death train

Chapter 1907

The sword is just an ordinary sword. It's only worth two liang silver.

However, when the people who use the sword are not ordinary, it is not an ordinary sword, but a unique sword.


It's not the sword that's unique.

What is unique is people!

Dongfang Yu's side, the body fell, the pedestrians on the street had already scattered.

Oriental jade sword, blood dripping from the tip of the sword.

That year, the streets of Luoyang held out their swords and the whole world was shocked.

In the sky, I don't know when it began to rain.

Light rain, cool.

Ye Cha stood there, Dongfang Yu also stood there, and then they suddenly moved.

Leaf brake toward the front, rain in the palm of leaf brake condensation, quickly into a water sword.

The next moment, the two met in the middle of the street.


The two swords make a clear sound when they cross each other. As soon as they touch their swords, they leave, and then they brush each other.

The rain in the air was suddenly cut open, and the ripples disappeared in the puddles on the ground.

Ye suddenly turned to Dongfang Yu and put out his sword. Dongfang Yu didn't look back, but took the long sword to block the next blow. Then, the sword was shining all over the blade.

Ye Cha's toe light point, quickly toward the rear jump open, and then look down, his rain sword appeared numerous cracks.

Ye Cha throws the rain sword towards the front. The rain sword suddenly flies out towards the front. Then it suddenly splits and turns into a dense thin rain sword. It comes out towards the Oriental jade.

Dongfang jade hung her head. When countless rain swords came in front of her, she suddenly put out her sword.

The sword light turns snow!

The silver light of the sword was flying in the air.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The rain sword in the air is bursting and falling all around.

For a moment, all around seemed to be suddenly quiet.

On the street, two people.

Dongfang Yu slowly sent the sword back to the scabbard, and then knelt to the ground.

Dongfangyu's clothes exuded a bright red color, and the blood soaked dongfangyu's clothes.

Dongfang Yu took Ye Cha's sword, but could not take the rain, which could turn into Ye Cha's sword at any time.

Dongfang Yu didn't die in Ye Cha's hands, but died in the rain.

How can man resist nature?

Dongfang Yu puts her sword in front of her body. She is devout, attached and dependent. Then she loses her voice.

The scenery flows around again. Yecha opens his eyes and returns to the stone steps of Jianshan mountain.

The leaf Cha way: "but so."

Dongfang Yu's voice came from the top of the mountain and said, "it's just a sword in the world."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "let me see if it doesn't look like a sword in the world."

Ye Cha took this sword down behind him and continued to go forward along the stone steps.

One, ten, hundred.

After walking a hundred steps, ye Cha heard the sound of swords again, and then the thousand swords in the mountains vibrated. It seemed that those swords were pulled by some force, suddenly flew up and gathered together in the air.

A sword to the sky!

Those swords gathered in the sky and turned into a long river, like a silver ribbon, or a ferocious dragon, circling in the air, then ferociously falling down.

Fall in front of Ye Cha!

Leaf brake without any hesitation, toward the front step out, palm crazy gush out of flame.

The power of Yan's son!

A huge fire sword appeared in yecha's palm, and then with yecha's virtual cutting posture, the fire sword rose up, facing the sword river falling in the sky.


There was a huge roar. The fire sword collided with Jianhe river, and the sky seemed to be burning. The fire pushed around and made the sky red.

Every sword is burning.

Ye Cha closed his eyes again.

This time, yecha saw a mountain peak. On the side of the mountain peak was a cliff, and on the other side was a cliff.

Dongfangyu is standing on the other side's cliff, her clothes floating.

Ye Cha comes to the edge of the cliff and finds that Dongfang Yu doesn't seem to have the intention to start. Then he sits down on the edge of the cliff.

Time goes by.

When it comes to patience, ye Cha is always patient. He is not in a hurry, so he wants to see what tricks Dongfang Yu plans to play.

Sitting quietly on the edge of the cliff, ye Cha is waiting quietly. With his eyes slightly closed, ye Cha seems to be in a state of half dreaming and half waking.

As time goes by, ye Cha doesn't know how long it took.

The day is bright and the day is dark.

Day after day.

Dongfangyu is standing on the cliff. Yecha is sitting on the cliff. Day by day, I don't know the time.

Finally, Dongfang Yu opened her eyes, looked at Ye Cha and said, "do you understand?"Ye Cha said: "heaven is a sword, earth is a sword, you are also a sword. As long as you like, everything is a sword."

Oriental jade in Wujian!

If you realize the sword from the cliff, you will realize it in one day, and all the swordsmanship in the world will belong to one person.

This is the sky sword!

Tianjian Oriental jade!

Oriental jade negative hand but stand, looking at the leaf Cha way: "take me a sword."

At the moment when Dongfang Yuyan fell, a sharp feeling seemed to appear suddenly, which wrapped around Ye cha.

All swords in the world!

Ye Cha took a deep breath, looked at Dongfang Yu and said, "I can't take this sword."

Dongfang Yu said indifferently: "if you can't take it, you will die."

Ye Cha said: "you're wrong. If you fight for swordsmanship, I really can't take it down, but I don't seem to know more than swordsmanship."

Ye Cha spread his arms.

It's too late!

The harsh electric current sound appeared in the ear of the leaf brake, and then countless electric currents appeared around the body of the leaf brake.

Dongfang Yu picked her eyebrows.

The momentum of Ye Cha changed.

Like a sword hidden in the sheath, it suddenly comes out of the sheath, showing its sharp edge.

Oriental jade turns heaven and earth into sword.

Ye Cha uses his own sword.

Dongfang jade is naturally superior, but, as ye Cha said, ye Cha has more than just a sword.

God thunder!

In the sky, thunder, summer rain, electricity, such as long.

The golden thunder appeared in Ye Cha's palm, and then ye Cha's hands closed, and the golden thunder ball became a sword shape. The next moment, ye Cha released.

Heaven and earth become extremely fierce at the moment, because at the moment, heaven and earth are swords.

But at the moment, ye Cha holds the thunder sword and goes to the air.

The golden current surrounds Ye Cha's body. At this moment, ye Cha turns into a sword and comes out towards the front.

This is a sword against the sky!

Man's sword against heaven's sword!

All of a sudden, it became quiet. The two swords collided. They were not as powerful as they had imagined. There was no violent roar and the shock of destroying the sky and the earth.

As if they were just two ordinary swords.

However, in the next moment, Dongfang Yu's body split, the wind blew, and Dongfang Yu's body turned into nothingness, drifting away with the wind.


Ye Cha opened his eyes, his throat was sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale for several minutes, then he gritted his teeth and continued to go up the stone steps.

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