death train

Chapter 1905

After thinking for a while, ye Cha didn't have a clue. He simply didn't want to think about it. He said to Youye, "are you sure there's no problem?"

You night way: "you sleep to see not to know."

The leaf Cha thought to really is such a truth, then turn over to sleep.

It's rare. It's dawn all night!

When I woke up the next day, yecha was in good spirits. There was no nightmare. Yecha's sleep quality was excellent.

However, ye Cha soon regretted it.

With the dark night following, there was no provocation at all in the place of Shiyuan. Now he couldn't even enter the dream. He didn't even want to fight. Yecha couldn't help wondering what he was doing in the place of Shiyuan?

Since there is no fight, let's go.

The area of Shiyuan is not small, but it is not very huge. It took about a week to reach the border of Southern District.

The lucky place is that the Jianshan mountain Ye Cha is looking for is not far from the border. After another day's journey, Youye points to the distance and says, "that's the Jianshan mountain you are looking for. However, people here generally call it a forbidden area."

The leaf Cha way: "because rather far?"

Youye said: "yes, no one wants to die, but the place where they will die is called forbidden area. Therefore, some places are forbidden areas themselves, and some places are because some people are there. In other words, where some people are, they are forbidden areas."

Ye Cha nodded, no longer talking nonsense, but continued to drive.

When he came to Jianshan, ye Cha couldn't help picking his eyebrows.

It's really a very strange and spectacular mountain.

The strange thing is that the mountain is isolated, surrounded by wilderness, nothing at all, just a mountain standing there.

There is a stone road in front of the mountain, which can reach the top of the mountain all the way.

In addition, as the great sage said, the mountain is full of swords, all kinds of swords!

Ye Cha and you ye come near. Ye Cha sees the sword stele mentioned by the great sage.

Ye Cha's as like as two peas in the hands of Ye Cha, as the great sage said.

However, the stele is made of stone. It is huge, about seven or eight meters high and two or three meters wide. It stands at the foot of Jianshan mountain.

After taking out "this is a sword", ye Cha came to the front of the stele and compared it carefully. Although he could be sure that the sword in his hand came from the place of origin, it was obviously not enough. Ye Cha tried to find the connection between the two.

But at this time, ye Cha's ear suddenly rang out a voice: "you finally came, waiting for you for a long time."

Dark night incomparable vigilance, looked up to the side.

A man!

The white robe, the ancient Chinese robe, is a bit like a Han suit. A sword is on the other side's back and comes down the stone steps.

The dark night whispered, "he is Ningyuan."

"Ningyuan? Are you sure? " Ye Cha looked at the dark night, then looked at each other and said, "Oriental jade?"

The leaf Cha doesn't cover the amazement on the face.

Because the man who came down from the stone steps is Oriental jade!

as like as two peas, the same height is the same, especially the feeling that the Oriental jade is every hour and moment with a arrogant arrogance and arrogance that no one will put in the eyes.

saw as like as two peas in his eyes, the same look in his eyes.

The leaf Cha couldn't help licking the next corner of the mouth way: "who are you?"

The man looked at Ye Cha and said with a smile, "who do you say I am?"

Ye Cha lifted his eyelids and said, "Oriental jade!"

This tone, this intonation, that contemptuous attitude, ye Cha dares to guarantee that it is absolutely Oriental jade.

You night a face doubts, isn't rather far?

Dongfang Yu said: "Dongfang Yu, or Ningyuan, is just a name. What matters is that I am who I am. It doesn't matter what my name is."

Ye Cha said: "I should have killed you. Why did you survive? What's more, why in the original place? What's more, why can you get in and out of the original place? "

Dongfang Yu said: "first, I didn't kill you. I wrote down the account. I'll get it back from him sooner or later. Second, I died, but I didn't live. It's just that mafalian didn't know my secret. What he killed was my swordsman. Third, I was in the original place, and I've been there all the time."


At the moment when Dongfang Yuyan fell, there was a loud noise behind him. Then the ground cracked and was covered with sword marks.

Ye Cha was surprised. At that moment, ye Cha felt the power of the apostle.

You ye said, "this is his apostolic power. It comes from the swordsman. It's a rare kind of Apostle."

Dongfang Yu looked at the sword in Ye Cha's hand and said, "that's mine."

Ye Cha said, "it's mine now."

Dongfang Yu said with a smile: "I admire you for daring to say such words. You are really not afraid of death."The leaf Cha way: "that hits."

Dongfang Yu said, "I'll kill you now, one hand at most. Do you know that you've ruined my plan, and I can't kill you now."

When Dongfang Yu spoke, she kept going down to the bottom of the stone steps.

Dongfang Yu said, "I believe you must have a lot of doubts in your mind now."

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and said, "yes, I do have too many things I want to know."

Dongfang Yu suddenly turned around and looked at the Jianshan mountain. Then she said, "many people come here and want to look for things, because they think there should be something hidden on the mountain, but they are all mistaken. There is nothing in the mountain. I am not here to protect anything, but the mountain is mine. Because I am here, the mountain exists This mountain... "


At this time, the sword on the sword mountain trembled wildly and kept buzzing.

Dongfang Yuhui turned around and said, "this mountain is my sword."

Ye Cha frowned. He felt the sword trembling in his hand.

Dongfang Yu said, "when your swordsmanship is high enough, everything can be a sword. Now I'll give you a chance."

Ye Cha said, "what do you want?"

Dongfang Yu said: "I'll wait for you at the top of the mountain. If you can come up, you are qualified to fight with me. Now you can't, and if you can win me, I don't want the sword in your hand. But if you can't win, you can only die. I've been waiting for countless years. I don't care about waiting for 1000 years, 2000 years, or even 10000 years. Time It's terrifying, but if you live long enough, time is obviously meaningless

When Dongfang Yuyan fell, he took a step in the direction of the stone steps, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Come on, don't make me wait too long."

The voice of Oriental jade reverberates in the air.

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