped.

The leaf Cha didn't have any hesitation, stretched out a hand again.

This time, Li Xuanhe chose to fight back.

Hands a lift, broken ground constantly surging huge stones.

The stones were square, they were complete cubes, and then they flew towards the leaf brake.

Boom, boom!

The next moment, the burst sound sounded, the stones were constantly broken, but the attack of yecha was also offset.

Looking at the gravel flying, the leaf brake quickly changed into the ring finger.

What a blast!

With a big bang, the stones were crushed completely and rolled into powder, falling like dust.

Ye Cha changed his fingers again, and a frost ray appeared, falling in front of Li Xuanhe.

Click, click!

The rapid ice on the ground froze Li Xuanhe's legs.

Ye Cha's left hand waved, and the corpse flower vine that had been swimming around suddenly attacked Li Xuanhe at this time.

More than a dozen corpse flower vines poured in from all directions and fell in the direction of Li Xuanhe.

Boom, boom, boom.

Every corpse flower vine falls to the ground, it will make a loud noise, smashing the ground to pieces.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the ground constantly collapses and collapses downward.


At the moment when the corpse flower vine finished its attack, the stacked corpse flower vine suddenly shook up. Slowly, a water column rose from below and slowly pushed the corpse flower vine open.

Li Xuanhe made use of the ability to reshape the world, reshaping the ice formed by frost rays and turning those ice into liquid water.


The water suddenly made a loud noise, burst randomly, split into countless channels, and surged towards the direction of the leaf brake.

What a blast!

Ye Cha immediately changed his fingers again, and then shot out towards the front.

With the loud sound, the water burst into pieces and then scattered to the ground.

But the attack is not over!

The scattered water froze again and turned into ice guns one by one. It was all over the air, like rain, and fell again towards the leaf brake.

The leaf brake switches to the middle finger.

Middle finger (shadow): creates an area that absorbs all light.

The target of Ye Cha's shadow release is not Li Xuanhe, but


With the leaf brake as the center, the surrounding area instantly becomes dark, the light is completely absorbed, and you can't see your fingers.

The ice gun in the air stopped for a moment, and the darkness shrouded the leaf brake. The leaf brake could not see everything around.

However, from another point of view, because of the darkness, Li Xuanhe did not know the exact location of yecha, so he naturally lost the target of attack.

However, in the next moment, the ice gun in the sky scattered, falling towards the black space.

Since we can't know exactly where the blade brake is, we can only carry out coverage attack when there is no target. So many ice guns fall, they can always hit the blade brake.

When the ice gun fell, it entered the dark space.

That large black, just like a piece of curtain, was quickly cut and torn by the ice gun, turned into a piece by piece, and began to peel off.

In a moment, the black space was completely torn, and the ice gun fell to the ground with a huge roar.

Boom, boom, boom!

With the impact of the ice gun, the ground constantly vibrates and makes a huge noise.


No leaf brake!

When the black space is completely torn, there is no sign of the blade brake in the black space."Here I am!"

Ye Cha's voice suddenly rang out behind Li Xuanhe.

Li Xuanhe turned back and saw Ye Cha shaking his tail finger.

The next moment, the extremely harsh voice sounded, Li Xuanhe's face immediately appeared the color of pain, facial features instantly twisted up, constantly retreating towards the rear.

At the same time, ye Cha punches again.

What a blast!

A roar.

With Ye Cha's fist blowing out towards the front, a huge explosion sounded, and then Li Xuanhe flew out towards the rear again as if he had been hit by a heavy object in the chest.

More than ten meters away, he kept rolling close to the ground. When Li Xuanhe looked up again, a stream of blood came down from his forehead.

At the same time, the dark night suddenly said: "coming, I feel that the spiritual power of this space fluctuates. Well, it's very strong, and the improvement is very obvious."

Ye Cha wanted to pursue, but stopped at this time.

Killing Li Xuanhe is not the ultimate goal. Killing this dream is the key.

Moreover, for the time being, it's not difficult for ye Cha to break away from the dream. Therefore, ye Cha doesn't care. So let Li Xuanhe improve his strength. The important thing is whether you ye can seize this opportunity and find a way to break the dream.

"I feel..." The dark night closed her eyes and felt it. Then she opened her eyes and said, "this space is changing. It seems to be in shape."

You ye Meng's open eyes, the next moment, you ye and ye chabian see that the space around is constantly distorted.

The ground, the sky, the dead grass, the Rocky Mountains in the distance.

All things are twisted at the moment, like a piece of paper, was forced to knead into a wrinkled appearance.

This distortion lasted about half a minute, and everything around became smooth again, just like smoothing the crumpled paper.

And then

The world has changed!

Ye Cha looked around in amazement.

It was no longer a vast wilderness.

At his feet is a street, surrounded by high-rise buildings, many vehicles parked at the roadside, mid air, shop signs flashing lights of different colors.

This is a


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