death train

Chapter 1901

The change of spatial form of dreams is not a very surprising thing.

Since dreams can create a wilderness, they can also create a city, which is not surprising.

Therefore, after the initial surprise, ye Cha also recovered calm, and the rest was just doubts.

The fluctuation of spiritual power should strengthen Li Xuanhe's strength, but after the fluctuation of spiritual power, it turns out to be the change of space, which is quite strange. What's the reason for making a city?

I don't understand at all.

The leaf Cha looked around for a while, toward the dark night way: "what discovery?"

Youye said: "there are some discoveries, but the time is too short. It seems that you still need to fight and continue to force each other. Let me feel it again."

Ye Cha looked around. With the buildings rising around, Li Xuanhe's shadow was covered. Now Li Xuanhe doesn't know where to go. He should be at the back of a building.

Ye Cha said, "first of all, what did you find?"

Youye said: "the power of this dream is fixed, but when there are fluctuations, it will improve, and so will interference and influence."

Ye Cha said: "can I use the words I can understand?"

Youye thought about it and said, "well, you build a house. The house is there. It's fixed. The house is a dream. It's useless for you to demolish it. A new house will be built immediately. You are still locked in the house."

Ye Cha nodded, which is easier to understand.

Youye continued: "well, since it is useless to demolish the house, we can only use another method. What should we do? In fact, it's very simple. Just kill the man who built the house. "

Ye Chadao: "to build a house, that person must appear."

Youye said: "yes, so under normal circumstances, although there is a sense of spiritual apostolic power in dreams, this power exists ahead of time. I can't capture the other party's location. Therefore, there is only one way to force the spiritual fluctuation just like that to appear. Only when there is spiritual fluctuation can I have the opportunity to capture the other party's existence. The more intense the spiritual fluctuation is, the longer the spiritual fluctuation lasts The longer I stay with you, the more chance I have to catch each other. "

Ye Cha said: "it's the same way just now. We should fight, but we can't beat people to death. We can beat each other to improve their strength. When we improve their strength, the power of spiritual apostles will definitely have an effect."

You ye nodded and said, "that's it."

Ye Cha said: "I know the method, but I can't help asking, are you reliable?"

You night doubts a way: "eh?"

Ye Cha said: "two or three times, it's OK. If you can't catch each other all the time, Li Xuanhe will be stronger and stronger, and the dream will be stronger and stronger. Even if you kill Li Xuanhe, I'm afraid the nightmare will be greatly improved. Don't kill the dream, I'll put myself in it."

Ye Cha's worry is not unreasonable. The dream has been getting stronger, but it has been getting stronger step by step. The severity of nightmares has increased by a small margin.

The method of dark night is equal to forcing that force to improve. If it can be done, it's OK. If it can't be done, ye Cha will be dizzy.

Originally, ye Cha couldn't be killed at the speed of dream promotion. It's possible for ye Cha to last for several months. However, if you can't break this dream this time, ye Cha won't be able to last for ten days and a half months.

Youye said: "everything is dangerous and has a price. You can choose whether you want to do it or not, or you can try. You can spend your dreams every night normally. When you can't hold on, you can try my method again."

Ye Cha didn't have any nonsense and said directly: "OK, find out the guy first."

Ye Cha is very cautious most of the time, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have the spirit of adventure. The last sentence of Youye convinced Ye cha.

In terms of the situation of living through dreams normally, it is true that dreams are getting stronger and nightmares are getting stronger. If it were not for Jiuyou's help, nightmares would have grown to a considerable extent now.

But Jiuyou's method can cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Sooner or later, the dream will continue to grow stronger, and then one day, two days, three days

One day, if the growth of dreams and nightmares is unlimited, ye Cha will not be able to hold on one day. Since it's a knife to stretch your head, it's also a knife to shrink your head. Let's make this knife come earlier.

Youye nodded and said nothing more.

Ye Cha looked around again, still didn't find Li Xuanhe's figure. Since this guy didn't find him, let's find him by ourselves.

Ye Cha began to move forward.

Ye Cha recalled Li Xuanhe's previous position, which was not far from him. Even if there were buildings blocking him, he was basically in the next street.

Through the alley, half a minute, but ye Cha said to you ye for half a minute, Li Xuanhe did not appear, that can only prove one thing, Li Xuanhe deliberately did not come to find Ye cha.

Why?Ye Cha looked at the buildings around him. The urban terrain is absolutely complicated, so

"Sneak attack?"

Ye Cha just thought of this, the side suddenly heard the harsh sound of steel distortion, and then a signboard suddenly collapsed, falling in the direction of Ye cha.

Ye Cha quickly jumped away from the side, and with a bang, the sign fell to the ground, smashed, and the cable came out, constantly flashing electric arc.

The dark night suddenly says: "behind."

Ye Cha quickly turned around, and the sound of "boom, boom" sounded on the ground of the street, and then the ground constantly raised stones, which were like a circle, constantly coming in the direction of Ye cha.

As ye Cha retreated, he hurled out towards the front, but there was no response. He immediately scolded, but the duration of the five God precepts, or the characteristic time of half man and half god, was up.

It's too late!

The leaf brake immediately changed its ability, and an electric current ran out from the fist of the leaf brake and blasted out towards the front, colliding with the stones and smashing them.

But at this moment, the walls of the buildings on both sides suddenly wriggled, two huge rock palms came out, and quickly closed to the leaf brake.

Ye Cha stretched out his arms toward both sides, and banged down the two huge rock palms.

The next moment, a car parked at the side of the road, suddenly started, flying towards the leaf brake and bumped over.


The leaf brake was hit, feet close to the ground, constantly sliding backward, and then a low drink, leaf brake raised his fist hard toward the car.


The front cover of the car quickly dented a large part, and the rear of the car was straight up, and then hit the ground heavily.

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