death train

Chapter 1906

The Oriental jade disappeared.

Ye Cha looks up to the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, you can't see the things on the top of the mountain, but ye Cha always feels that he can see Oriental jade.

It's lonely to stand with your hands down.

Ye Cha doesn't like Dongfang Yu very much. Arrogance, conceit, perverseness and cruelty are all synonyms of Dongfang Yu. Ye Cha always thinks that a guy with such a bad temper, how can he be regarded as the Deputy conductor and how can he not be killed.

Of course, what ye Cha refers to is not these negative emotions, but the guy with so many negative emotions. He must be a perceptual person, not a rational person.

Perceptual people are weak in reason and not calm enough, which is the biggest defect and weakness of Dongfang jade.

However, ye Cha now has a different feeling. It seems that Dongfang Yu is tall and has some stories.

"In that case." Ye Cha said, "let me see who you are."

Yecha stepped forward, bypassed the stele and stepped on the first stone step.

Ye Cha yelled to the top of the mountain, "wait for me."

Yecha began to climb.

One step, two steps, three steps

But at this time, a sword light fell to the top of the mountain, extremely fierce and terrifying. Ye Cha crossed the sword in front of him, but soon found that the sword light didn't come towards him.

All of a sudden, ye Cha heard a light drink behind him. A large night appeared and covered the sky. The dark night rose up and merged with the night to meet the falling sword light.

The night quickly envelops the sword light. In a moment, the night spreads and the dark night falls back to the ground.


You ye Meng's mouth, a mouthful of blood sprayed on the ground, kneeling on one knee, pale.

Dongfang Yu's voice said, "I asked him to come up, not you."

Ye Cha looked back at the dark night and said, "wait for me below. I'll come back."

Ye Cha continued to climb to the top of the mountain, step by step up the stone steps.

The stone steps on the top of the mountain will not be so simple, which is expected. Otherwise, Dongfang Yu doesn't need to wait for herself on the top of the mountain.

So what happens?

Ye Cha didn't care. He only believed that he could reach the top of the mountain.


When ye Cha came to the 16th step, suddenly, a sound of sword sounds. Ye Cha looked up and looked around. The two sides of the mountain road were filled with swords, all kinds of swords.

At this moment, those swords shake up and make a clear sound. Then dozens of swords fly up and fall down in the direction of Ye cha.

The sword is powerful!

Ye Cha closed his eyes, then suddenly opened them and stepped forward again. This is the sword sweeping out towards the front.

Six dragons flying!

This is on the body of the sword. The bloody awn of the sword flowed out like mercury. Then in front of Ye Cha, it quickly condensed into a blood dragon and blasted out towards the front.

Boom, boom, boom!

Six blood dragons appeared in succession, rushed out in all directions, and quickly met the flying swords. The sound of impact kept ringing, and shot down the flying swords.

Kendo three thousand, once the road!

Ye Cha's ear suddenly heard a voice, not a mysterious voice, but

The voice of Oriental jade.

Ye Cha closed his eyes again. What he saw was not darkness, but a wilderness.

In the wilderness, the Oriental jade plate sits on the ground and the sword is on the knee.

The next moment, Dongfang Yu raised her sword, the sword trembled and chanted, and then stabbed it forward.

Under the light of sword, everything is quiet!

Ye Cha took a deep breath and grasped the sword handle tightly.

No sword light, no sword Qi, it's a sword that looks ordinary.

However, Dongfang Yuben is tens of meters away from yecha.

Naturally, the sword is tens of meters away from yecha.

But after a sword, the sword came to yecha's eyes, came to yecha's body, vowed to poke a hole in yecha.

Then, the sword suddenly slowed down.

No, it's just that ye Cha is faster. Ye Cha also stabs his sword.

The name of that sword is yiyanwannian.


The next moment, the sword in Dongfang Jade's hand broke.

Ye's sword came from ten thousand years ago, but dongfangyu's sword was only a few meters away.

The next moment, Dongfang Yuzhong sits on the ground and puts the broken sword on his knee.

A moment later, the scenery of the world changed, and yecha returned to the stone steps of Jianshan.

Ye Cha squints his eyes and goes up the stone steps. The sword around him comes again. Ye Cha waves a sword without hesitation.

that sword is as like as two peas before the East jade.

The flying long sword is still dozens of meters away. Ye Chajian comes out, and the sound of Jingling is constantly ringing. Then those swords fall on the ground.Ye Cha looked up at the top of the mountain and said, "you are crazy. You will regret it."

Dongfang Yu's voice didn't ring.

Ye Cha learned dongfangyu's sword. It was not ye Cha who wanted to learn it, but dongfangyu who taught it to Ye cha.

Ye Cha didn't know Dongfang Yu's intention. He could only think that Dongfang Yu was crazy.

The mountain road suddenly quieted down, because all the swords around fell to the ground. Yecha continued to walk forward, about 100 meters, and yecha saw a sword again.

A lonely sword.

That sword is very common. An ancient sword, if it was put in the era that ye Cha was familiar with, might be quite valuable, or even sky high price, because it is an ancient sword.

However, if we go back thousands of years, it is really a very common sword. In the blacksmith shop, it is about two liang silver.

Because, that is a common sword.

However, there is no other sword around that sword. It's only one, so it's unique.

Ye Cha comes to the sword and closes his eyes.

Around the scenery again circulation.

Ye Cha saw the road paved with bluestone bricks, surrounded by a bustling crowd, and the vendors of Shaobing yelled loudly. On the side of a red building of Zhuge Pavilion, women in light clothes were smiling on the fence to welcome guests.

On the way, a man in white came with a sword.

Here comes dongfangyu.

Walking through the street, Dongfang Yu is lonely and lonely.

The next moment, low cheers suddenly sounded, around the wall, countless green clothes guest suddenly jumped out.

The street vendor lost his hat and took out a long knife from the stove. The smile on the pretty woman's face faded gradually. Suddenly, he took out a dagger and fell from the second floor.

Those people want to kill dongfangyu.

Dongfang Yu stands with her sword in her arms. It's an ordinary sword. It's only worth two liang silver.

Dongfang Yu quietly watched those people come to him, and then Dongfang Yu pulled out the sword.

All of a sudden, it was snowing.

The flying is not snow, but sword light.

Dongfang Yu's Sword Pierced out, and the scattered light of the sword, like the wind and snow, roared around. It was sharp and cold. Everything in the world seemed to be covered by the light of the sword at the moment, with the intention of killing.

The next moment, the snow was dyed red.

It was stained with blood.

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